desc "Load application environment" task :environment do A9n.root.join("config/environment.rb").tap do |path| require path if path.exist? end end desc "Run application console" task console: :environment do require "irb" ARGV.clear IRB.start end desc "Ensure that task is not run in production environment" task fail_if_prod: :environment do fail "Task cannot be run in production environment!" if A9n.env.production? end desc "Setup database" task "db:setup" => ["fail_if_prod", "db:create", "db:schema:load"] desc "Generate new migration with name given, e.g. rake generate:migration[CreateUsers]" namespace :generate do task :migration, [:name] do |name, args| klass = args[:name].gsub('-','_').camelize number = ActiveRecord::Migration.next_migration_number(0) file_name = "#{number}_#{klass.underscore}.rb" file_path = A9n.root.join("db/migrate", file_name) content = <<-CONTENT |class #{klass} < ActiveRecord::Migration[#{ActiveRecord::Migration.current_version}] | def change | end |end CONTENT, "w+") { |f| f.write(content.gsub(/( +\|)/, '')) } end end begin require "rspec/core/rake_task" rescue LoadError # ignore end begin require "rubocop/rake_task" rescue LoadError # ignore end