ENV["XAPIAN_FLUSH_THRESHOLD"] = "1000" ENV["XAPIAN_CJK_NGRAM"] = "1" require 'xapian' require 'set' require 'fileutils' require 'monitor' require 'chronic' require "sup/util/query" require "sup/interactive_lock" require "sup/hook" require "sup/logger/singleton" if ([Xapian.major_version, Xapian.minor_version, Xapian.revision] <=> [1,2,15]) < 0 fail <<-EOF \n Xapian version 1.2.15 or higher required. If you have xapian-full-alaveteli installed, Please remove it by running `gem uninstall xapian-full-alaveteli` since it's been replaced by the xapian-ruby gem. EOF end module Redwood # This index implementation uses Xapian for searching and storage. It # tends to be slightly faster than Ferret for indexing and significantly faster # for searching due to precomputing thread membership. class Index include InteractiveLock INDEX_VERSION = '4' ## dates are converted to integers for xapian, and are used for document ids, ## so we must ensure they're reasonably valid. this typically only affect ## spam. MIN_DATE = Time.at 0 MAX_DATE = Time.at(2**31-1) HookManager.register "custom-search", < 0, :max_age => nil @sync_worker = nil @sync_queue = Queue.new @index_mutex = Monitor.new end def lockfile; File.join @dir, "lock" end def lock debug "locking #{lockfile}..." begin @lock.lock rescue Lockfile::MaxTriesLockError raise LockError, @lock.lockinfo_on_disk end end def start_lock_update_thread @lock_update_thread = Redwood::reporting_thread("lock update") do while true sleep 30 @lock.touch_yourself end end end def stop_lock_update_thread @lock_update_thread.kill if @lock_update_thread @lock_update_thread = nil end def unlock if @lock && @lock.locked? debug "unlocking #{lockfile}..." @lock.unlock end end def load SourceManager.load_sources load_index end def save debug "saving index and sources..." FileUtils.mkdir_p @dir unless File.exists? @dir SourceManager.save_sources save_index end def load_index path = File.join(@dir, 'xapian') if File.exists? path @xapian = Xapian::WritableDatabase.new(path, Xapian::DB_OPEN) db_version = @xapian.get_metadata 'version' db_version = '0' if db_version.empty? if false info "Upgrading index format #{db_version} to #{INDEX_VERSION}" @xapian.set_metadata 'version', INDEX_VERSION elsif db_version != INDEX_VERSION fail "This Sup version expects a v#{INDEX_VERSION} index, but you have an existing v#{db_version} index. Please run sup-dump to save your labels, move #{path} out of the way, and run sup-sync --restore." end else @xapian = Xapian::WritableDatabase.new(path, Xapian::DB_CREATE) @xapian.set_metadata 'version', INDEX_VERSION @xapian.set_metadata 'rescue-version', '0' end @enquire = Xapian::Enquire.new @xapian @enquire.weighting_scheme = Xapian::BoolWeight.new @enquire.docid_order = Xapian::Enquire::ASCENDING end def add_message m; sync_message m, true end def update_message m; sync_message m, true end def update_message_state m; sync_message m[0], false, m[1] end def save_index info "Flushing Xapian updates to disk. This may take a while..." @xapian.flush end def contains_id? id synchronize { find_docid(id) && true } end def contains? m; contains_id? m.id end def size synchronize { @xapian.doccount } end def empty?; size == 0 end ## Yields a message-id and message-building lambda for each ## message that matches the given query, in descending date order. ## You should probably not call this on a block that doesn't break ## rather quickly because the results can be very large. def each_id_by_date query={} each_id(query) { |id| yield id, lambda { build_message id } } end ## Return the number of matches for query in the index def num_results_for query={} xapian_query = build_xapian_query query matchset = run_query xapian_query, 0, 0, 100 matchset.matches_estimated end ## check if a message is part of a killed thread ## (warning: duplicates code below) ## NOTE: We can be more efficient if we assume every ## killed message that hasn't been initially added ## to the indexi s this way def message_joining_killed? m return false unless doc = find_doc(m.id) queue = doc.value(THREAD_VALUENO).split(',') seen_threads = Set.new seen_messages = Set.new [m.id] while not queue.empty? thread_id = queue.pop next if seen_threads.member? thread_id return true if thread_killed?