/* saj.c * Copyright (c) 2012, Peter Ohler * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of Peter Ohler nor the names of its contributors may be * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER * CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #if !IS_WINDOWS #include <sys/resource.h> /* for getrlimit() on linux */ #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <unistd.h> // Workaround in case INFINITY is not defined in math.h or if the OS is CentOS #define OJ_INFINITY (1.0/0.0) #include "oj.h" #include "encode.h" typedef struct _ParseInfo { char *str; /* buffer being read from */ char *s; /* current position in buffer */ void *stack_min; VALUE handler; int has_hash_start; int has_hash_end; int has_array_start; int has_array_end; int has_add_value; int has_error; } *ParseInfo; static void read_next(ParseInfo pi, const char *key); static void read_hash(ParseInfo pi, const char *key); static void read_array(ParseInfo pi, const char *key); static void read_str(ParseInfo pi, const char *key); static void read_num(ParseInfo pi, const char *key); static void read_true(ParseInfo pi, const char *key); static void read_false(ParseInfo pi, const char *key); static void read_nil(ParseInfo pi, const char *key); static void next_non_white(ParseInfo pi); static char* read_quoted_value(ParseInfo pi); static void skip_comment(ParseInfo pi); /* This JSON parser is a single pass, destructive, callback parser. It is a * single pass parse since it only make one pass over the characters in the * JSON document string. It is destructive because it re-uses the content of * the string for values in the callback and places \0 characters at various * places to mark the end of tokens and strings. It is a callback parser like * a SAX parser because it uses callback when document elements are * encountered. * * Parsing is very tolerant. Lack of headers and even mispelled element * endings are passed over without raising an error. A best attempt is made in * all cases to parse the string. */ inline static void call_error(const char *msg, ParseInfo pi, const char* file, int line) { char buf[128]; const char *s = pi->s; int jline = 1; int col = 1; for (; pi->str < s && '\n' != *s; s--) { col++; } for (; pi->str < s; s--) { if ('\n' == *s) { jline++; } } sprintf(buf, "%s at line %d, column %d [%s:%d]", msg, jline, col, file, line); rb_funcall(pi->handler, oj_error_id, 3, rb_str_new2(buf), LONG2NUM(jline), LONG2NUM(col)); } inline static void next_non_white(ParseInfo pi) { for (; 1; pi->s++) { switch(*pi->s) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\f': case '\n': case '\r': break; case '/': skip_comment(pi); break; default: return; } } } inline static void call_add_value(VALUE handler, VALUE value, const char *key) { volatile VALUE k; if (0 == key) { k = Qnil; } else { k = rb_str_new2(key); k = oj_encode(k); } rb_funcall(handler, oj_add_value_id, 2, value, k); } inline static void call_no_value(VALUE handler, ID method, const char *key) { volatile VALUE k; if (0 == key) { k = Qnil; } else { k = rb_str_new2(key); k = oj_encode(k); } rb_funcall(handler, method, 1, k); } static void skip_comment(ParseInfo pi) { pi->s++; /* skip first / */ if ('*' == *pi->s) { pi->s++; for (; '\0' != *pi->s; pi->s++) { if ('*' == *pi->s && '/' == *(pi->s + 1)) { pi->s++; return; } else if ('\0' == *pi->s) { if (pi->has_error) { call_error("comment not terminated", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { raise_error("comment not terminated", pi->str, pi->s); } } } } else if ('/' == *pi->s) { for (; 1; pi->s++) { switch (*pi->s) { case '\n': case '\r': case '\f': case '\0': return; default: break; } } } else { if (pi->has_error) { call_error("invalid comment", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { raise_error("invalid comment", pi->str, pi->s); } } } static void read_next(ParseInfo pi, const char *key) { VALUE obj; if ((void*)&obj < pi->stack_min) { rb_raise(rb_eSysStackError, "JSON is too deeply nested"); } next_non_white(pi); /* skip white