# Amsi Ruby client of AMSI Evolution Suite API ## Versions See the [changelog](CHANGELOG.txt) ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'amsi' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install amsi ## Usage ### SOAP Actions To request an action, instantiate the appropriate request class (see below) and invoke #perform on it. The API response will be parsed and returned as a ruby object. #### Amsi::Request::AddGuestCard Add a new guest card for the prospect ##### Initialization parameters Required initializer parameters: * `contact_type` [String] See [Amsi::Parameter::ContactType](#amsiparametercontacttype) * `password` [String] Amsi account password * `portfolio_name` [String] the unique identifier for the property in AMSI * `property_id` [String] AMSI property id * `prospect` [Amsi::Parameter::Prospect](#amsiparameterprospect) * `user_id` [String] Amsi account username * `web_service_url` [String] Amsi Url to the leasing.asmx resource Optional initializer parameters: * `appointment_date` [Date] date the prospect is going to visit the property * `comments` [String] * `contact_datetime` [DateTime] * `date_needed` [Date] * `initial_source_id` [String] * `lease_term_desired` [Integer] * `leasing_agent_id` [String] * `qualified` [Boolean] * `unit_subtype` [String] * `unit_type` [String] ##### Response [Amsi::Model::GuestCardResult](#amsimodelguestcardresult) #### Amsi::Request::GetMoveinsByFirstMarketingSource Get all leases matching the specified marketing source and within the specified time window. ##### Initialization parameters Required initializer parameters: * `from_date` [Date] Beginning of date interval within which to search * `marketing_source_code` [String] Code corresponding to the marketing source for which to fetch move ins. Max of 3 characters according to their docs. * `password` [String] Amsi account password * `portfolio_name` [String] the unique identifier for the property in AMSI * `property_id` [String] AMSI property id * `through_date` [Date] End of date interval within which to search * `user_id` [String] Amsi account username * `web_service_url` [String] Amsi Url to the leasing.asmx resource ##### Response Array<[Amsi::Model::Lease](#amsimodellease)> #### Amsi::Request::GetPropertyList Retrieve a list of properties and detailed information about each. ##### Initialization parameters Required initializer parameters: * `user_id` [String] Amsi account username * `password` [String] Amsi account password * `portfolio_name` [String] the unique identifier for the property in AMSI * `web_service_url` [String] Amsi Url to the leasing.asmx resource Optional initializer parameters and default values: * `property_id` [String] Amsi property id (if this field is left blank, the response will include all properties in the portfolio) * `include_leasing_agents` [Boolean] if true, response will include leasing agents for each property returned. * `include_marketing_sources` [Boolean] if true, response will include marketing sources for each property returned. * `include_unit_types` [Boolean] if true, response will include unit types for each property returned. ##### Response Array<[Amsi::Model::Property](#amsimodelproperty)> #### Amsi::Request::GetPropertyResidents Retrieve resident leases for a given property. Returns current leases only by default. ##### Initialization parameters Required initializer parameters: * `user_id` [String] Amsi account username * `password` [String] Amsi account password * `portfolio_name` [String] the unique identifier for the property in Amsi * `property_id` [String] Amsi property id * `web_service_url` [String] Amsi Url to the leasing.asmx resource * `params` [Hash] extra configuration fields: `:start_date` [String], `:end_date` [String], `:remote_id` [String], `:billing_config` [BillingConfiguration], `:import_id` [String] and `:pmc_id` [String], `:app_name` [String] Optional initializer parameters and default values: * `lease_status` [String] Lease status filter; defaults to current leases ("C"). Valid values: (A)pplicant, (C)urrent, (I)ntent to Transfer, (L)eased, (N)otice, (P)revious, (T)ransfer, (V)approved, (X)cancelled * `include_marketing_source` [Boolean] if true, response will include marketing sources on each lease returned. ##### Response Array<[Amsi::Model::Lease](#amsimodelfloorplan)> ### Parameters #### Amsi::Parameter::ContactType Constants for the different channels prospects can use for contacting. Available constants are: * `INTERNET` * `PHONE` * `RETURN_VISIT` * `VISIT` #### Amsi::Parameter::Prospect A container for prospect details. Required initializer parameters: * `last_name` [String] Optional initializer parameters: * `daytime_phone` [String] * `email` [String] * `first_name` [String] ### Models #### Amsi::Model::Address A [Amsi::Model::Property](#amsimodelproperty) has an address and a remit_to_address * `line_1` [String] 1st line in the street address * `line_2` [String] 2nd line in the street address * `line_3` [String] 3rd line in the street address * `line_4` [String] 4th line in the street address * `city` [String] the city * `state` [String] the state * `zip_code` [String] the zip code * `country` [String] the country #### Amsi::Model::GuestCardResult The response from [AddGuestCard](#amsirequestaddguestcard), will have the following attributes: * `contact_sequence_number` [Integer] (alias `contact_seq_no`) * `guest_card_id` [String] the unique identifier for the newly created guest card * `property_id` [String] * `status` [String] either "SUCCESS" or "FAILURE" (also has convenience method `success?