#------------------------------------------------------------------------ # (The MIT License) # # Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Rhomobile, Inc. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # # http://rhomobile.com #------------------------------------------------------------------------ require 'rho/rhoapplication' require 'rho/rhocontroller' require 'rho/rho' module Rho class RhoController begin is_translator_exist = true is_translator_exist = Rho::file_exist?( File.join(__rhoGetCurrentDir(), 'lib/rhodes_translator' + RHO_RB_EXT) ) if !defined?( RHODES_EMULATOR ) if is_translator_exist require 'rhodes_translator' include RhodesTranslator::Translator include RhodesTranslator::Binding include RhodesTranslator::Validation end rescue Exception => e end def self.layout(name) @layout = name end def self.get_layout_name @layout.nil? ? 'layout' : @layout end def self.renderfile(filename, req = {}, res = {}) begin res = "" if filename.end_with?(RHO_ERB_EXT) res = (RhoController.new).inst_render_index(filename, req, res) else res = IO.read(filename) end RhoController.start_objectnotify() RhoController.start_geoview_notification() res rescue Exception => exception if defined? RHO_WP7 #For some reason rho_serve get another exception, so report original one here if exception trace_msg = exception.backtrace.join("\n") puts "renderfile error: #{exception}\n #{trace_msg}" end end raise end end def inst_render_index(filename, req, res) rho_info 'inst_render_index' @request, @response = req, res @params = RhoSupport::query_params req #@request, @response = {} #@params = {} require 'rho/rhoviewhelpers' @content = eval_compiled_file(filename, getBinding() ) if !xhr? rho_info 'index layout' layout = File.dirname(filename) + "/layout" + RHO_ERB_EXT @content = eval_compiled_file(layout, getBinding() ) if Rho::file_exist?(layout) else if @request["headers"]["Transition-Enabled"] == "true" @content = "
" end end @content end def getBinding binding end @@cached_metadata = {} def self.cached_metadata @@cached_metadata end def self.clean_cached_metadata @@cached_metadata.clear() #puts "meta deleted" end def render(options = nil) if @params['rho_callback'] rho_error( "render call in callback. Call WebView.navigate instead" ) return "" end options = {} if options.nil? or !options.is_a?(Hash) options = options.symbolize_keys metaenabled = false action = nil action = options[:action] if options[:action] action = @request['action'].nil? ? default_action : @request['action'] unless action if $".include?( "rhodes_translator") and @request['model'] != nil model = nil model = Object.const_get(@request['model'].to_sym) if Object.const_defined?(@request['model'].to_sym) if model && model.respond_to?( :metadata ) and model.metadata != nil metaenabled = model.metadata[action.to_s] != nil end end if not options[:string].nil? @content = options[:string] @back_action = options[:back] if options[:back] options[:layout] = false if options[:layout].nil? elsif metaenabled @content = render_metadata(action,model.metadata) elsif not options[:partial].nil? # render the file and return, don't set rendered true for a partial. @content = render_partial(options) options[:layout] = false else if options[:file].nil? or !options[:file].is_a?(String) fname = @request[:modelpath]+action.to_s+RHO_ERB_EXT if Rho::file_exist?(fname) @content = eval_compiled_file(fname, getBinding() ) else @content = "" end else options[:file] = options[:file].gsub(/\.erb$/,"").gsub(/^\/app/,"") @content = eval_compiled_file(RhoApplication::get_app_path(@request['application'])+options[:file]+RHO_ERB_EXT, getBinding() ) options[:layout] = false if options[:layout].nil? end end #rho_info 'render content: ' + @content.length.to_s if xhr? and options[:use_layout_on_ajax] != true options[:layout] = false if @request["headers"]["Transition-Enabled"] == "true" @content = "