space */ switch (*pi->s) { case '{': read_hash(pi, key); break; case '[': read_array(pi, key); break; case '"': read_str(pi, key); break; case '+': case '-': case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': read_num(pi, key); break; case 'I': read_num(pi, key); break; case 't': read_true(pi, key); break; case 'f': read_false(pi, key); break; case 'n': read_nil(pi, key); break; case '\0': return; default: return; } } static void read_hash(ParseInfo pi, const char *key) { const char *ks; if (pi->has_hash_start) { call_no_value(pi->handler, oj_hash_start_id, key); } pi->s++; next_non_white(pi); if ('}' == *pi->s) { pi->s++; } else { while (1) { next_non_white(pi); ks = read_quoted_value(pi); next_non_white(pi); if (':' == *pi->s) { pi->s++; } else { if (pi->has_error) { call_error("invalid format, expected :", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__); } raise_error("invalid format, expected :", pi->str, pi->s); } read_next(pi, ks); next_non_white(pi); if ('}' == *pi->s) { pi->s++; break; } else if (',' == *pi->s) { pi->s++; } else { if (pi->has_error) { call_error("invalid format, expected , or } while in an object", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__); } raise_error("invalid format, expected , or } while in an object", pi->str, pi->s); } } } if (pi->has_hash_end) { call_no_value(pi->handler, oj_hash_end_id, key); } } static void read_array(ParseInfo pi, const char *key) { if (pi->has_array_start) { call_no_value(pi->handler, oj_array_start_id, key); } pi->s++; next_non_white(pi); if (']' == *pi->s) { pi->s++; } else { while (1) { read_next(pi, 0); next_non_white(pi); if (',' == *pi->s) { pi->s++; } else if (']' == *pi->s) { pi->s++; break; } else { if (pi->has_error) { call_error("invalid format, expected , or ] while in an array", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__); } raise_error("invalid format, expected , or ] while in an array", pi->str, pi->s); } } } if (pi->has_array_end) { call_no_value(pi->handler, oj_array_end_id, key); } } static void read_str(ParseInfo pi, const char *key) { char *text; text = read_quoted_value(pi); if (pi->has_add_value) { VALUE s = rb_str_new2(text); s = oj_encode(s); call_add_value(pi->handler, s, key); } } #ifdef RUBINIUS_RUBY #define NUM_MAX 0x07FFFFFF #else #define NUM_MAX (FIXNUM_MAX >> 8) #endif static void read_num(ParseInfo pi, const char *key) { char *start = pi->s; int64_t n = 0; long a = 0; long div = 1; long e = 0; int neg = 0; int eneg = 0; int big = 0; if ('-' == *pi->s) { pi->s++; neg = 1; } else if ('+' == *pi->s) { pi->s++; } if ('I' == *pi->s) { if (0 != strncmp("Infinity", pi->s, 8)) { if (pi->has_error) { call_error("number or other value", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__); } raise_error("number or other value", pi->str, pi->s); } pi->s += 8; if (neg) { if (pi->has_add_value) { call_add_value(pi->handler, rb_float_new(-OJ_INFINITY), key); } } else { if (pi->has_add_value) { call_add_value(pi->handler, rb_float_new(OJ_INFINITY), key); } } return; } for (; '0' <= *pi->s && *pi->s <= '9'; pi->s++) { if (big) { big++; } else { n = n * 10 + (*pi->s - '0'); if (NUM_MAX <= n) { big = 1; } } } if ('.' == *pi->s) { pi->s++; for (; '0' <= *pi->s && *pi->s <= '9'; pi->s++) { a = a * 10 + (*pi->s - '0'); div *= 10; if (NUM_MAX <= div) { big = 1; } } } if ('e' == *pi->s || 'E' == *pi->s) { pi->s++; if ('-' == *pi->s) { pi->s++; eneg = 1; } else if ('+' == *pi->s) { pi->s++; } for (; '0' <= *pi->s && *pi->s <= '9'; pi->s++) { e = e * 10 + (*pi->s - '0'); if (NUM_MAX <= e) { big = 1; } } } if (0 == e && 0 == a && 1 == div) { if (big) { char c = *pi->s; *pi->s = '\0'; if (pi->has_add_value) { call_add_value(pi->handler, rb_funcall(oj_bigdecimal_class, oj_new_id, 1, rb_str_new2(start)), key); } *pi->s = c; } else { if (neg) { n = -n; } if (pi->has_add_value) { call_add_value(pi->handler, LONG2NUM(n), key); } } return; } else { /* decimal */ if (big) { char c = *pi->s; *pi->s = '\0'; if (pi->has_add_value) { call_add_value(pi->handler, rb_funcall(oj_bigdecimal_class, oj_new_id, 