require 'test_helper' class Question < ActiveRecord::Base include Elasticsearch::Model has_many :answers, dependent: :destroy index_name 'questions_and_answers' mapping do indexes :title indexes :text indexes :author end after_commit lambda { __elasticsearch__.index_document }, on: :create after_commit lambda { __elasticsearch__.update_document }, on: :update after_commit lambda { __elasticsearch__.delete_document }, on: :destroy end class Answer < ActiveRecord::Base include Elasticsearch::Model belongs_to :question index_name 'questions_and_answers' mapping _parent: { type: 'question', required: true } do indexes :text indexes :author end after_commit lambda { __elasticsearch__.index_document(parent: question_id) }, on: :create after_commit lambda { __elasticsearch__.update_document(parent: question_id) }, on: :update after_commit lambda { __elasticsearch__.delete_document(parent: question_id) }, on: :destroy end module ParentChildSearchable INDEX_NAME = 'questions_and_answers' def create_index!(options={}) client = Question.__elasticsearch__.client client.indices.delete index: INDEX_NAME rescue nil if options[:force] settings = Question.settings.to_hash.merge Answer.settings.to_hash mappings = Question.mappings.to_hash.merge Answer.mappings.to_hash client.indices.create index: INDEX_NAME, body: { settings: settings.to_hash, mappings: mappings.to_hash } end extend self end module Elasticsearch module Model class ActiveRecordAssociationsParentChildIntegrationTest < Elasticsearch::Test::IntegrationTestCase context "ActiveRecord associations with parent/child modelling" do setup do ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 1) do create_table :questions do |t| t.string :title t.text :text t.string :author t.timestamps end create_table :answers do |t| t.text :text t.string :author t.references :question t.timestamps end and add_index(:answers, :question_id) end Question.delete_all ParentChildSearchable.create_index! force: true q_1 = Question.create! title: 'First Question', author: 'John' q_2 = Question.create! title: 'Second Question', author: 'Jody' q_1.answers.create! text: 'Lorem Ipsum', author: 'Adam' q_1.answers.create! text: 'Dolor Sit', author: 'Ryan' q_2.answers.create! text: 'Amet Et', author: 'John' Question.__elasticsearch__.refresh_index! end should "find questions by matching answers" do response = { query: { has_child: { type: 'answer', query: { match: { author: 'john' } } } } }) assert_equal 'Second Question', response.records.first.title end should "find answers for matching questions" do response = { query: { has_parent: { parent_type: 'question', query: { match: { author: 'john' } } } } }) assert_same_elements ['Adam', 'Ryan'], end should "delete answers when the question is deleted" do Question.where(title: 'First Question').each(&:destroy) Question.__elasticsearch__.refresh_index! response = query: { match_all: {} } assert_equal 1, end end end end end