require 'spec_helper' describe "Ripple Associations" do require 'support/test_server' before :all do Object.module_eval do class User include Ripple::Document one :profile many :addresses property :email, String, :presence => true many :friends, :class_name => "User" one :emergency_contact, :class_name => "User" one :credit_card, :using => :key end class Profile include Ripple::EmbeddedDocument property :name, String, :presence => true embedded_in :user end class Address include Ripple::EmbeddedDocument property :street, String, :presence => true property :kind, String, :presence => true embedded_in :user end class CreditCard include Ripple::Document one :user, :using => :key property :number, Integer end class Post include Ripple::Document one :user, :using => :stored_key many :comments, :using => :stored_key property :comment_keys, Array property :user_key, String property :title, String end class Comment include Ripple::Document end end end before :each do @user = => '') @profile = => 'Ripple') @billing = => '123 Somewhere Dr', :kind => 'billing') @shipping = => '321 Anywhere Pl', :kind => 'shipping') @friend1 = User.create(:email => "") @friend2 = User.create(:email => "") @cc = => '12345') @post = => "Hello, world!") @comment_one ={|c| c.key = "one";! } @comment_two ={|c| c.key = "two";! } end it "should save and restore a many stored key association" do @post.comments << @comment_one << @comment_two! post = Post.find(@post.key) post.comment_keys.should == [ 'one', 'two' ] post.comments.keys.should == [ 'one', 'two' ] post.comments.should == [ @comment_one, @comment_two ] end it "should remove a document from a many stored key association" do @post.comments << @comment_one @post.comments << @comment_two! @post.comments.delete(@comment_one)! @post = Post.find(@post.key) @post.comment_keys.should == [ @comment_two.key ] @post.comments.should == [ @comment_two ] end it "should save one embedded associations" do @user.profile = @profile @found = User.find(@user.key) == 'Ripple' @found.profile.should be_a(Profile) @found.profile.user.should == @found end it "should not raise an error when a one linked associated record has been deleted" do @user.emergency_contact = @friend1 @friend1.destroy @found = User.find(@user.key) @found.emergency_contact.should be_nil end it "should allow a many linked record to be deleted from the association but kept in the datastore" do @user.friends << @friend1! @user.friends.delete(@friend1)! found_user = User.find(@user.key) found_user.friends.should be_empty User.find(@friend1.key).should be end it "should allow a many embedded record to be deleted from the association" do @user.addresses << @billing << @shipping! @user.addresses.delete(@billing)! User.find(@user.key).addresses.should == [@shipping] end it "should save many embedded associations" do @user.addresses << @billing << @shipping @found = User.find(@user.key) @found.addresses.count.should == 2 @bill = @found.addresses.detect {|a| a.kind == 'billing'} @ship = @found.addresses.detect {|a| a.kind == 'shipping'} @bill.street.should == '123 Somewhere Dr' @ship.street.should == '321 Anywhere Pl' @bill.user.should == @found @ship.user.should == @found @bill.should be_a(Address) @ship.should be_a(Address) end it "should save a many linked association" do @user.friends << @friend1 << @friend2 @user.should_not be_new_record @found = User.find(@user.key) include(@friend1.key) include(@friend2.key) end it "should save a one linked association" do @user.emergency_contact = @friend1 @user.should_not be_new_record @found = User.find(@user.key) @found.emergency_contact.key.should == @friend1.key end it "should reload associations" do @user.friends << @friend1! friend1_new_instance = User.find(@friend1.key) = ''! @user.reload == [''] end it "allows and autosaves transitive linked associations" do friend = => '') friend.key = 'main-user-friend' @user.key = 'main-user' @user.friends << friend friend.friends << @user! # should save both since friend is new found_user = User.find!(@user.key) found_friend = User.find!(friend.key) found_user.friends.should == [found_friend] found_friend.friends.should == [found_user] end it "should find the object associated by key after saving" do @user.key = 'paying-user' @user.credit_card = @cc && @found = User.find(@user.key) @found.reload @found.credit_card.should eq(@cc) end it "should assign the generated riak key to the associated object using key" do @user.key.should be_nil @user.credit_card = @cc @cc.key.should_not be_blank @cc.key.should eq(@user.key) end it "should save one association by storing key" do! @post.user = @user! @post.user_key.should == @user.key @found = Post.find(@post.key) == '' @found.user.should be_a(User) end after :each do User.destroy_all end after :all do Object.send(:remove_const, :User) Object.send(:remove_const, :Profile) Object.send(:remove_const, :Address) Object.send(:remove_const, :CreditCard) Object.send(:remove_const, :Post) end end