require 'yaml' require 'json' require 'citeproc' require 'csl/styles' require 'bibtex' require 'cgi' module EBSCO module EDS # A single search result class Record # Raw record as returned by the \EDS API via search or retrieve attr_reader :record # Creates a search or retrieval result record def initialize(results_record) if results_record.key? 'Record' @record = results_record['Record'] # single record returned by retrieve api else @record = results_record # set of records returned by search api end @items = @record.fetch('Items', {}) @bib_entity = @record.fetch('RecordInfo', {}) .fetch('BibRecord', {}) .fetch('BibEntity', {}) @bib_relationships = @record.fetch('RecordInfo', {}) .fetch('BibRecord', {}) .fetch('BibRelationships', {}) @bib_part = @record.fetch('RecordInfo', {}) .fetch('BibRecord', {}) .fetch('BibRelationships', {}) .fetch('IsPartOfRelationships', {})[0] @bibtex = end # \Options hash containing accession number and database ID. This can be passed to the retrieve method. def retrieve_options options = {} options['an'] = accession_number options['dbid'] = database_id options end # The accession number. def accession_number header_an end # The database ID. def database_id header_db_id end # The database name or label. def database_name header_db_label end # The access level. def access_level header_access_level end # The search relevancy score. def relevancy_score header_score end # The title. def title # _retval = get_item_data_by_name('Title') || bib_title _retval = bib_title || get_item_data_by_name('Title') # TODO: make this configurable if _retval.nil? _retval = 'This title is unavailable for guests, please login to see more information.' end CGI.unescapeHTML(_retval) end # The source title (e.g., Journal) def source_title _retval = bib_source_title || get_item_data_by_name('TitleSource') _reval = nil? if _retval == title # suppress if it's identical to title _retval.nil?? nil : CGI.unescapeHTML(_retval) end # Other alternative titles. def other_titles _retval = get_item_data_by_name('TitleAlt') _retval.nil?? nil : CGI.unescapeHTML(_retval) end # The abstract def abstract _retval = get_item_data_by_name('Abstract') _retval.nil?? nil : CGI.unescapeHTML(_retval) end # The list of authors def authors bib_authors || get_item_data_by_name('Author') end # The author affiliations def author_affiliations get_item_data_by_name('AffiliationAuthor') end # The list of subject terms. def subjects bib_subjects || get_item_data_by_name('Subject') end # The list of geographic subjects def subjects_geographic get_item_data_by_name('SubjectGeographic') end # The list of person subjects def subjects_person get_item_data_by_name('SubjectPerson') end # Author supplied keywords def author_supplied_keywords get_item_data_by_label('Author-Supplied Keywords') end # Notes def notes _retval = get_item_data_by_name('Note') _retval.nil?? nil : CGI.unescapeHTML(_retval) end # Languages def languages get_item_data_by_name('Language') || bib_languages end # Total number of pages. def page_count bib_page_count end # Starting page number. def page_start bib_page_start end # Physical description. def physical_description get_item_data_by_name('PhysDesc') end # Publication type. def publication_type header_publication_type || get_item_data_by_name('TypePub') end # Publication type ID. def publication_type_id header_publication_type_id end # Publication date. def publication_date bib_publication_date || get_item_data_by_name('DatePub') end # Publication year. def publication_year bib_publication_year || get_item_data_by_name('DatePub') end # Publisher information. def publisher_info get_item_data_by_label('Publication Information') end # Document type. def document_type get_item_data_by_name('TypeDocument') end # DOI identifier. def doi get_item_data_by_name('DOI') || bib_doi end # OCLC identifier. def oclc get_item_data_by_label('OCLC') end # Prind ISSN def issn_print get_item_data_by_name('ISSN') || bib_issn_print end # List of ISSNs def issns bib_issns end # List of ISBNs def isbns bib_isbns || item_related_isbns end # Print ISBN def isbn_print bib_isbn_print end # Electronic ISBN def isbn_electronic bib_isbn_electronic end # Series information. def series get_item_data_by_name('SeriesInfo') end # Volume def volume bib_volume end # Issue def issue bib_issue end # Cover images def covers images end # Cover image - thumbnail size link def cover_thumb_url if images('thumb').any? images('thumb').first[:src] else nil end end # Cover image - medium size link def cover_medium_url if images('medium').any? images('medium').first[:src] else nil end end # Word count for fulltext. def fulltext_word_count get_item_data_by_name('FullTextWordCount').to_i end # -- # ==================================================================================== # GENERAL: ResultId, PLink, ImageInfo, CustomLinks, FullText # ==================================================================================== # ++ # Result ID. def result_id @record['ResultId'] end # EBSCO's persistent link. def plink @record['PLink'] end # Fulltext. def html_fulltext if @record.fetch('FullText',{}).fetch('Text',{}).fetch('Availability',0) == '1' @record.fetch('FullText',{}).fetch('Text',{})['Value'] else nil end end # List of cover images. def images (size_requested = 'all') returned_images = [] images = @record.fetch('ImageInfo', {}) if images.count > 0 images.each do |image| if size_requested == image['Size'] || size_requested == 'all' returned_images.push({size: image['Size'], src: image['Target']}) end end end returned_images end # -- # ==================================================================================== # LINK HELPERS # ==================================================================================== # ++ # A list of all available links. def all_links fulltext_links + non_fulltext_links end # The first fulltext link. def fulltext_link fulltext_links.first || {} end # All available fulltext links. def fulltext_links links = [] ebscolinks = @record.fetch('FullText',{}).fetch('Links',{}) if ebscolinks.count > 0 ebscolinks.each do |ebscolink| if ebscolink['Type'] == 'pdflink' link_label = 'PDF Full Text' link_icon = 'PDF Full Text Icon' link_url = ebscolink['Url'] || 'detail' links.push({url: link_url, label: link_label, icon: link_icon, type: 'pdf'}) end end end # commenting out for now, not sure how 'detail' urls are useful in a blacklight context? # htmlfulltextcheck = @record.fetch('FullText',{}).fetch('Text',{}).fetch('Availability',{}) # if htmlfulltextcheck == '1' # link_url = 'detail' # link_label = 'Full Text in Browser' # link_icon = 'Full Text in Browser Icon' # links.push({url: link_url, label: link_label, icon: link_icon, type: 'html'}) # end if ebscolinks.count > 0 ebscolinks.each do |ebscolink| if ebscolink['Type'] == 'ebook-pdf' link_label = 'PDF eBook Full Text' link_icon = 'PDF eBook Full Text Icon' link_url = ebscolink['Url'] || 'detail' links.push({url: link_url, label: link_label, icon: link_icon, type: 'ebook-pdf'}) end end end if ebscolinks.count > 0 ebscolinks.each do |ebscolink| if ebscolink['Type'] == 'ebook-epub' link_label = 'ePub eBook Full Text' link_icon = 'ePub eBook Full Text Icon' link_url = ebscolink['Url'] || 'detail' links.push({url: link_url, label: link_label, icon: link_icon, type: 'ebook-epub'}) end end end items = @record.fetch('Items',{}) if items.count > 0 items.each do |item| if item['Group'] == 'URL' if item['Data'].include? 'linkTerm="' link_start = item['Data'].index('linkTerm="')+15 link_url = item['Data'][link_start..-1] link_end = link_url.index('"')-1 link_url = link_url[0..link_end] if item['Label'] link_label = item['Label'] else link_label_start = item['Data'].index('link>')+8 link_label = item['Data'][link_label_start..-1] link_label = link_label.strip end else link_url = item['Data'] link_label = item['Label'] end link_icon = 'Catalog Link Icon' links.push({url: link_url, label: link_label, icon: link_icon, type: 'cataloglink'}) end end end if ebscolinks.count > 0 ebscolinks.each do |ebscolink| if ebscolink['Type'] == 'other' link_label = 'Linked Full Text' link_icon = 'Linked Full Text Icon' link_url = ebscolink['Url'] || 'detail' links.push({url: link_url, label: link_label, icon: link_icon, type: 'smartlinks+'}) end end end ft_customlinks = @record.fetch('FullText',{}).fetch('CustomLinks',{}) if ft_customlinks.count > 0 ft_customlinks.each do |ft_customlink| link_url = ft_customlink['Url'] link_label = ft_customlink['Text'] link_icon = ft_customlink['Icon'] links.push({url: link_url, label: link_label, icon: link_icon, type: 'customlink-fulltext'}) end end links end # All available non-fulltext links. def non_fulltext_links links = [] other_customlinks = @record.fetch('CustomLinks',{}) if other_customlinks.count > 0 other_customlinks.each do |other_customlink| link_url = other_customlink['Url'] link_label = other_customlink['Text'] link_icon = other_customlink['Icon'] links.push({url: link_url, label: link_label, icon: link_icon, type: 'customlink-other'}) end end links end #:nodoc: all # No need to document methods below # ==================================================================================== # HEADER: DbId, DbLabel, An, PubType, PubTypeId, AccessLevel # ==================================================================================== def header_an @record['Header']['An'].to_s end def header_db_id @record['Header']['DbId'].to_s end # only available from search not retrieve def header_score @record['Header']['RelevancyScore'] end def header_publication_type @record['Header']['PubType'] end def header_publication_type_id @record['Header']['PubTypeId'] end def header_db_label @record['Header']['DbLabel'] end # not sure the rules for when this appears or not - RecordInfo.AccessInfo? def header_access_level @record['Header']['AccessLevel'] end # ==================================================================================== # ITEMS # ==================================================================================== # look up by 'Name' and return 'Data' def get_item_data_by_name(name) if @items.empty? nil else _item_property = @items.find{|item| item['Name'] == name} if _item_property.nil? nil else _item_property['Data'] end end end # look up by 'Label' and return 'Data' def get_item_data_by_label(label) if @items.empty? nil else _item_property = @items.find{|item| item['Label'] == label} if _item_property.nil? nil else _item_property['Data'] end end end def item_related_isbns isbns = get_item_data_by_label('Related ISBNs') if isbns isbns.split(' ').map!