1, rb_str_new2(start)), key); } *pi->s = c; } else { double d = (double)n + (double)a / (double)div; if (neg) { d = -d; } if (1 < big) { e += big - 1; } if (0 != e) { if (eneg) { e = -e; } d *= pow(10.0, e); } if (pi->has_add_value) { call_add_value(pi->handler, rb_float_new(d), key); } } } } static void read_true(ParseInfo pi, const char *key) { pi->s++; if ('r' != *pi->s || 'u' != *(pi->s + 1) || 'e' != *(pi->s + 2)) { if (pi->has_error) { call_error("invalid format, expected 'true'", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__); } raise_error("invalid format, expected 'true'", pi->str, pi->s); } pi->s += 3; if (pi->has_add_value) { call_add_value(pi->handler, Qtrue, key); } } static void read_false(ParseInfo pi, const char *key) { pi->s++; if ('a' != *pi->s || 'l' != *(pi->s + 1) || 's' != *(pi->s + 2) || 'e' != *(pi->s + 3)) { if (pi->has_error) { call_error("invalid format, expected 'false'", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__); } raise_error("invalid format, expected 'false'", pi->str, pi->s); } pi->s += 4; if (pi->has_add_value) { call_add_value(pi->handler, Qfalse, key); } } static void read_nil(ParseInfo pi, const char *key) { pi->s++; if ('u' != *pi->s || 'l' != *(pi->s + 1) || 'l' != *(pi->s + 2)) { if (pi->has_error) { call_error("invalid format, expected 'null'", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__); } raise_error("invalid format, expected 'null'", pi->str, pi->s); } pi->s += 3; if (pi->has_add_value) { call_add_value(pi->handler, Qnil, key); } } static uint32_t read_hex(ParseInfo pi, char *h) { uint32_t b = 0; int i; /* TBD this can be made faster with a table */ for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, h++) { b = b << 4; if ('0' <= *h && *h <= '9') { b += *h - '0'; } else if ('A' <= *h && *h <= 'F') { b += *h - 'A' + 10; } else if ('a' <= *h && *h <= 'f') { b += *h - 'a' + 10; } else { pi->s = h; if (pi->has_error) { call_error("invalid hex character", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__); } raise_error("invalid hex character", pi->str, pi->s); } } return b; } static char* unicode_to_chars(ParseInfo pi, char *t, uint32_t code) { if (0x0000007F >= code) { *t = (char)code; } else if (0x000007FF >= code) { *t++ = 0xC0 | (code >> 6); *t = 0x80 | (0x3F & code); } else if (0x0000FFFF >= code) { *t++ = 0xE0 | (code >> 12); *t++ = 0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3F); *t = 0x80 | (0x3F & code); } else if (0x001FFFFF >= code) { *t++ = 0xF0 | (code >> 18); *t++ = 0x80 | ((code >> 12) & 0x3F); *t++ = 0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3F); *t = 0x80 | (0x3F & code); } else if (0x03FFFFFF >= code) { *t++ = 0xF8 | (code >> 24); *t++ = 0x80 | ((code >> 18) & 0x3F); *t++ = 0x80 | ((code >> 12) & 0x3F); *t++ = 0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3F); *t = 0x80 | (0x3F & code); } else if (0x7FFFFFFF >= code) { *t++ = 0xFC | (code >> 30); *t++ = 0x80 | ((code >> 24) & 0x3F); *t++ = 0x80 | ((code >> 18) & 0x3F); *t++ = 0x80 | ((code >> 12) & 0x3F); *t++ = 0x80 | ((code >> 6) & 0x3F); *t = 0x80 | (0x3F & code); } else { if (pi->has_error) { call_error("invalid Unicode", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__); } raise_error("invalid Unicode", pi->str, pi->s); } return t; } /* Assume the value starts immediately and goes until the quote character is * reached again. Do not read the character after the terminating quote. */ static char* read_quoted_value(ParseInfo pi) { char *value = 0; char *h = pi->s; /* head */ char *t = h; /* tail */ uint32_t code; h++; /* skip quote character */ t++; value = h; for (; '"' != *h; h++, t++) { if ('\0' == *h) { pi->s = h; raise_error("quoted string not terminated", pi->str, pi->s); } else if ('\\' == *h) { h++; switch (*h) { case 'n': *t = '\n'; break; case 'r': *t = '\r'; break; case 't': *t = '\t'; break; case 'f': *t = '\f'; break; case 'b': *t = '\b'; break; case '"': *t = '"'; break; case '/': *t = '/'; break; case '\\': *t = '\\'; break; case 'u': h++; code = read_hex(pi, h); h += 3; if (0x0000D800 <= code && code <= 0x0000DFFF) { uint32_t c1 = (code - 0x0000D800) & 0x000003FF; uint32_t c2; h++; if ('\\' != *h || 'u' != *(h + 1)) { pi->s = h; if (pi->has_error) { call_error("invalid escaped character", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__); } raise_error("invalid escaped character", pi->str, pi->s); } h += 2; c2 = read_hex(pi, h); h += 3; c2 = (c2 - 0x0000DC00) & 0x000003FF; code = ((c1 << 10) | c2) + 0x00010000; } t = unicode_to_chars(pi, t, code); break; default: pi->s = h; if (pi->has_error) { call_error("invalid escaped character", pi, __FILE__, __LINE__); } raise_error("invalid escaped character", pi->str, pi->s); break; } } else if (t != h) { *t = *h; } } *t = '\0'; /* terminate value */ pi->s = h + 1; return value; } static void saj_parse(VALUE handler, char *json) { volatile VALUE obj = Qnil; struct _ParseInfo pi; if (0 == json) { if (pi.has_error) { call_error("Invalid arg, xml string can not be null", &pi, __FILE__, __LINE__); } raise_error("Invalid arg, xml string can not be null", json, 0); } /* skip UTF-8 BOM if present */ if (0xEF == (uint8_t)*json && 0xBB == (uint8_t)json[1] && 0xBF == (uint8_t)json[2]) { json += 3; } /* initialize parse info */ pi.str = json; pi.s = json; #if IS_WINDOWS pi.stack_min = (void*)((char*)&obj - (512 * 1024)); /* assume a 1M stack and give half to ruby */ #else { struct rlimit lim; if (0 == getrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK, &lim)) { pi.stack_min = (void*)((char*)&obj - (lim.rlim_cur / 4 * 3)); /* let 3/4ths of the stack be used only */ } else { pi.stack_min = 0; /* indicates not to check stack limit */ } } #endif pi.handler = handler; pi.has_hash_start = rb_respond_to(handler, oj_hash_start_id); pi.has_hash_end = rb_respond_to(handler, oj_hash_end_id); pi.has_array_start = rb_respond_to(handler, oj_array_start_id); pi.has_array_end = rb_respond_to(handler, oj_array_end_id); pi.has_add_value = rb_respond_to(handler, oj_add_value_id); pi.has_error = rb_respond_to(handler, oj_error_id); read_next(&pi, 0); next_non_white(&pi); if ('\0' != *pi.s) { if (pi.has_error) { call_error("invalid format, extra characters", &pi, __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { raise_error("invalid format, extra characters", pi.str, pi.s); } } } /* call-seq: saj_parse(handler, io) * * Parses an IO stream or file containing an JSON document. Raises an exception * if the JSON is malformed. * @param [Oj::Saj] handler Saj (responds to Oj::Saj methods) like handler * @param [IO|String] io IO Object to read from */ VALUE oj_saj_parse(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { char *json = 0; size_t len = 0; VALUE input = argv[1]; if (argc < 2) { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "Wrong number of arguments to saj_parse.\n"); } if (rb_type(input) == T_STRING) { // the json string gets modified so make a copy of it len = RSTRING_LEN(input) + 1; json = ALLOC_N(char, len); strcpy(json, StringValuePtr(input)); } else { VALUE clas = rb_obj_class(input); volatile VALUE s; if (oj_stringio_class == clas) { s = rb_funcall2(input, oj_string_id, 0, 0); len = RSTRING_LEN(s) + 1; json = ALLOC_N(char, len); strcpy(json, rb_string_value_cstr((VALUE*)&s)); #if !IS_WINDOWS } else if (rb_cFile == clas && 0 == FIX2INT(rb_funcall(input, oj_pos_id, 0))) { int fd = FIX2INT(rb_funcall(input, oj_fileno_id, 0)); ssize_t cnt; len = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); json = ALLOC_N(char, len + 1); if (0 >= (cnt = read(fd, json, len)) || cnt != (ssize_t)len) { rb_raise(rb_eIOError, "failed to read from IO Object."); } json[len] = '\0'; #endif } else if (rb_respond_to(input, oj_read_id)) { s = rb_funcall2(input, oj_read_id, 0, 0); len = RSTRING_LEN(s) + 1; json = ALLOC_N(char, len); strcpy(json, rb_string_value_cstr((VALUE*)&s)); } else { rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "saj_parse() expected a String or IO Object."); } } saj_parse(*argv, json); xfree(json); return Qnil; }