- resolve confusion between content-generation in #load vs. #final_content + who does what? + replacement/modification of HTML elements (image sizing, etc.) only happens in #load + maybe #final_content should have option to fully qualify URIs, etc., to handle feed content - split Resource#date into Resource#published & Resource#updated + add element to feed + #published should be stated date (e.g., from header) + #updated should be mtime of source file - refactor MIME type usage + allow specified type as regexp or glob (use File.fnmatch?) + convert to MIME::Type object(s) - make Navigator into more generic Collection + include Enumerable - make Resource::External for external links? + add on import of HTML (by examining href/src/etc attributes) - Rationalize resource URI usage: + #shorten_uris should only apply to writing final files. + In original content/etc., URIs should be more flexible. + A #convert_uris method should convert all references to proper type. - Compress/minify Javascript, CSS, and HTML + https://remino.net/rails-html-css-js-gzip-compression/ + http://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#_16 + JS: https://github.com/lautis/uglifier + HTML: https://github.com/paolochiodi/htmlcompressor + CSS: https://github.com/matthiassiegel/cssminify - Write compressed versions along with non-compressed + Modify SimpleServer to use compressed versions if asked by client - Add MailChimp signup form generator to HTMLHelpers. - Add Google Analytics bug generator to HTMLHelpers and Mill setup.