(thread_id) seen_threads << thread_id docs = term_docids(mkterm(:thread, thread_id)).map { |x| @xapian.document x } docs.each do |doc| msgid = doc.value MSGID_VALUENO next if seen_messages.member? msgid seen_messages << msgid queue.concat doc.value(THREAD_VALUENO).split(',') end end false end ## yield all messages in the thread containing 'm' by repeatedly ## querying the index. yields pairs of message ids and ## message-building lambdas, so that building an unwanted message ## can be skipped in the block if desired. ## ## only two options, :limit and :skip_killed. if :skip_killed is ## true, stops loading any thread if a message with a :killed flag ## is found. def each_message_in_thread_for m, opts={} # TODO thread by subject return unless doc = find_doc(m.id) queue = doc.value(THREAD_VALUENO).split(',') msgids = [m.id] seen_threads = Set.new seen_messages = Set.new [m.id] while not queue.empty? thread_id = queue.pop next if seen_threads.member? thread_id return false if opts[:skip_killed] && thread_killed?(thread_id) seen_threads << thread_id docs = term_docids(mkterm(:thread, thread_id)).map { |x| @xapian.document x } docs.each do |doc| msgid = doc.value MSGID_VALUENO next if seen_messages.member? msgid msgids << msgid seen_messages << msgid queue.concat doc.value(THREAD_VALUENO).split(',') end end msgids.each { |id| yield id, lambda { build_message id } } true end ## Load message with the given message-id from the index def build_message id entry = synchronize { get_entry id } return unless entry locations = entry[:locations].map do |source_id,source_info| source = SourceManager[source_id] raise "invalid source #{source_id}" unless source Location.new source, source_info end m = Message.new :locations => locations, :labels => entry[:labels], :snippet => entry[:snippet] # Try to find person from contacts before falling back to # generating it from the address. mk_person = lambda { |x| Person.from_name_and_email(*x.reverse!) } entry[:from] = mk_person[entry[:from]] entry[:to].map!(&mk_person) entry[:cc].map!(&mk_person) entry[:bcc].map!(&mk_person) m.load_from_index! entry m end ## Delete message with the given message-id from the index def delete id synchronize { @xapian.delete_document mkterm(:msgid, id) } end ## Given an array of email addresses, return an array of Person objects that ## have sent mail to or received mail from any of the given addresses. def load_contacts email_addresses, opts={} contacts = Set.new num = opts[:num] || 20 each_id_by_date :participants => email_addresses do |id,b| break if contacts.size >= num m = b.call ([m.from]+m.to+m.cc+m.bcc).compact.each { |p| contacts << [p.name, p.email] } end contacts.to_a.compact[0...num].map { |n,e| Person.from_name_and_email n, e } end ## Yield each message-id matching query EACH_ID_PAGE = 100 def each_id query={}, ignore_neg_terms = true offset = 0 page = EACH_ID_PAGE xapian_query = build_xapian_query query, ignore_neg_terms while true ids = run_query_ids xapian_query, offset, (offset+page) ids.each { |id| yield id } break if ids.size < page offset += page end end ## Yield each message matching query ## The ignore_neg_terms parameter is used to display result even if ## it contains "forbidden" labels such as :deleted, it is used in ## Poll#poll_from when we need to get the location of a message that ## may contain these labels def each_message query={}, ignore_neg_terms = true, &b each_id query, ignore_neg_terms do |id| yield build_message(id) end end # Search messages. Returns an Enumerator. def find_messages query_expr enum_for :each_message, parse_query(query_expr) end # wrap all future changes inside a transaction so they're done atomically def begin_transaction synchronize { @xapian.begin_transaction } end # complete the transaction and write all previous changes to disk def commit_transaction synchronize { @xapian.commit_transaction } end # abort the transaction and revert all changes made since begin_transaction def cancel_transaction synchronize { @xapian.cancel_transaction } end ## xapian-compact