namespace :ccls do desc "Dump data to xml files" task :export_to_xml => :environment do outdir = if Rails.env == 'production' "/my/ruby/xml" else "." end %w( project enrollment study_subject patient phone_number address addressing ).each do |model| puts "Exporting #{model.pluralize} ...""#{outdir}/#{model.pluralize}.xml",'w'){|f| f.puts model.camelize.constantize.all.to_xml } end end desc "Report data counts in database" task :data_report => :environment do puts puts "Report data counts in database" puts printf "%-25s %5d\n", "StudySubject.count:", StudySubject.count StudySubject.all(:select => "subject_type_id, COUNT(*) AS count", :group => :subject_type_id ).each do |e| printf "%-25s %5d\n", "subject_type = #{e.subject_type}:", e.count end %w{ case_control_type childidwho hispanicity_id father_hispanicity_id mother_hispanicity_id sex do_not_contact }.each do |field| StudySubject.all(:select => "#{field}, COUNT(*) AS count", :group => field ).each do |e| printf "%-25s %5d\n", "#{field} = #{e.send(field)}:", e.count end end printf "%-25s %5d\n", "Patient.count:", Patient.count %w{ was_under_15_at_dx was_previously_treated was_ca_resident_at_diagnosis organization_id diagnosis_id }.each do |field| Patient.all(:select => "#{field}, COUNT(*) AS count", :group => field ).each do |e| printf "%-25s %5d\n", "#{field} = #{e.send(field)}:", e.count end end printf "%-25s %5d\n", "Enrollment.count:", Enrollment.count printf "%-25s %5d\n", "OperationalEvent.count:", OperationalEvent.count %w{ operational_event_type_id }.each do |field| OperationalEvent.all(:select => "#{field}, COUNT(*) AS count", :group => field ).each do |e| printf "%-25s %5d\n", "#{field} = #{e.send(field)}:", e.count end end printf "%-25s %5d\n", "CCLS Enrollments.count:", Enrollment.count( :conditions => { :project_id => Project['ccls'].id }) %w{ consented is_eligible refusal_reason_id document_version_id ineligible_reason_id }.each do |field| Enrollment.all(:select => "#{field}, COUNT(*) AS count", :conditions => { :project_id => Project['ccls'].id }, :group => field ).each do |e| printf "%-25s %5d\n", "#{field} = #{e.send(field)}:", e.count end end printf "%-25s %5d\n", "IcfMasterId.count:", IcfMasterId.count printf "%-25s %5d\n", "Used IcfMasterId.count:", IcfMasterId.count( :conditions => [ 'study_subject_id IS NOT NULL' ]) printf "%-25s %5d\n", "Unused IcfMasterId.count:", IcfMasterId.count( :conditions => [ 'study_subject_id IS NULL' ]) printf "%-25s %5d\n", "Subjects with icf_master_id:", StudySubject.count( :conditions => [ 'icf_master_id IS NOT NULL' ]) printf "%-25s %5d\n", "Subjects without icf_master_id:", StudySubject.count( :conditions => [ 'icf_master_id IS NULL' ]) printf "%-25s %5d\n", "Subjects with childid:", StudySubject.count( :conditions => [ 'childid IS NOT NULL' ]) printf "%-25s %5d\n", "Subjects without childid:", StudySubject.count( :conditions => [ 'childid IS NULL' ]) printf "%-25s %5d\n", "Subjects with patid:", StudySubject.count( :conditions => [ 'patid IS NOT NULL' ]) printf "%-25s %5d\n", "Subjects without patid:", StudySubject.count( :conditions => [ 'patid IS NULL' ]) printf "%-25s %5d\n", "Subjects with studyid:", StudySubject.count( :conditions => [ 'studyid IS NOT NULL' ]) printf "%-25s %5d\n", "Subjects without studyid:", StudySubject.count( :conditions => [ 'studyid IS NULL' ]) printf "%-25s %5d\n", "Subjects with subjectid:", StudySubject.count( :conditions => [ 'subjectid IS NOT NULL' ]) printf "%-25s %5d\n", "Subjects without subjectid:", StudySubject.count( :conditions => [ 'subjectid IS NULL' ]) end # task :sync_subject_type => :environment do # abort("Don't do this in production! Not unless you know exactly what you're doing anyway." # ) if Rails.env == 'production' # Identifier.find(:all).each_with_index do |identifier,index| # puts "Processing #{index}" # study_subject = identifier.study_subject # if study_subject.nil? # puts "No study_subject on this identifier" # next # end # puts "case_control_type #{identifier.case_control_type}" # puts "subject_type #{study_subject.subject_type}" # if study_subject.subject_type.to_s == 'Case' and identifier.case_control_type != 'C' # puts "subject_type == 'Case' and case_control_type != 'C'" # study_subject.patient.destroy unless study_subject.patient.nil? # study_subject.reload.subject_type = SubjectType['Control'] #! # puts "NEW subject_type #{study_subject.reload.subject_type}" # end # end # end desc "Load some fixtures to database for application" task :update => :environment do # gift_cards fixtures = %w( address_types contexts context_data_sources data_sources diagnoses document_types document_versions follow_up_types hospitals ineligible_reasons instrument_versions instruments interview_methods interview_outcomes instrument_types languages organizations operational_event_types people phone_types projects races refusal_reasons roles sample_outcomes sample_temperatures sample_types sections states subject_relationships subject_types tracing_statuses units vital_statuses ) ENV['FIXTURES'] = fixtures.join(',') puts "Loading fixtures for #{ENV['FIXTURES']}" Rake::Task["db:fixtures:load"].invoke Rake::Task["db:fixtures:load"].reenable end task :full_update => :update do # # We don't use this yet, plus it hasn't changed, so why keep updating it? # It takes about 30 minutes. # # # the zip_codes.csv fixtures is too big and takes too long to # # load in testing, so I left a small one there and put # # the full version from fixtures = %w( zip_codes counties ) # Do not import icf_master_ids this way in production as these are real # icf_master_ids and some may be assigned to real subjects already. # icf_master_ids ENV['FIXTURES'] = fixtures.join(',') ENV['FIXTURES_PATH'] = 'production/fixtures' puts "Loading production fixtures for #{ENV['FIXTURES']}" Rake::Task["db:fixtures:load"].invoke Rake::Task["db:fixtures:load"].reenable end desc "Add some expected users." task :add_users => :environment do puts "Adding users" %w( 859908 228181 214766 180918 66458 768475 10883 86094 769067 ).each do |uid| puts " - Adding user with uid:#{uid}:" User.find_create_and_update_by_uid(uid) end end desc "Add user by UID" task :add_user => :environment do puts if ENV['uid'].blank? puts "User's CalNet UID required." puts "Usage: rake #{$*} uid=INTEGER" puts exit end if !User.exists?(:uid => ENV['uid']) puts "No user found with uid=#{ENV['uid']}. Adding..." User.find_create_and_update_by_uid(ENV['uid']) else puts "User with uid #{ENV['uid']} already exists." end puts end desc "Deputize user by UID" task :deputize => :environment do puts if ENV['uid'].blank? puts "User's CalNet UID required." puts "Usage: rake #{$*} uid=INTEGER" puts exit end if !User.exists?(:uid => ENV['uid']) puts "No user found with uid=#{ENV['uid']}." puts exit end user = User.find(:first, :conditions => { :uid => ENV['uid'] }) puts "Found user #{user.displayname}. Deputizing..." user.deputize puts "User deputized: #{user.is_administrator?}" puts end end __END__ # task :args_as_array do # args = $*.dup.slice(1..-1) # puts args.collect {|arg| "X:" << arg }.join("\n") # exit # end Another way to pass arguments to rake task as demonstrated by one of the sunspot gem's tasks ... # This task depends on the standard Rails file naming \ # conventions, in that the file name matches the defined class name. \ # By default the indexing system works in batches of 50 records, you can \ # set your own value for this by using the batch_size argument. You can \ # also optionally define a list of models to separated by a forward slash '/' # # $ rake sunspot:reindex # reindex all models # $ rake sunspot:reindex[1000] # reindex in batches of 1000 # $ rake sunspot:reindex[false] # reindex without batching # $ rake sunspot:reindex[,Post] # reindex only the Post model # $ rake sunspot:reindex[1000,Post] # reindex only the Post model in # # batchs of 1000 # $ rake sunspot:reindex[,Post+Author] # reindex Post and Author model task :reindex, :batch_size, :models, :needs => :environment do |t, args| reindex_options = {:batch_commit => false} case args[:batch_size] when 'false' reindex_options[:batch_size] = nil when /^\d+$/ reindex_options[:batch_size] = args[:batch_size].to_i if args[:batch_size].to_i > 0 end unless args[:models] all_files = Dir.glob(Rails.root.join('app', 'models', '*.rb')) all_models = { |path| File.basename(path, '.rb').camelize.constantize } sunspot_models = { |m| m < ActiveRecord::Base and m.searchable? } else sunspot_models = args[:models].split('+').map{|m| m.constantize} end sunspot_models.each do |model| model.solr_reindex reindex_options end end