require 'openid/util' require 'openid/store/interface' require 'openid/store/nonce' require 'time' module OpenID module Store class Memcache < Interface attr_accessor :key_prefix def initialize(cache_client, key_prefix='openid-store:') @cache_client = cache_client self.key_prefix = key_prefix end # Put a Association object into storage. # When implementing a store, don't assume that there are any limitations # on the character set of the server_url. In particular, expect to see # unescaped non-url-safe characters in the server_url field. def store_association(server_url, association) serialized = serialize(association) [nil, association.handle].each do |handle| key = assoc_key(server_url, handle) @cache_client.set(key, serialized, expiry(association.lifetime)) end end # Returns a Association object from storage that matches # the server_url. Returns nil if no such association is found or if # the one matching association is expired. (Is allowed to GC expired # associations when found.) def get_association(server_url, handle=nil) serialized = @cache_client.get(assoc_key(server_url, handle)) if serialized return deserialize(serialized) else return nil end end # If there is a matching association, remove it from the store and # return true, otherwise return false. def remove_association(server_url, handle) deleted = delete(assoc_key(server_url, handle)) server_assoc = get_association(server_url) if server_assoc && server_assoc.handle == handle deleted = delete(assoc_key(server_url)) | deleted end return deleted end # Return true if the nonce has not been used before, and store it # for a while to make sure someone doesn't try to use the same value # again. Return false if the nonce has already been used or if the # timestamp is not current. # You can use OpenID::Store::Nonce::SKEW for your timestamp window. # server_url: URL of the server from which the nonce originated # timestamp: time the nonce was created in seconds since unix epoch # salt: A random string that makes two nonces issued by a server in # the same second unique def use_nonce(server_url, timestamp, salt) return false if (timestamp - > Nonce.skew ts = timestamp.to_s # base 10 seconds since epoch nonce_key = key_prefix + 'N' + server_url + '|' + ts + '|' + salt result = @cache_client.add(nonce_key, '', expiry(Nonce.skew + 5)) return !!(result =~ /^STORED/) end def assoc_key(server_url, assoc_handle=nil) key = key_prefix + 'A' + server_url if assoc_handle key += '|' + assoc_handle end return key end def cleanup_nonces end def cleanup end def cleanup_associations end protected def delete(key) result = @cache_client.delete(key) return !!(result =~ /^DELETED/) end def serialize(assoc) Marshal.dump(assoc) end def deserialize(assoc_str) Marshal.load(assoc_str) end # Convert a lifetime in seconds into a memcache expiry value def expiry(t) + t end end end end