takes too long, so this is a no-op ## until we think of something better def optimize end ## Return the id source of the source the message with the given message-id ## was synced from def source_for_id id synchronize { get_entry(id)[:source_id] } end ## Yields each tearm in the index that starts with prefix def each_prefixed_term prefix term = @xapian._dangerous_allterms_begin prefix lastTerm = @xapian._dangerous_allterms_end prefix until term.equals lastTerm yield term.term term.next end nil end ## Yields (in lexicographical order) the source infos of all locations from ## the given source with the given source_info prefix def each_source_info source_id, prefix='', &b p = mkterm :location, source_id, prefix each_prefixed_term p do |x| yield prefix + x[p.length..-1] end end class ParseError < StandardError; end # Stemmed NORMAL_PREFIX = { 'subject' => {:prefix => 'S', :exclusive => false}, 'body' => {:prefix => 'B', :exclusive => false}, 'from_name' => {:prefix => 'FN', :exclusive => false}, 'to_name' => {:prefix => 'TN', :exclusive => false}, 'name' => {:prefix => %w(FN TN), :exclusive => false}, 'attachment' => {:prefix => 'A', :exclusive => false}, 'email_text' => {:prefix => 'E', :exclusive => false}, '' => {:prefix => %w(S B FN TN A E), :exclusive => false}, } # Unstemmed BOOLEAN_PREFIX = { 'type' => {:prefix => 'K', :exclusive => true}, 'from_email' => {:prefix => 'FE', :exclusive => false}, 'to_email' => {:prefix => 'TE', :exclusive => false}, 'email' => {:prefix => %w(FE TE), :exclusive => false}, 'date' => {:prefix => 'D', :exclusive => true}, 'label' => {:prefix => 'L', :exclusive => false}, 'source_id' => {:prefix => 'I', :exclusive => true}, 'attachment_extension' => {:prefix => 'O', :exclusive => false}, 'msgid' => {:prefix => 'Q', :exclusive => true}, 'id' => {:prefix => 'Q', :exclusive => true}, 'thread' => {:prefix => 'H', :exclusive => false}, 'ref' => {:prefix => 'R', :exclusive => false}, 'location' => {:prefix => 'J', :exclusive => false}, } PREFIX = NORMAL_PREFIX.merge BOOLEAN_PREFIX COMPL_OPERATORS = %w[AND OR NOT] COMPL_PREFIXES = ( %w[ from to is has label filename filetypem before on in during after limit ] + NORMAL_PREFIX.keys + BOOLEAN_PREFIX.keys ).map{|p|"#{p}:"} + COMPL_OPERATORS ## parse a query string from the user. returns a query object ## that can be passed to any index method with a 'query' ## argument. ## ## raises a ParseError if something went wrong. def parse_query s query = {} subs = HookManager.run("custom-search", :subs => s) || s begin subs = SearchManager.expand subs rescue SearchManager::ExpansionError => e raise ParseError, e.message end subs = subs.gsub(/\b(to|from):(\S+)\b/) do field, value = $1, $2 email_field, name_field = %w(email name).map { |x| "#{field}_#{x}" } if(p = ContactManager.contact_for(value)) "#{email_field}:#{p.email}" elsif value == "me" '(' + AccountManager.user_emails.map { |e| "#{email_field}:#{e}" }.join(' OR ') + ')' else "(#{email_field}:#{value} OR #{name_field}:#{value})" end end ## gmail style "is" operator subs = subs.gsub(/\b(is|has):(\S+)\b/) do field, label = $1, $2 case label when "read" "-label:unread" when "spam" query[:load_spam] = true "label:spam" when "deleted" query[:load_deleted] = true "label:deleted" else "label:#{$2}" end end ## labels are stored lower-case in the index subs = subs.gsub(/\blabel:(\S+)\b/) do label = $1 "label:#{label.downcase}" end ## if we see a label:deleted or a label:spam term anywhere in the query ## string, we set the extra load_spam or load_deleted options to true. ## bizarre? well, because the query allows arbitrary parenthesized boolean ## expressions, without fully parsing the query, we can't tell whether ## the user is explicitly directing us to search spam messages or not. ## e.g. if the string is -(-(-(-(-label:spam)))), does the user want to ## search spam messages or not? ## ## so, we rely on the fact that turning these extra options ON turns OFF ## the adding of "-label:deleted" or "-label:spam" terms at the very ## final stage of query processing. if the user wants to search spam ## messages, not adding that is the right thing; if he doesn't want to ## search spam messages, then not adding it won't have any effect. query[:load_spam] = true if subs =~ /\blabel:spam\b/ query[:load_deleted] = true if subs =~ /\blabel:deleted\b/ query[:load_killed] = true if subs =~ /\blabel:killed\b/ ## gmail style attachments "filename" and "filetype" searches subs = subs.gsub(/\b(filename|filetype):(\((.