#= require joosy/core/joosy #= require joosy/core/modules/module #= require joosy/core/modules/log #= require joosy/core/modules/events #= require joosy/core/modules/container #= require joosy/core/modules/renderer #= require joosy/core/modules/time_manager #= require joosy/core/modules/widgets_manager #= require joosy/core/modules/filters # # Base class for all of your Joosy Pages. # @see http://guides.joosy.ws/guides/layouts-pages-and-routing.html # # @example Sample application page # class @RumbaPage extends Joosy.Layout # @view 'rumba' # # @include Joosy.Modules.Log # @include Joosy.Modules.Events # @include Joosy.Modules.Container # @include Joosy.Modules.Renderer # @include Joosy.Modules.TimeManager # @include Joosy.Modules.WidgetsManager # @include Joosy.Modules.Filters # class Joosy.Page extends Joosy.Module @include Joosy.Modules.Log @include Joosy.Modules.Events @include Joosy.Modules.Container @include Joosy.Modules.Renderer @include Joosy.Modules.TimeManager @include Joosy.Modules.WidgetsManager @include Joosy.Modules.Filters # # Default layout is no layout. # layout: false # # Previous page. # previous: false # # Route params. # params: false # # Prefetched page data. # data: false # # Sets layout for current page # # @param [Class] layoutClass Layout to use # @layout: (layoutClass) -> @::__layoutClass = layoutClass # # Sets the method which will controll the painting preparation proccess. # # This method will be called right ater previous page {Joosy.Page.erase} and in parallel with # page data fetching so you can use it to initiate preloader. # # @note Given method will be called with `complete` function as parameter. As soon as your # preparations are done you should call that function. # # @example Sample before painter # @beforePaint (complete) -> # if !@data # checks if parallel fetching finished # $('preloader').slideDown -> complete() # # @beforePaint: (callback) -> @::__beforePaint = callback # # Sets the method which will controll the painting proccess. # # This method will be called after fetching, erasing and beforePaint is complete. # It should be used to setup appearance effects of page. # # @note Given method will be called with `complete` function as parameter. As soon as your # preparations are done you should call that function. # # @example Sample painter # @paint (complete) -> # @container.fadeIn -> complete() # @paint: (callback) -> @::__paint = callback # # @todo Does anybody have idea why we could need this method? # Looks like something should be removed from here and bootstrap proccess. # @afterPaint: (callback) -> @::__afterPaint = callback # # Sets the method which will controll the erasing proccess. # # Use this method to setup hiding effect. # # @note Given method will be called with `complete` function as parameter. As soon as your # preparations are done you should call that function. # # @note This method will be caled _before_ unload routines so in theory you can # access page data from that. Think twice if you are doing it right though. # # @example Sample eraser # @erase (complete) -> # @container.fadeOut -> complete() # @erase: (callback) -> @::__erase = callback # # Sets the method which will controll the data fetching proccess. # # @note Given method will be called with `complete` function as parameter. As soon as your # preparations are done you should call that function. # # @example Basic usage # @fetch (complete) -> # $.get '/rumbas', (@data) => complete() # @fetch: (callback) -> @::__fetch = (complete) -> @data = {} callback.call(this, complete) # # Sets the several separate methods that will fetch data in parallel. # # @note This will work through {Joosy.Modules.Events.synchronize} # # @example Basic usage # @fetchSynchronized (context) -> # context.do (done) -> # $.get '/rumbas', (data) => # @data.rumbas = data # done() # # context.do (done) -> # $.get '/kutuzkas', (data) => # @data.kutuzkas = data # done() # @fetchSynchronized: (callback) -> @::__fetch = (complete) -> @synchronize (context) -> context.after -> complete() callback.call(this, context) # # Sets the position where page will be scrolled to after load. # # @note If you use animated scroll joosy will atempt to temporarily fix the # height of your document while scrolling to prevent jump effect. # # @param [jQuery] element Element to scroll to # @param [Hash] options # # @option options [Integer] speed Sets the animation duration (500 is default) # @option options [Integer] margin Defines the margin from element position. # Can be negative. # @scroll: (element, options={}) -> @::__scrollElement = element @::__scrollSpeed = options.speed || 500 @::__scrollMargin = options.margin || 0 # # Scrolls page to stored positions # __performScrolling: -> scroll = $(@__extractSelector @__scrollElement).offset()?.top + @__scrollMargin Joosy.Modules.Log.debugAs @, "Scrolling to #{@__extractSelector @__scrollElement}" $('html, body').animate {scrollTop: scroll}, @__scrollSpeed, => if @__scrollSpeed != 0 @__releaseHeight() # # Sets the page HTML title. # # @note Title will be reverted on unload. # # @param [String] title Title to set. # @title: (title, separator=' / ') -> @afterLoad -> titleStr = if Object.isFunction(title) then title.apply(this) else title titleStr = titleStr.join(separator) if Object.isArray(titleStr) @__previousTitle = document.title document.title = titleStr @afterUnload -> document.title = @__previousTitle # # Constructor is very destructive (c), it calls bootstrap directly so use with caution. # # @params [Hash] params Route params # @params [Joosy.Page] previous Previous page to unload # constructor: (@params, @previous) -> Joosy.Application.loading = true @__layoutClass ||= ApplicationLayout if @__runBeforeLoads @params, @previous if !@previous?.layout?.uuid? || @previous?.__layoutClass != @__layoutClass @__bootstrapLayout() else @__bootstrap() # # @see Joosy.Router.navigate # navigate: (args...) -> Joosy.Router.navigate(args...) # # This is required by {Joosy.Modules.Renderer} # Sets the base template dir to app_name/templates/pages # __renderSection: -> 'pages' # # Freezes the page height through $(html). # # Required to implement better {Joosy.Page.scroll} behavior. # __fixHeight: -> $('html').css 'min-height', $(document).height() # # Undo {#__fixHeight} # __releaseHeight: -> $('html').css 'min-height', '' # # Page bootstrap proccess # # * {Joosy.Modules.Container.refreshElements} # * {Joosy.Modules.Container.__delegateEvents} # * {Joosy.Modules.WidgetsManager.__setupWidgets} # * Scrolling # __load: -> @refreshElements() @__delegateEvents() @__setupWidgets() @__runAfterLoads @params, @previous @__performScrolling() if @__scrollElement Joosy.Application.loading = false Joosy.Router.trigger 'loaded', this @trigger 'loaded' Joosy.Modules.Log.debugAs @, "Page loaded" # # Page destruction proccess. # # * {Joosy.Modules.TimeManager.__clearTime} # * {Joosy.Modules.WidgetsManager.__unloadWidgets} # * {Joosy.Modules.Renderer.__removeMetamorphs} # __unload: -> @__clearTime() @__unloadWidgets() @__removeMetamorphs() @__runAfterUnloads @params, @previous delete @previous # # Proxies callback through possible async wrapper. # # If wrapper is defined, it will be called with given callback as one of parameters. # If wrapper is not defined callback will be called directly. # # @note Magic People Voodoo People # # @param [Object] entity Object possibly containing wrapper method # @param [String] receiver String name of wrapper method inside entity # @param [Hash] params Params to send to wrapper, callback will be # attached as the last of them. # @param [Function] callback Callback to run # __callSyncedThrough: (entity, receiver, params, callback) -> if entity?[receiver]? entity[receiver].apply entity, params.clone().add(callback) else callback() # # The single page (without layout reloading) bootstrap logic # # @example Hacky boot sequence description # previous::erase \ # previous::unload \ # beforePaint \ # > paint # fetch / # __bootstrap: -> Joosy.Modules.Log.debugAs @, "Boostraping page" @layout = @previous.layout callbacksParams = [@layout.content()] if @__scrollElement && @__scrollSpeed != 0 @__fixHeight() @wait "stageClear dataReceived", => @__callSyncedThrough this, '__paint', callbacksParams, => # Page HTML @swapContainer @layout.content(), @__renderer(@data || {}) @container = @layout.content() # Loading @__load() @layout.content() @__callSyncedThrough @previous, '__erase', callbacksParams, => @previous?.__unload() @__callSyncedThrough this, '__beforePaint', callbacksParams, => @trigger 'stageClear' @__callSyncedThrough this, '__fetch', [], => Joosy.Modules.Log.debugAs @, "Fetch complete" @trigger 'dataReceived' # # The page+layout bootstrap logic # # @example Hacky boot sequence description # previous::erase \ # previous::unload \ # beforePaint \ # > paint # fetch / # __bootstrapLayout: -> Joosy.Modules.Log.debugAs @, "Boostraping page with layout" @layout = new @__layoutClass(@params) callbacksParams = [Joosy.Application.content(), this] if @__scrollElement && @__scrollSpeed != 0 @__fixHeight() @wait "stageClear dataReceived", => @__callSyncedThrough @layout, '__paint', callbacksParams, => # Layout HTML data = Joosy.Module.merge {}, @layout.data || {} data = Joosy.Module.merge data, yield: => @layout.yield() @swapContainer Joosy.Application.content(), @layout.__renderer data # Page HTML @swapContainer @layout.content(), @__renderer(@data || {}) @container = @layout.content() # Loading @layout.__load Joosy.Application.content() @__load() Joosy.Application.content() @__callSyncedThrough @previous?.layout, '__erase', callbacksParams, => @previous?.layout?.__unload?() @previous?.__unload() @__callSyncedThrough @layout, '__beforePaint', callbacksParams, => @trigger 'stageClear' @__callSyncedThrough @layout, '__fetch', [], => @__callSyncedThrough this, '__fetch', [], => Joosy.Modules.Log.debugAs @, "Fetch complete" @trigger 'dataReceived'