{|item| item.gsub(/\.$/, '')} else nil end end # ==================================================================================== # BIB ENTITY # ==================================================================================== def bib_title if @bib_entity && @bib_entity.fetch('Titles', {}).any? @bib_entity.fetch('Titles', {}).find{|item| item['Type'] == 'main'}['TitleFull'] else nil end end def bib_authors if @bib_relationships @bib_relationships.deep_find('NameFull').join('; ') else nil end end def bib_authors_list if @bib_relationships @bib_relationships.deep_find('NameFull') else nil end end def bib_subjects if @bib_entity @bib_entity.deep_find('SubjectFull') else nil end end def bib_languages if @bib_entity && @bib_entity.fetch('Languages', {}).any? @bib_entity.fetch('Languages', {}).map{|lang| lang['Text']} else nil end end # def bib_pages # @bib_entity.fetch('PhysicalDescription', {})['Pagination'] # end def bib_page_count if @bib_entity @bib_entity.deep_find('PageCount').first else nil end end def bib_page_start if @bib_entity @bib_entity.deep_find('StartPage').first else nil end end def bib_doi if @bib_entity && @bib_entity.fetch('Identifiers',{}).any? @bib_entity.fetch('Identifiers',{}).find{|item| item['Type'] == 'doi'}['Value'] else nil end end # ==================================================================================== # BIB - IS PART OF (journal, book) # ==================================================================================== def bib_source_title if @bib_part && @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Titles',{}).any? item_title_full = @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Titles',{}).find{|item| item['Type'] == 'main'} if item_title_full item_title_full['TitleFull'] else nil end else nil end end def bib_issn_print if @bib_part && @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Identifiers',{}).any? item_issn_p = @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Identifiers',{}).find{|item| item['Type'] == 'issn-print'} if item_issn_p item_issn_p['Value'] else nil end else nil end end def bib_issn_electronic if @bib_part && @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Identifiers',{}).any? item_issn_e = @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Identifiers',{}).find{|item| item['Type'] == 'issn-electronic'} if item_issn_e item_issn_e['Value'] else nil end else nil end end def bib_issns issns = [] if @bib_part && @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Identifiers',{}).any? @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Identifiers',{}).each do |id| if id['Type'].include?('issn') && !id['Type'].include?('locals') issns.push(id['Value']) end end end issns end def bib_isbn_print if @bib_part && @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Identifiers',{}).any? item_isbn_p = @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Identifiers',{}).find{|item| item['Type'] == 'isbn-print'} if item_isbn_p item_isbn_p['Value'] else nil end else nil end end def bib_isbn_electronic if @bib_part && @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Identifiers',{}).any? item_isbn_e = @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Identifiers',{}).find{|item| item['Type'] == 'isbn-electronic'} if item_isbn_e item_isbn_e['Value'] else nil end else nil end end # todo: make this generic and take an optional parameter for type def bib_isbns isbns = [] if @bib_part && @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Identifiers',{}).any? @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Identifiers',{}).each do |id| if id['Type'].include?('isbn') && !id['Type'].include?('locals') isbns.push(id['Value']) end end end isbns end def bib_publication_date if @bib_part && @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Dates',{}).any? _date = @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Dates',{}).find{|item| item['Type'] == 'published'} if _date if _date.has_key?('Y') && _date.has_key?('M') && _date.has_key?('D') _date['Y'] + '-' + _date['M'] + '-' + _date['D'] else nil end else nil end else nil end end def bib_publication_year if @bib_part && @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Dates',{}).any? _date = @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Dates',{}).find{|item| item['Type'] == 'published'} if _date _date.has_key?