+?)\)\B|(\S+)\b)/) do field, name = $1, ($3 || $4) case field when "filename" debug "filename: translated #{field}:#{name} to attachment:\"#{name.downcase}\"" "attachment:\"#{name.downcase}\"" when "filetype" debug "filetype: translated #{field}:#{name} to attachment_extension:#{name.downcase}" "attachment_extension:#{name.downcase}" end end lastdate = 2<<32 - 1 firstdate = 0 subs = subs.gsub(/\b(before|on|in|during|after):(\((.+?)\)\B|(\S+)\b)/) do field, datestr = $1, ($3 || $4) realdate = Chronic.parse datestr, :guess => false, :context => :past if realdate case field when "after" debug "chronic: translated #{field}:#{datestr} to #{realdate.end}" "date:#{realdate.end.to_i}..#{lastdate}" when "before" debug "chronic: translated #{field}:#{datestr} to #{realdate.begin}" "date:#{firstdate}..#{realdate.end.to_i}" else debug "chronic: translated #{field}:#{datestr} to #{realdate}" "date:#{realdate.begin.to_i}..#{realdate.end.to_i}" end else raise ParseError, "can't understand date #{datestr.inspect}" end end ## limit:42 restrict the search to 42 results subs = subs.gsub(/\blimit:(\S+)\b/) do lim = $1 if lim =~ /^\d+$/ query[:limit] = lim.to_i '' else raise ParseError, "non-numeric limit #{lim.inspect}" end end debug "translated query: #{subs.inspect}" qp = Xapian::QueryParser.new qp.database = @xapian qp.stemmer = Xapian::Stem.new($config[:stem_language]) qp.stemming_strategy = Xapian::QueryParser::STEM_SOME qp.default_op = Xapian::Query::OP_AND qp.add_valuerangeprocessor(Xapian::NumberValueRangeProcessor.new(DATE_VALUENO, 'date:', true)) NORMAL_PREFIX.each { |k,info| info[:prefix].each { |v| qp.add_prefix k, v } } BOOLEAN_PREFIX.each { |k,info| info[:prefix].each { |v| qp.add_boolean_prefix k, v, info[:exclusive] } } begin xapian_query = qp.parse_query(subs, Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_PHRASE|Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_BOOLEAN|Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_LOVEHATE|Xapian::QueryParser::FLAG_WILDCARD) rescue RuntimeError => e raise ParseError, "xapian query parser error: #{e}" end debug "parsed xapian query: #{Util::Query.describe(xapian_query, subs)}" raise ParseError if xapian_query.nil? or xapian_query.empty? query[:qobj] = xapian_query query[:text] = s query end def save_message m, sync_back = true if @sync_worker @sync_queue << [m, sync_back] else update_message_state [m, sync_back] end m.clear_dirty end def save_thread t, sync_back = true t.each_dirty_message do |m| save_message m, sync_back end end def start_sync_worker @sync_worker = Redwood::reporting_thread('index sync') { run_sync_worker } end def stop_sync_worker return unless worker = @sync_worker @sync_worker = nil @sync_queue << :die worker.join end def run_sync_worker while m = @sync_queue.deq return if m == :die update_message_state m # Necessary to keep Xapian calls from lagging the UI too much. sleep 0.03 end end private MSGID_VALUENO = 0 THREAD_VALUENO = 1 DATE_VALUENO = 2 MAX_TERM_LENGTH = 245 # Xapian can very efficiently sort in ascending docid order. Sup always wants # to sort by descending date, so this method maps between them. In order to # handle multiple messages per second, we use a logistic curve centered # around MIDDLE_DATE so that the slope (docid/s) is greatest in this time # period. A docid collision is not an error - the code will pick the next # smallest unused one. DOCID_SCALE = 2.0**32 TIME_SCALE = 2.0**27 MIDDLE_DATE = Time.gm(2011) def assign_docid m, truncated_date t = (truncated_date.to_i - MIDDLE_DATE.to_i).to_f docid = (DOCID_SCALE - DOCID_SCALE/(Math::E**(-(t/TIME_SCALE)) + 1)).to_i while docid > 0 and docid_exists? docid docid -= 1 end docid > 0 ? docid : nil end # XXX is there a better way? def docid_exists? docid begin @xapian.doclength docid true rescue