require 'active_rdf_helpers' # Direct access for Redland adapter # # Syntax # "" = Resource # "abc" = Literal # "_:" = Blank Node # "_:123" = Blank Node with id class DirectAccess # Execute a SPARQL query. The second parameter specify the result format (:json, :xml, :array) (optional) # # The return default value is an Array. # If you specify :xml or :json in result_format, the return value is a String that contain the request format. # # Example: query("SELECT ?p ?o WHERE { ?p ?o}", :json) def self.sparql_query(query, result_format=:array) # verify input if query.nil? raise ActiveRdfError, "cannot execute empty query" end # verify class type if query.class != String raise ActiveRdfError, "query must be String." end # execute query FederationManager.query(query, {:result_format => result_format}) end # Find all triple by subject and predicate # The return value is a PropertyList def self.find_all_by_subject_and_predicate(s,p) # verify input if s.nil? || p.nil? raise ActiveRdfError, "subject and predicate can't be nil" end # execute query query_result = self.sparql_query("SELECT ?o WHERE {#{s} #{p} ?o}") # return propertyList return, query_result, s) end end