require 'rails/generators/named_base' module Thecore class ThecorizeModelsGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) def init_constants say "Setting the variables", :green @plugin_path = @destination_stack.first.match("^.*#{@name}"))[0] @parent_path = File.expand_path("..", @plugin_path) @plugin_parent_name = @parent_path.split(File::SEPARATOR).last @plugin_initializers_dir = File.join(@plugin_path, "config", "initializers") @plugin_models_dir = File.join(@plugin_path, "app", "models") @plugin_lib_file = File.join(@plugin_path, "lib", @name, "engine.rb") Dir.chdir @plugin_models_dir do # Getting all the models that are activerecords: @model_files = Dir.glob("*.rb").map do |model| file = File.join(@plugin_models_dir,model) model if is_applicationrecord?(file) end.compact end end desc "Replace ActiveRecord::Base with ApplicationRecord" def replace_active_record say "Replace ActiveRecord::Base with ApplicationRecord", :green # For each model in this gem @model_files.each do |entry| # It must be a class and don't have rails_admin declaration file = File.join(@plugin_models_dir, entry) # say "Checking file #{file}", :red if is_activerecord?(file) && !has_rails_admin_declaration?(file) # say "Replacing ActiveRecord::Base into #{entry}", :green # Add rails admin declaration gsub_file file, "ActiveRecord::Base", "ApplicationRecord" end end end desc "Add rails_admin declaration only in files which are ActiveRecords and don't already have that declaration" def add_rails_admin_reference say "Add rails_admin declaration only in files which are ActiveRecords and don't already have that declaration", :green # For each model in this gem @model_files.each do |entry| # It must be a class and don't have rails_admin declaration file = File.join(@plugin_models_dir,entry) # say "Checking file #{file}", :red if is_applicationrecord?(file) && !has_rails_admin_declaration?(file) # say "Adding rails_admin to #{entry}", :green # Add rails admin declaration inject_into_file file, before: /^end/ do " RailsAdmin.config do |config| config.model do navigation_label I18n.t('admin.settings.label') navigation_icon 'fa fa-file' end end " end end end end desc "Completes Belongs To Associations" def complete_belongs_to say "Completes Belongs To Associations", :green # For each model in this gem @model_files.each do |entry| # It must be a class and don't have rails_admin declaration file = File.join(@plugin_models_dir,entry) # say "Checking file #{file}", :red if is_applicationrecord?(file) # say "Adding inverse_of to all belongs_to in #{entry}", :green # belongs_to that don't have inverse_of gsub_file file, /^(?!.*inverse_of.*)^[ \t]*belongs_to.*$/ do |match| match << ", inverse_of: :#{entry.split(".").first.pluralize}" end end end end desc "Add Has Many Associations" def add_has_many say "Add Has Many Associations", :green # For each model in this gem @model_files.each do |entry| file = File.join(@plugin_models_dir,entry) # It must be an activerecord model class if is_applicationrecord?(file) # say "Looking for belongs_to in #{entry} and adding the relevant has_manies", :green # Polymorphic must be managed manually File.readlines(file).grep(/^(?!.*polymorphic.*)^[ \t]*belongs_to :(.*),.+/).each do |a| target_association = a[/:(.*?),/,1] # look if the file identified by association .rb exists associated_file = File.join(@plugin_models_dir,"#{target_association}.rb") starting_model = entry.split(".").first.pluralize # say "Found belongs_to association: #{target_association} for the model: #{starting_model}", :green # say "- Looking for model file: #{associated_file}", :green if File.exists?(associated_file) # say "The file in which to add has_many, exists and the has_many does not! #{associated_file}", :green # if true, check that the association is non existent and add the association to that file inject_into_file associated_file, after: " < ApplicationRecord\n" do "\n\t\thas_many :#{starting_model}, inverse_of: :#{target_association}, dependent: :destroy\n" end unless has_has_many_association?(associated_file, starting_model) else # otherwise (the file does not exist) check if the initializer for concerns exists, # For each model in this gem initializer_name = "associations_#{target_association}_concern.rb" initializer initializer_name do "require 'active_support/concern' module #{target_association.classify}AssociationsConcern extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do end end # include the extension # #{target_association.classify}.send(:include, #{target_association.classify}AssociationsConcern) " end unless File.exists?(File.join(@plugin_initializers_dir, initializer_name)) # AGGIUNGO L'INCLUDE say "Adding after_initialize file", :green after_initialize_file_name = "#{@name}_after_initialize.rb" after_initialize_file_fullpath = File.join(@plugin_initializers_dir, after_initialize_file_name) initializer after_initialize_file_name do "Rails.application.configure do\n\tconfig.after_initialize do\n\tend\nend" end unless File.exists?