module Steep module TypeInference class LogicTypeInterpreter attr_reader subtyping: Subtyping::Check attr_reader typing: Typing attr_reader factory (): AST::Types::Factory def initialize: (subtyping: Subtyping::Check, typing: Typing) -> void def eval: (env: TypeEnv, node: Parser::AST::Node) -> [TypeEnv, TypeEnv, Set[Symbol | Parser::AST::Node], AST::Types::t, AST::Types::t] def evaluate_node: (env: TypeEnv, node: Parser::AST::Node, refined_objects: Set[Symbol | Parser::AST::Node]) -> [AST::Types::t, AST::Types::t, TypeEnv, TypeEnv] def evaluate_method_call: (env: TypeEnv, type: AST::Types::Logic::Base, receiver: Parser::AST::Node?, arguments: Array[Parser::AST::Node], refined_objects: Set[Symbol | Parser::AST::Node]) -> [TypeEnv, TypeEnv]? # Apply type refinement to `node` as `truthy_type` and `falsy_type`. # # This is done by top-down manner. # # Assignes given two types to the node when: # # * `node` is a `lvar` # * `node` is a `lvasgn` # * `node` is a _pure_ method call # def refine_node_type: (env: TypeEnv, node: Parser::AST::Node, truthy_type: AST::Types::t, falsy_type: AST::Types::t, refined_objects: Set[Symbol | Parser::AST::Node]) -> [TypeEnv, TypeEnv] # Returns a pair of a node and set of local variable names. # # * The returned node is called _value node_ that is a node the value of given `node` can be taken from # * The local variable names are local variables that have the same value of the _value node_. # # ```ruby # a = 123 # `123` is the _value node_ # # :a is included in the set because `a` has the same value of _value node_ # # c = b = a # `a` is the _value node_, a set of { :b, :c } will be returned # ``` # def decompose_value: (Parser::AST::Node node) -> [Parser::AST::Node, Set[Symbol]] private def evaluate_assignment: (Parser::AST::Node node, TypeEnv env, AST::Types::t rhs_type, refined_objects: Set[Symbol | Parser::AST::Node]) -> TypeEnv def guess_type_from_method: (Parser::AST::Node node) -> (AST::Types::Logic::ReceiverIsArg | AST::Types::Logic::ReceiverIsNil | AST::Types::Logic::Not | AST::Types::Logic::ArgIsReceiver | nil) # Decompose to given type to truthy and falsy types. # # This directly corresponds to case-when syntax with literals: # # ```ruby # case x # when nil # value_node == {nil}, arg_type = type_of({x}) # ... # when 123 # value_node == {nil}, arg_type = type_of({x}) # ... # end # ``` # def literal_var_type_case_select: (Parser::AST::Node value_node, AST::Types::t arg_type) -> [Array[AST::Types::t], Array[AST::Types::t]]? def type_case_select: (AST::Types::t `type`, RBS::TypeName klass) -> [AST::Types::t, AST::Types::t] def type_case_select0: (AST::Types::t `type`, RBS::TypeName klass) -> [Array[AST::Types::t], Array[AST::Types::t]] def try_convert: (AST::Types::t, Symbol) -> AST::Types::t? end end end