# Capistrano::FasterAssets This gem speeds up asset compilation by skipping the assets:precompile task if none of the assets were changed since last release. Works *only* with Capistrano 3+. ### Installation Add this to `Gemfile`: group :development do gem 'capistrano', '~> 3.1' gem 'capistrano-rails', '~> 1.1' gem 'capistrano-faster-assets', '~> 1.0' end And then: $ bundle install ### Setup and usage Add this line to `Capfile`, after `require 'capistrano/rails/assets'` require 'capistrano/faster_assets' ### Warning Please keep in mind, that if you use ERB in your assets, you might run into cases where Capistrano won't recompile assets when needed. For instance, let's say you have a CoffeeScript file like this: ```coffee text = <%= helper.get_text %> ``` The assets might not get recompiled, even if they have to, as this gem only checks if the asset file has changed (which is probably the only safe/fast way to do this). ### More Capistrano automation? If you'd like to streamline your Capistrano deploys, you might want to check these zero-configuration, plug-n-play plugins: - [capistrano-unicorn-nginx](https://github.com/bruno-/capistrano-unicorn-nginx)
no-configuration unicorn and nginx setup with sensible defaults - [capistrano-postgresql](https://github.com/bruno-/capistrano-postgresql)
plugin that automates postgresql configuration and setup - [capistrano-rbenv-install](https://github.com/bruno-/capistrano-rbenv-install)
would you like Capistrano to install rubies for you? - [capistrano-safe-deploy-to](https://github.com/bruno-/capistrano-safe-deploy-to)
if you're annoyed that Capistrano does **not** create a deployment path for the app on the server (default `/var/www/myapp`), this is what you need! ### Bug reports and pull requests ...are very welcome! ### Thanks [@athal7](https://github.com/athal7) - for the original idea and implementation. See https://coderwall.com/p/aridag for more details