" end elsif options[:layout].nil? or options[:layout] == true options[:layout] = self.class.get_layout_name end if options[:layout] != false layoutfile = RhoApplication::get_app_path(@request['application']) + options[:layout].to_s + RHO_ERB_EXT @content = eval_compiled_file(layoutfile, binding ) if Rho::file_exist?(layoutfile) rho_info 'Layout file: ' + layoutfile + '. Content size: ' + @content.length.to_s end RhoController.start_objectnotify() RhoController.start_geoview_notification() @back_action = options[:back] if options[:back] @rendered = true @content end def render_metadata(action = nil,metadata = nil) if metadata.nil? model = nil model = Object.const_get(@request['model'].to_sym) if Object.const_defined?(@request['model'].to_sym) if model && model.respond_to?( :metadata ) and model.metadata != nil metadata = model.metadata end end if action.nil? action = @request['action'].nil? ? default_action : @request['action'] end return "" if metadata.nil? action = action.to_s data = {} self.instance_variables.each do |sym| data[sym.to_s] = self.instance_variable_get sym end data["self"] = self prepared = bind(data,metadata[action]) translate(prepared,action) end def render_partial(options = nil) options = {} if options.nil? or !options.is_a?(Hash) options = options.symbolize_keys localclass = Class.new(::Rho::RhoController) do require 'helpers/application_helper' include ApplicationHelper require 'helpers/browser_helper' include BrowserHelper def initialize() end def set_vars(obj=nil) @vars = {} if obj obj.each do |key,value| @vars[key.to_sym()] = value if key && key.length > 0 end end end def method_missing(name, *args) unless name == Fixnum if name[name.length()-1] == '=' @vars[name.to_s.chop.to_sym()] = args[0] else @vars[name] end end end def get_binding binding end end splitpartial = options[:partial].split('/') partial_name = splitpartial[-1] model = nil if splitpartial.length > 1 model = splitpartial[-2] end options[:locals] = {} if options[:locals].nil? or !options[:locals].is_a?(Hash) content = "" if options[:collection].nil? locals = localclass.new() self.instance_variables.each do |ivar| locals.instance_variable_set(ivar,self.instance_variable_get(ivar)) end locals.set_vars(options[:locals]) modelpath = @request[:modelpath] modelpath = Rho::RhoFSConnector.get_model_path("app",model) if model content = eval_compiled_file(modelpath+'_' + partial_name.to_s+RHO_ERB_EXT, locals.get_binding ) else #xruby issue - https://www.pivotaltracker.com/story/show/3454121 content = render_partial_collection(options,partial_name) end content end def render_partial_collection(options, partial_name) i = 0 content = "" options[:collection].each do |x| options[:locals][partial_name] = x options[:locals][partial_name + '_counter'] = i i = i + 1 #puts "render partial: #{x}" content += render_partial :partial => options[:partial], :locals => options[:locals] end content end @@m_geoview_callback = nil @@m_geoview_callback_data = nil @@m_geoview_timeout_sec = 0 def set_geoview_notification(callback, callback_data="", timeout_sec=0) @@m_geoview_callback = callback @@m_geoview_callback_data = callback_data @@m_geoview_timeout_sec = timeout_sec end def self.start_geoview_notification() GeoLocation.set_view_notification(@@m_geoview_callback, @@m_geoview_callback_data, @@m_geoview_timeout_sec) @@m_geoview_callback = nil @@m_geoview_callback_data = nil @@m_geoview_timeout_sec = 0 end @@m_arObjectNotify = [] @@m_arSrcIDNotify = [] def add_objectnotify(arg) return unless arg if arg.is_a?(Array) arg.each do |item| @@m_arObjectNotify.push(strip_braces(item.object)) @@m_arSrcIDNotify.push(item.source_id) end else @@m_arObjectNotify.push(strip_braces(arg.object)) @@m_arSrcIDNotify.push(arg.source_id) end end def self.start_objectnotify() SyncEngine::clean_objectnotify() return unless @@m_arObjectNotify && @@m_arObjectNotify.length > 0 0.upto(@@m_arObjectNotify.length()-1) do |i| SyncEngine::add_objectnotify(@@m_arSrcIDNotify[i], @@m_arObjectNotify[i]) end @@m_arObjectNotify = [] @@m_arSrcIDNotify = [] end end # RhoController end # Rho