RuntimeError #Xapian::DocNotFoundError raise unless $!.message =~ /DocNotFoundError/ false end end def term_docids term @xapian.postlist(term).map { |x| x.docid } end def find_docid id docids = term_docids(mkterm(:msgid,id)) fail unless docids.size <= 1 docids.first end def find_doc id return unless docid = find_docid(id) @xapian.document docid end def get_id docid return unless doc = @xapian.document(docid) doc.value MSGID_VALUENO end def get_entry id return unless doc = find_doc(id) doc.entry end def thread_killed? thread_id not run_query(Q.new(Q::OP_AND, mkterm(:thread, thread_id), mkterm(:label, :Killed)), 0, 1).empty? end def synchronize &b @index_mutex.synchronize &b end def run_query xapian_query, offset, limit, checkatleast=0 synchronize do @enquire.query = xapian_query @enquire.mset(offset, limit-offset, checkatleast) end end def run_query_ids xapian_query, offset, limit matchset = run_query xapian_query, offset, limit matchset.matches.map { |r| r.document.value MSGID_VALUENO } end Q = Xapian::Query def build_xapian_query opts, ignore_neg_terms = true labels = ([opts[:label]] + (opts[:labels] || [])).compact neglabels = [:spam, :deleted, :killed].reject { |l| (labels.include? l) || opts.member?("load_#{l}".intern) } pos_terms, neg_terms = [], [] pos_terms << mkterm(:type, 'mail') pos_terms.concat(labels.map { |l| mkterm(:label,l) }) pos_terms << opts[:qobj] if opts[:qobj] pos_terms << mkterm(:source_id, opts[:source_id]) if opts[:source_id] pos_terms << mkterm(:location, *opts[:location]) if opts[:location] if opts[:participants] participant_terms = opts[:participants].map { |p| [:from,:to].map { |d| mkterm(:email, d, (Redwood::Person === p) ? p.email : p) } }.flatten pos_terms << Q.new(Q::OP_OR, participant_terms) end neg_terms.concat(neglabels.map { |l| mkterm(:label,l) }) if ignore_neg_terms pos_query = Q.new(Q::OP_AND, pos_terms) neg_query = Q.new(Q::OP_OR, neg_terms) if neg_query.empty? pos_query else Q.new(Q::OP_AND_NOT, [pos_query, neg_query]) end end def sync_message m, overwrite, sync_back = true ## TODO: we should not save the message if the sync_back failed ## since it would overwrite the location field m.sync_back if sync_back doc = synchronize { find_doc(m.id) } existed = doc != nil doc ||= Xapian::Document.new do_index_static = overwrite || !existed old_entry = !do_index_static && doc.entry snippet = do_index_static ? m.snippet : old_entry[:snippet] entry = { :message_id => m.id, :locations => m.locations.map { |x| [x.source.id, x.info] }, :date => truncate_date(m.date), :snippet => snippet, :labels => m.labels.to_a, :from => [m.from.email, m.from.name], :to => m.to.map { |p| [p.email, p.name] }, :cc => m.cc.map { |p| [p.email, p.name] }, :bcc => m.bcc.map { |p| [p.email, p.name] }, :subject => m.subj, :refs => m.refs.to_a, :replytos => m.replytos.to_a, } if do_index_static doc.clear_terms doc.clear_values index_message_static m, doc, entry end index_message_locations doc, entry, old_entry index_message_threading doc, entry, old_entry index_message_labels doc, entry[:labels], (do_index_static ? [] : old_entry[:labels]) doc.entry = entry synchronize do unless docid = existed ? doc.docid : assign_docid(m, truncate_date(m.date)) # Could be triggered by spam warn "docid underflow, dropping #{m.id.inspect}" return end @xapian.replace_document docid, doc end m.labels.each { |l| LabelManager << l } true end ## Index content that can't be changed by the user def index_message_static m, doc, entry # Person names are indexed with several prefixes person_termer = lambda do |d| lambda do |p| doc.index_text p.name, PREFIX["#{d}_name"][:prefix] if p.name doc.index_text p.email, PREFIX['email_text'][:prefix] doc.add_term mkterm(:email, d, p.email) end end person_termer[:from][m.from] if m.from (m.to+m.cc+m.bcc).each(&(person_termer[:to])) # Full text search content subject_text = m.indexable_subject body_text = m.indexable_body doc.index_text subject_text, PREFIX['subject'][:prefix] doc.index_text body_text, PREFIX['body'][:prefix] m.attachments.each { |a| doc.index_text a, PREFIX['attachment'][:prefix] } # Miscellaneous terms doc.add_term mkterm(:date, m.date) if m.date doc.add_term mkterm(:type, 'mail') doc.add_term mkterm(:msgid, m.id) m.attachments.each do |a| a =~ /\.