# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # -*- frozen_string_literal: true -*- # -*- warn_indent: true -*- module UnitMeasurements # The +UnitMeasurements::Arithmetic+ mixin module provides methods for # performing arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, # division, etc) on measurements of the same unit group. In case the # measurements represents different units, the left hand side takes precedence # while performing the arithmetic operation on them. # # This module is included in the +Measurement+ class to allow arithmetic # operations on the measurements. # # @see Measurement # @author {Harshal V. Ladhe}[https://shivam091.github.io/] # @since 1.4.0 module Arithmetic extend Forwardable # Methods delegated from the Numeric. def_delegators :@quantity, :zero?, :positive?, :negative?, :finite?, :infinite? # Adds the quantity of the other measurement or a numeric value to the # quantity of the current measurement. # # @param [Numeric|Measurement] other # The value to be added. It can be a numeric value or another measurement. # # @example # UnitMeasurements::Length.new(1, "km") + UnitMeasurements::Length.new(1, "m") # => 1.001 km # # UnitMeasurements::Length.new(1, "km") + 4.5 # => 5.5 km # # @return [Measurement] A new +Measurement+ instance with the combined quantity. # # @author {Harshal V. Ladhe}[https://shivam091.github.io/] # @since 1.4.0 def +(other) arithmetic_operation(other, :+) end # Subtracts the quantity of the other measurement or a numeric value from the # quantity of the current measurement. # # @param [Numeric|Measurement] other # The value to be subtracted. It can be a numeric value or another measurement. # # @example # UnitMeasurements::Length.new(1, "km") - UnitMeasurements::Length.new(2, "in") # => 0.9999492 km # # UnitMeasurements::Length.new(2, "km") - 1e+2 # => -98.0 km # # @return [Measurement] A new +Measurement+ instance with the subtracted quantity. # # @author {Harshal V. Ladhe}[https://shivam091.github.io/] # @since 1.4.0 def -(other) arithmetic_operation(other, :-) end # Multiplies the quantity of the current measurement by the quantity of the # other measurement or a numeric value. # # @param [Numeric|Measurement] other # The value to be multiplied. It can be a numeric value or another measurement. # # @example # UnitMeasurements::Length.new(2, "km") * UnitMeasurements::Length.new(3, "in") # => 0.0001524 km # # UnitMeasurements::Length.new(2, "km") * 2+2i # => 4+2i km # # @return [Measurement] A new +Measurement+ instance with the multiplied quantity. # # @author {Harshal V. Ladhe}[https://shivam091.github.io/] # @since 1.4.0 def *(other) arithmetic_operation(other, :*) end alias_method :scale, :* # Divides the quantity of the current measurement by the quantity of the other # measurement or a numeric value. # # @param [Numeric|Measurement] other # The value to be divided. It can be a numeric value or another measurement. # # @example # UnitMeasurements::Length.new(4, "km") / UnitMeasurements::Length.new(2, "km") # => 2 km # # UnitMeasurements::Length.new(2, "km") / 2 # => 1 km # # @return [Measurement] A new +Measurement+ instance with the divided quantity. # # @author {Harshal V. Ladhe}[https://shivam091.github.io/] # @since 1.4.0 def /(other) arithmetic_operation(other, :/) end # Raises the quantity of the current measurement to the power of the quantity of # the other measurement or numeric value. # # When +other+ is an instance of +Measurement+, the quantity to raise # is calculated by converting the +other+ measurement to the unit of the +current+ # measurement, and then the quantity of the +current+ measurement is raised to # the converted quantity. # # @param [Numeric|Measurement] other # The value to be raised. It can be a numeric value or another measurement. # # @example # UnitMeasurements::Length.new(2, "km") ** UnitMeasurements::Length.new(3, "m") # => 1.00208160507963279 km # # UnitMeasurements::Length.new(2, "km") ** 3 # => 8 km # # UnitMeasurements::Length.new(8, "km") ** 1/3r # => 2 km # # @return [Measurement] A new +Measurement+ instance with the raised quantity. # # @author {Harshal V. Ladhe}[https://shivam091.github.io/] # @since 5.1.0 def **(other) arithmetic_operation(other, :**) end # Negates the quantity of the measurement. # # @example # -UnitMeasurements::Length.new(2, "km") # => -2 km # # -UnitMeasurements::Length.new(-2, "km") # => 2 km # # @return [Measurement] A new +Measurement+ instance with the negated quantity. # # @author {Harshal V. Ladhe}[https://shivam091.github.io/] # @since 5.1.0 def -@ self.class.new(-self.quantity, self.unit) end # Checks whether the quantity of the measurement is nonzero. # # @example # UnitMeasurements::Length.new(2, "km").nonzero? # => true # # UnitMeasurements::Length.new(0, "km").nonzero? # => false # # @return [TrueClass|FalseClass] # +true+ if the quantity is nonzero otherwise it returns +false+. # # @author {Harshal V. Ladhe}[https://shivam091.github.io/] # @since 5.1.0 def nonzero? quantity.nonzero? ? true : false end private # @private # Coerces a numeric value or another measurement for arithmetic operations. # # @param [Numeric|Measurement] other # The value to be coerced. It can be a numeric value or another measurement. # # @return [Array<Measurement>] An array containing the coerced values. # # @raise [TypeError] # If the coercion is not possible due to incompatible types. # # @author {Harshal V. Ladhe}[https://shivam091.github.io/] # @since 1.4.0 def coerce(other) case other when Numeric then [self.class.new(other, self.unit), self] when self.class then [other, self] else raise TypeError, "Cannot coerce #{other.class} to #{self.class}" end end # @private # Performs an arithmetic operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, # or division) on the current measurement and another numeric value. # # @param [Numeric|Measurement] other # The value to be used in the arithmetic operation. It can be a numeric value # or another measurement. # @param [Symbol] operator The operator to be used for the operation. # # @return [Measurement] # A new +Measurement+ instance with the result of the arithmetic operation. # # @author {Harshal V. Ladhe}[https://shivam091.github.io/] # @since 1.4.0 def arithmetic_operation(other, operator) other, _ = coerce(other) self.class.new(self.quantity.public_send(operator, other.convert_to(self.unit).quantity), self.unit) end end end