(after_initialize_file_fullpath) inject_into_file after_initialize_file_fullpath, after: "config.after_initialize do\n" do "\n\t\t#{target_association.classify}.send(:include, #{target_association.classify}AssociationsConcern)\n" end # then add to it the has_many declaration # TODO: only if it doesn't already exists inject_into_file File.join(@plugin_initializers_dir, initializer_name), after: "included do\n" do "\n\t\thas_many :#{starting_model}, inverse_of: :#{target_association}, dependent: :destroy\n" end end end end end end desc "Add Has Many Through Associations" def add_has_many_through say "Add Has Many Through Associations", :green # I'ts just an approximation, but for now it could work @model_files.each do |model| association_model = model.split(".").first file = File.join(@plugin_models_dir,model) # It must be an activerecord model class model_with_belongs_to = File.readlines(file).grep(/^[ \t]*belongs_to :.*$/) if model_with_belongs_to.size == 2 if yes?("Is #{model} an association model for a has_many through relation?", :red) # getting both the belongs_to models, find their model files, and add the through to each other left_side = model_with_belongs_to.first[/:(.*?),/,1] right_side = model_with_belongs_to.last[/:(.*?),/,1] # This side of the through inject_into_file File.join(@plugin_models_dir, "#{left_side}.rb"), after: " < ApplicationRecord\n" do #has_many :rooms, through: :chosen_rooms, inverse_of: :chosen_decks " has_many :#{right_side.pluralize}, through: :#{association_model.pluralize}, inverse_of: :#{left_side.pluralize} " end unless is_has_many_through? file, right_side.pluralize, association_model.pluralize # Other side of the through inject_into_file File.join(@plugin_models_dir, "#{right_side}.rb"), after: " < ApplicationRecord\n" do #has_many :rooms, through: :chosen_rooms, inverse_of: :chosen_decks " has_many :#{left_side.pluralize}, through: :#{association_model.pluralize}, inverse_of: :#{right_side.pluralize} " end unless is_has_many_through? file, left_side.pluralize, association_model.pluralize end end end end desc "Detect polymorphic Associations" def detect_polymorphic_associations say "Detect polymorphic Associations", :green # For each model in this gem # say "MODEL FILES: #{@model_files.inspect} " @model_files.each do |model| file = File.join(@plugin_models_dir,model) # It must be an activerecord model class # belongs_to :rowable, polymorphic: true, inverse_of: :rows polymorphics = File.readlines(file).grep(/^[ \t]*belongs_to :.*polymorphic.*/) polymorphics.each do |polymorphic_belongs_to| polymorphic_target_association = polymorphic_belongs_to[/:(.*?),/,1] # Just keeping the models that are not this model, and answers = ask_question_multiple_choice @model_files.reject {|m| m == model || has_polymorphic_has_many?(File.join(@plugin_models_dir,m), polymorphic_target_association)}, "Where do you want to add the polymorphic has_many called #{polymorphic_target_association} found in #{model}?" answers.each do |answer| # Add the polymorphic has_name declaration inject_into_file File.join(@plugin_models_dir, answer), after: " < ApplicationRecord\n" do " has_many :#{model.split(".").first.pluralize}, as: :#{polymorphic_target_association}, inverse_of: :#{answer.split(".").first.singularize}, dependent: :destroy " end end end end end private def ask_question_multiple_choice models, question = "Choose among one of these, please." return [] if models.empty? # raccolgo tutte le risposte che non siano cancel # e ritorno l'array return_array = [] while (answer ||= "") != "cancel" remaining_models = (models-return_array) break if remaining_models.empty? answer = ask question, :red, limited_to: remaining_models.push("cancel").uniq break if answer == "cancel" return_array.push answer end return return_array end def is_has_many_through? file, assoc, through (File.readlines(file).grep(/^[ \t]*has_many[ \t]+:#{assoc},[ \t]+through:[ \t]+:#{through}.*/).size > 0) rescue false end def has_polymorphic_has_many? file, polymorphic_name (File.readlines(file).grep(/^[ \t]*has_many.+as: :#{polymorphic_name}.*/).size > 0) rescue false end def is_activerecord? file (File.readlines(file).grep(/^class [A-Za-z0-9]+ < ActiveRecord::Base/).size > 0) rescue false end def is_applicationrecord? file (File.readlines(file).grep(/^class [A-Za-z0-9]+ < ApplicationRecord/).size > 0) rescue false end def has_rails_admin_declaration? file (File.readlines(file).grep(/^[ \t]*RailsAdmin.config do/).size > 0) rescue false end def is_engine? file (File.readlines(file).grep(/^[ \t]*class Engine < ::Rails::Engine/).size > 0) rescue false end def has_add_to_migrations_declaration? file (File.readlines(file).grep(/^[ \t]*initializer '[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.add_to_migrations' do \|app\|/).size > 0) rescue false end def has_has_many_association? file, assoc reg_def = "^[ \\t]+has_many[ \\t]+:#{assoc}" (File.readlines(file).grep( > 0) rescue false end end end