module Para module Ext module Paperclip module HasAttachedFileMixin extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do alias_method_chain :define, :removeable_management end def define_with_removeable_management define_without_removeable_management define_removeable end private def define_removeable return if @options[:removeable] == false attachment_name = @name klass = @klass # Define the setter to remove the attachment # @klass.send :define_method, :"remove_#{ attachment_name }=" do |value| if value == '1' removed_attachments << attachment_name # Notify ActiveRecord that the model has changed so nested models # get to run validation hooks and attachments are cleared column_name = attribute_container_column_for(attachment_name) send(:"#{ column_name }_will_change!") end end @klass.send :define_method, :"remove_#{ attachment_name }" do |value| removed_attachments.include?(attachment_name) ? '1' : nil end # Lazy method initialization on attachment target class # unless @klass.method_defined?(:removed_attachments) # List of all removed attachments for the current instance # @klass.send :define_method, :removed_attachments do @removed_attachments ||= [] end # Define before validation hook to clear removed attachments before # the instance is validated # @klass.send :define_method, :clear_removed_attachments do removed_attachments.each do |name| if send(:"#{ name }?") send(name).clear end end removed_attachments.clear end @klass.send(:before_validation, :clear_removed_attachments) end @klass.send(:define_method, :attribute_container_column_for) do |attachment_name| attribute_name = "#{ attachment_name }_file_name" if self.class.columns.any? { |column| == attribute_name } return attribute_name end stored_attribute = self.class.stored_attributes.each do |key, fields| return key if fields.include?(attribute_name.to_sym) end end end end end end end require 'paperclip/media_type_spoof_detector' module Paperclip class MediaTypeSpoofDetector def spoofed? false end end end