('Y') ? _date['Y'] : nil else nil end else nil end end def bib_publication_month if @bib_part && @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Dates',{}).any? _date = @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Dates',{}).find{|item| item['Type'] == 'published'} if _date _date.has_key?('M') ? _date['M'] : nil else nil end else nil end end def bib_volume if @bib_part && @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Numbering',{}).any? item_volume = @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Numbering',{}).find{|item| item['Type'] == 'volume'} if item_volume item_volume['Value'] else nil end else nil end end def bib_issue if @bib_part && @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Numbering',{}).any? item_issue = @bib_part.fetch('BibEntity',{}).fetch('Numbering',{}).find{|item| item['Type'] == 'issue'} if item_issue item_issue['Value'] else nil end else nil end end # Experimental bibtex support. def retrieve_bibtex @bibtex.key = accession_number @bibtex.title = title.gsub('<highlight>', '').gsub('</highlight>', '') if bib_authors_list.length > 0 = bib_authors_list.join(' and ').chomp end @bibtex.year = publication_year.to_i # bibtex type _type = publication_type case _type when 'Academic Journal', 'Reference' @bibtex.type = :article @bibtex.journal = source_title unless issue.nil? @bibtex.issue = issue end unless volume.nil? @bibtex.number = volume end if page_start && page_count @bibtex.pages = page_start + '-' + (page_start.to_i + page_count.to_i-1).to_s end if bib_publication_month @bibtex.month = bib_publication_month.to_i end if doi @bibtex.doi = doi @bibtex.url = '' + doi end when 'Conference' @bibtex.type = :conference @bibtex.booktitle = source_title if issue @bibtex.issue = issue end if volume @bibtex.number = volume end if page_start && page_count @bibtex.pages = page_start + '-' + (page_start.to_i + page_count.to_i-1).to_s end if bib_publication_month @bibtex.month = bib_publication_month.to_i end if publisher_info @bibtex.publisher = publisher_info end if series @bibtex.series = series end when 'Book', 'eBook' @bibtex.type = :book if publisher_info @bibtex.publisher = publisher_info end if series @bibtex.series = series end if bib_publication_month @bibtex.month = bib_publication_month.to_i end if isbns @bibtex.isbn = isbns.first end else @bibtex.type = :other end @bibtex end ## # wrap bibtex entry in a bibliography so that it can be transformed into citations using citeproc def bibtex_bibliography bib = bib << @bibtex bib end # this is used to generate solr fields def to_hash(type = 'compact') hash = {} # information typically required by all views if database_id && accession_number safe_an = accession_number.gsub(/\./,'_') hash['id'] = database_id + '__' + safe_an end unless title.nil? hash['title_display'] = title.gsub('<highlight>', '').gsub('</highlight>', '') end if source_title hash['academic_journal'] = source_title end if publication_year hash['pub_date'] = publication_year end if authors hash['author_display'] = authors.to_s end if publication_type hash['format'] = publication_type.to_s end if languages if languages.kind_of?(Array) hash['language_facet'] = languages.join(', ') else hash['language_facet'] = languages.to_s end end if publisher_info hash['pub_info'] = publisher_info end if abstract hash['abstract'] = abstract end if cover_thumb_url hash['cover_thumb_url'] = cover_thumb_url end if cover_medium_url hash['cover_medium_url'] = cover_medium_url end # generate bibtex entry if it hasn't been done already if @bibtex.key == 'unknown-a' @bibtex = retrieve_bibtex end unless @bibtex.has_type?(:other) hash['citation_apa'] = citation('apa').first.to_s hash['citation_mla'] = citation('modern-language-association').first.to_s hash['citation_chicago'] = citation('chicago-author-date').first.to_s end # extra information typically required by detailed item views if type == 'verbose' if all_links hash['links'] = all_links end if doi hash['doi'] = doi end if html_fulltext hash['html_fulltext'] = html_fulltext end end hash end def to_solr # solr response item_hash = to_hash 'verbose' solr_response = { 'responseHeader' => { 'status' => 0 }, 'response' => { 'numFound' => 1, 'start' => 0, 'docs' => [item_hash] } } # puts 'SOLR RESPONSE: ' + solr_response.inspect solr_response end def citation(style = 'apa') # generate bibtex entry if it hasn't been done already if @bibtex.key == 'unknown-a' @bibtex = retrieve_bibtex end # TODO: catch CSL::ParseError when style can't be found CSL::Style.root = File.join(__dir__, 'csl/styles') cp = style: style, format: 'text' bib_entry = @bibtex bib_entry_id = bib_entry.to_citeproc['id'] cp.import bibtex_bibliography.to_citeproc cp.render :bibliography, id: bib_entry_id end end # Class Record end # Module EDS end # Module EBSCO # monkey patches class Hash def deep_find(key, object=self, found=[]) if object.respond_to?(:key?) && object.key?(key) found << object[key] end if object.is_a? Enumerable found << object.collect { |*a| deep_find(key, a.last) } end found.flatten.compact end end