#################### # development gems ## use pry gem for basic debug ( put `binding.pry` at breake point )? # gem 'pry' ## use rake tasks with bundle exec? # gem 'rake' #################### # gems for easy markup ## Slim is very recommended for HTML markup, it's both easy and fast. We LOVE it. # gem 'slim' ## Sass makes CSS easy # gem "sass" ## we love Haml, even though it can be slow: # gem 'haml' ## Coffee Script makes Javascript more fun to code. # gem "coffee-script" ## Markdown # gem 'redcarpet' ## syntax highlighting # gem 'rouge' #################### # Internationalization # gem 'i18n' #################### # WebSocket Scaling ## Redis servers are used to allow websocket scaling. ## Plezi can be configured to automatically use Redis for easy scaling. # gem 'redis' #################### # gems for databases and models ## if you want to use a database, here are a few common enough options: # gem 'mysql2' # gem 'sqlite3' # gem 'pg' ## MongoDB is a very well known NoSQL DB ## https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-ruby-driver # # gem 'mongo' # ## for a performance boost, the C extentions can be used (NOT JRuby - bson_ext isn't used with JRuby). # # gem 'bson_ext' # ## you can also have a look at the Mongo Mapper ORM ## http://mongomapper.com # # gem 'mongo_mapper' ## Sequel: ## http://sequel.jeremyevans.net/rdoc/files/README_rdoc.html ## http://sequel.jeremyevans.net/rdoc/files/doc/cheat_sheet_rdoc.html ## this seems greate, but we left out any auto-config for this one... seems to work out of the box. # # gem 'sequel' ## if you want to use ActiveRecord, uncomment the following line(s)... ## but first, please remember that AcriveRecord needs extra attention when multi-threading # gem 'activerecord', :require => 'active_record' # gem 'bcrypt', '~> 3.1.7' # gem 'standalone_migrations' # will more rake tasks support for ActiveRecord ## active support can run without rails and extends the Ruby language. ## it could be heavy, be warned. ## see: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_support_core_extensions.html # # gem 'activesupport', :require => ['active_support', 'active_support/core_ext'] ## or: # gem 'activesupport', :require => ['active_support', 'active_support/all']