<% content_for :notification_content, flush: true do %>

<%= notification.notifier.present? ? notification.notifier.printable_notifier_name : 'Someone' %> notified you of <% if notification.notifiable.present? %> <%= notification.notifiable.printable_notifiable_name(notification.target) %> <%= "in #{notification.group.printable_group_name}" if notification.group.present? %> <% else %> <%= " a #{notification.notifiable_type.humanize.singularize.downcase}" %> <%= "in #{notification.group.printable_group_name}" if notification.group.present? %> but the notifiable is not found. It may have been deleted. <% end %>
<%= notification.created_at.strftime("%b %d %H:%M") %>

<% end %>
<% if notification.unopened? %> <%= link_to open_notification_path_for(notification, reload: false, without_grouping: parameters[:with_group_members]), method: :post, remote: true, class: "unopned_wrapper" do %>


<% end %> <%= link_to open_notification_path_for(notification, move: true), method: :post do %> <%= yield :notification_content %> <% end %>
<% else %> <%= link_to move_notification_path_for(notification) do %> <%= yield :notification_content %> <% end %> <% end %> <%#= link_to "Move", move_notification_path_for(notification) %> <%# if notification.unopened? %> <%#= link_to "Open and move (GET)", move_notification_path_for(notification, open: true) %> <%#= link_to "Open and move (POST)", open_notification_path_for(notification, move: true), method: :post %> <%#= link_to "Open", open_notification_path_for(notification, index_options: @index_options), method: :post %> <%#= link_to "Open (Ajax)", open_notification_path_for(notification, reload: false, with_group_members: parameters[:with_group_members]), method: :post, remote: true %> <%# end %> <%#= link_to "Destroy", notification_path_for(notification, index_options: @index_options), method: :delete %> <%#= link_to "Destroy (Ajax)", notification_path_for(notification, reload: false, with_group_members: parameters[:with_group_members]), method: :delete, remote: true %>