module Grape class Entity module Exposure class NestingExposure class NestedExposures include Enumerable def initialize(exposures) @exposures = exposures @deep_complex_nesting = nil end def find_by(attribute) @exposures.find { |e| e.attribute == attribute } end def <<(exposure) reset_memoization! @exposures << exposure end def delete_by(*attributes) reset_memoization! @exposures.reject! { |e| attributes.include? e.attribute } @exposures end def clear reset_memoization! @exposures.clear end [ :each, :to_ary, :to_a, :all?, :select, :each_with_object, :[], :==, :size, :count, :length, :empty? ].each do |name| class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ def #{name}(*args, &block) @exposures.#{name}(*args, &block) end RUBY end # Determine if we have any nesting exposures with the same name. def deep_complex_nesting? if @deep_complex_nesting.nil? all_nesting = select(&:nesting?) @deep_complex_nesting = all_nesting.group_by(&:key).any? { |_key, exposures| exposures.length > 1 } else @deep_complex_nesting end end private def reset_memoization! @deep_complex_nesting = nil end end end end end end