## Release Notes #### v2.0.0 * Add features: * command line interface * support for JSON, Pretty JSON, YAML, AwesomePrint, to_s, and inspect output formats * optional array mode (previously only nonarray streaming mode). * more persistent options can be specified in an environment variable, `RIKA_OPTIONS`. * metadata keys can optionally be sorted alphabetically (not all languages though). * properties added by Rika to the metadata: data-source, language * Filespec or URL data source identifier can optionally be output with metadata and text. * Add support for Tika 2.8.0, breaks compatibility with Tika 1.x. * Remove tika-app-1.24.1.jar from code base and gem (but it is still in git history). * Tika jar file is now downloaded by the user and found via environment variable `TIKA_JAR_FILESPEC`. * New class ParseResult created to simplify result access and Parser class. * Add `Rika.tika_version`. * Add `webrick` dependency, needed for current versions of Ruby. * Remove deprecated methods `Parser#available_metadata` and `Parser#metadata_exists?`. * Move `Parser#language` to `Rika.language`. * Remove `Parser#language_is_reasonably_certain?`, no longer supported by Tika. * Remove obsolete `LanguageIdentifier` import. Otherwise updated language detection. * Various refactorings and improvements. * Add SimpleCov test coverage and Rubocop linting tools to project. * Set up RSpec configuration to enable --only-failures and --next-failure options. #### v1.11.1 * Add Apache-2.0 license to gemspec. #### v1.11.0 * Replace 2015 Tika jar files w/2020 tika-app-1.24.1.jar. * Handover of maintainer status from @ricn to @keithrbennett. * Add rika_helper.rb to provide abbreviated method names for interactive use w/pry, etc. * Extract parser class to its own file. * Various cleanup and refactoring. * Improve README.md documentation. * Tested successfully on Java 14. * Move Tika jar file from /target/dependency to /java-lib.