(\w+)$/ or next doc.add_term mkterm(:attachment_extension, $1) end # Date value for range queries date_value = begin Xapian.sortable_serialise m.date.to_i rescue TypeError Xapian.sortable_serialise 0 end doc.add_value MSGID_VALUENO, m.id doc.add_value DATE_VALUENO, date_value end def index_message_locations doc, entry, old_entry old_entry[:locations].map { |x| x[0] }.uniq.each { |x| doc.remove_term mkterm(:source_id, x) } if old_entry entry[:locations].map { |x| x[0] }.uniq.each { |x| doc.add_term mkterm(:source_id, x) } old_entry[:locations].each { |x| (doc.remove_term mkterm(:location, *x) rescue nil) } if old_entry entry[:locations].each { |x| doc.add_term mkterm(:location, *x) } end def index_message_labels doc, new_labels, old_labels return if new_labels == old_labels added = new_labels.to_a - old_labels.to_a removed = old_labels.to_a - new_labels.to_a added.each { |t| doc.add_term mkterm(:label,t) } removed.each { |t| doc.remove_term mkterm(:label,t) } end ## Assign a set of thread ids to the document. This is a hybrid of the runtime ## search done by the Ferret index and the index-time union done by previous ## versions of the Xapian index. We first find the thread ids of all messages ## with a reference to or from us. If that set is empty, we use our own ## message id. Otherwise, we use all the thread ids we previously found. In ## the common case there's only one member in that set, but if we're the ## missing link between multiple previously unrelated threads we can have ## more. XapianIndex#each_message_in_thread_for follows the thread ids when ## searching so the user sees a single unified thread. def index_message_threading doc, entry, old_entry return if old_entry && (entry[:refs] == old_entry[:refs]) && (entry[:replytos] == old_entry[:replytos]) children = term_docids(mkterm(:ref, entry[:message_id])).map { |docid| @xapian.document docid } parent_ids = entry[:refs] + entry[:replytos] parents = parent_ids.map { |id| find_doc id }.compact thread_members = SavingHash.new { [] } (children + parents).each do |doc2| thread_ids = doc2.value(THREAD_VALUENO).split ',' thread_ids.each { |thread_id| thread_members[thread_id] << doc2 } end thread_ids = thread_members.empty? ? [entry[:message_id]] : thread_members.keys thread_ids.each { |thread_id| doc.add_term mkterm(:thread, thread_id) } parent_ids.each { |ref| doc.add_term mkterm(:ref, ref) } doc.add_value THREAD_VALUENO, (thread_ids * ',') end def truncate_date date if date < MIN_DATE debug "warning: adjusting too-low date #{date} for indexing" MIN_DATE elsif date > MAX_DATE debug "warning: adjusting too-high date #{date} for indexing" MAX_DATE else date end end # Construct a Xapian term def mkterm type, *args case type when :label PREFIX['label'][:prefix] + args[0].to_s.downcase when :type PREFIX['type'][:prefix] + args[0].to_s.downcase when :date PREFIX['date'][:prefix] + args[0].getutc.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") when :email case args[0] when :from then PREFIX['from_email'][:prefix] when :to then PREFIX['to_email'][:prefix] else raise "Invalid email term type #{args[0]}" end + args[1].to_s.downcase when :source_id PREFIX['source_id'][:prefix] + args[0].to_s.downcase when :location PREFIX['location'][:prefix] + [args[0]].pack('n') + args[1].to_s when :attachment_extension PREFIX['attachment_extension'][:prefix] + args[0].to_s.downcase when :msgid, :ref, :thread PREFIX[type.to_s][:prefix] + args[0][0...(MAX_TERM_LENGTH-1)] else raise "Invalid term type #{type}" end end end end class Xapian::Document def entry Marshal.load data end def entry=(x) self.data = Marshal.dump x end def index_text text, prefix, weight=1 term_generator = Xapian::TermGenerator.new term_generator.stemmer = Xapian::Stem.new($config[:stem_language]) term_generator.document = self term_generator.index_text text, weight, prefix end alias old_add_term add_term def add_term term if term.length <= Redwood::Index::MAX_TERM_LENGTH old_add_term term, 0 else warn "dropping excessively long term #{term}" end end end