`) #### Amsi::Model::GuestCard The response from [GetMoveinsByFirstMarketingSource](#amsirequestsgetmoveinsbyfirstmarketingsource) is an array of `Amsi::Model::Lease` instances. Leases have `guest_card` and `matched_guest_cards`. `guest_card` is either an Amsi::Model::GuestCard or nil and `matched_guest_cards` is an array of Amsi::Model::GuestCards (can be empty). Amsi::Model::GuestCards have the following attributes: * `email` [String] * `create_date` [DateTime] The time the guest card was created according to AMSI * `first_name` [String] The renter's first name * `id` [String] The ID of the guest card in AMSI * `initial_source_id` [String] the short code for the marketing source attributed to the lease * `last_name` [String] The renter's last name * `property_id` [String] The unique identifier of the property that the guest card belongs to #### Amsi::Model::Lease The response from [GetPropertyResidents](#amsirequestgetpropertyresidents) is an array of `Amsi::Model::Lease` instances. Each instance will have the following attributes: * `property_id` [String] * `building_id` [String] Building ID * `unit_id` [String] Unit name * `resident_id` [String] Resident ID * `external_reference_id` [String] * `guest_card` [[Amsi::Model::GuestCard](#amsimodelguestcard)] or nil * `matched_guest_cards` [Array<[Amsi::Model::GuestCard](#amsimodelguestcard)>], can be [] * `occupant_status_code` [String in Amsi::Model::Lease::Status] * `occupant_status_code_description` [String] * `begin_date` [Date] * `end_date` [Date] * `application_date` [Date] * `sign_date` [Date] * `move_in_date` [Date] * `rent_amount` [Integer] * `occupants` [Array<[Amsi::Model::Occupant](#amsimodeloccupant)>] * `lead_id` [String] Guest Card No. * `lead_date` [DateTime] Guest first contact date * `lead_source_code` [String] Marketing source code #### Amsi::Model::LeasingAgent A [Amsi::Model::Property](#amsimodelproperty) has 0 or more leasing agents * `agent_active_flag` [String] "Y" if the agent is active, otherwise "N" (also has convenience method `active?`) * `code` [String] the unique identifier for the agent within the property (alias of `agent_code`) * `agent_name` [String] the leasing agent's full name (alias of `agent_name`) * `property_id` [String] the unique ID of the property the leasing agent works at #### Amsi::Model::Manager A [Amsi::Model::Property](#amsimodelproperty) has a manager * `fax` [String] the property manager's fax number * `first_name` [String] the property manager's first name * `last_name` [String] the property manager's last name * `middle_name` [String] the property manager's middle name * `phone` [String] the property manager's phone number * `salutation` [String] the property manager's salutation, e.g. "Mrs" #### Amsi::Model::MarketingSource A [Amsi::Model::Property](#amsimodelproperty) has 0 or more marketing sources * `code` [String] unique identifier within the property (alias of `source_code`) * `description` [String] a description of the marketing source (alias of `source_desc`) * `source_active_flag` [String] "Y" if the marketing source is active, otherwise "N" (also has convenience method `active?`) * `property_id` [String] the unique ID of the property the marketing source belongs to #### Amsi::Model::Occupant One occupant of a lease. Each instance will have the following attributes: * `property_id` [String] * `building_id` [String] Building ID * `unit_id` [String] Unit name * `resident_id` [String] Resident ID * `sequence_number` [String] Sequence number * `first_name` [String] * `last_name` [String] * `phone_1` [String] * `phone_2` [String] * `responsible_flag` [String in ["Responsible" | "Non-Responsible"]] * `email` [String] #### Amsi::Model::Property The response from [GetPropertyList](#amsirequestgetpropertylist) is an array of `Amsi::Model::Property` instances. Each instance will have the following attributes: * `address` [[Amsi::Model::Address](#amsimodeladdress)] the property's physical address * `email` [String] the email address of the property (alias of `property_addr_email`) * `id` [String] the property's unique identifier * `leasing_agents` [Array<[Amsi::Model::LeasingAgent](#amsimodelleasingagent)>] the list of leasing agents for the property * `live_date` [Date] the date the property went live * `live_flag` [String] "Y" if the property is live, otherwise "N" (also has convenience method `live?`) * `manager` [[Amsi::Model::Manager](#amsimodelmanager)] the property manager's contact info * `marketing_sources` [Array<[Amsi::Model::MarketingSource](#amsimodelmarketingsource)>] the list of marketing sources for the property * `name` [String] the name of the property (alias of `property_name_1`) * `name_2` [String] an optional alternate name of the property (alias of `property_name_2`) * `remit_to_address` [[Amsi::Model::Address](#amsimodeladdress)] the property's mailing address * `unit_types` [Array<[Amsi::Model::UnitType](#amsimodelunittype)>] the list of unit types for the property #### Amsi::Model::UnitType A [Amsi::Model::Property](#amsimodelproperty) has 0 or more unit types * `baths` [Decimal] the number of bathrooms in the unit * `bedrooms` [Integer] the number of bedrooms in the unit * `count` [Integer] Number of units in the property that are of this type * `description` [String] a description of the unit type (alias of `unit_type_desc`) * `market_rent` [Decimal] the rental price of the unit * `minimum_security_deposit` [Decimal] the minimum security deposit needed for the unit (alias of `sec_min`) * `month_to_month_renew` [Decimal] the month-to-month renewal amount (alias of `mtm_renew`) * `other_renew` [Decimal] other renewal amount * `property_id` [String] the unique ID of the property the unit is in * `rooms` [Integer] the total number of rooms in the unit * `sqft` [Integer] the total area of the unit (alias of `sqftg`) * `standard_renew` [Decimal] the standard renewal amount * `type` [String] the unique identifier within the property for this unit type (alias of `unit_type`) ## Compatibility This gem sets global configurations on other dependent libraries, which makes it inherently *not* thread-safe. Notably, it sets the following * `MultiXml.parser = :ox` If your client depends on any of these global settings, it is recommended that you do not run in a multi-threaded environment. ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/apartmentlist/amsi.