/* Copyright 2007-2009 WebDriver committers Copyright 2007-2009 Google Inc. Portions copyright 2007 ThoughtWorks, Inc Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ function FirefoxDriver(server, enableNativeEvents) { this.server = server; this.mouseSpeed = 1; this.enableNativeEvents = enableNativeEvents; this.currentX = 0; this.currentY = 0; } FirefoxDriver.prototype.__defineGetter__("id", function() { if (!this.id_) { this.id_ = this.server.getNextId(); } return this.id_; }); FirefoxDriver.prototype.getCurrentWindowHandle = function(respond) { respond.response = this.id; respond.send(); }; FirefoxDriver.prototype.get = function(respond, url) { // Check to see if the given url is the same as the current one, but // with a different anchor tag. var current = Utils.getBrowser(respond.context).contentWindow.location; var ioService = Utils.getService("@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1", "nsIIOService"); var currentUri = ioService.newURI(current, "", null); var futureUri = ioService.newURI(url, "", currentUri); var loadEventExpected = true; if (currentUri && futureUri && currentUri.prePath == futureUri.prePath && currentUri.filePath == futureUri.filePath) { // Looks like we're at the same url with a ref // Being clever and checking the ref was causing me headaches. // Brute force for now loadEventExpected = futureUri.path.indexOf("#") == -1; } if (loadEventExpected) { new WebLoadingListener(Utils.getBrowser(respond.context), function() { // TODO: Rescue the URI and response code from the event var responseText = ""; respond.context.frameId = "?"; respond.response = responseText; respond.send(); }); } Utils.getBrowser(respond.context).loadURI(url); if (!loadEventExpected) { respond.send(); } }; FirefoxDriver.prototype.close = function(respond) { // Grab all the references we'll need. Once we call close all this might go away var wm = Utils.getService( "@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1", "nsIWindowMediator"); var appService = Utils.getService( "@mozilla.org/toolkit/app-startup;1", "nsIAppStartup"); var forceQuit = Components.interfaces.nsIAppStartup.eForceQuit; // Here we go! try { var browser = Utils.getBrowser(respond.context); createSwitchFile("close:" + browser.id); browser.contentWindow.close(); } catch(e) { dump(e); } // If we're on a Mac we might have closed all the windows but not quit, so // ensure that we do actually quit :) var allWindows = wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser"); if (!allWindows.hasMoreElements()) { appService.quit(forceQuit); return; // The client should catch the fact that the socket suddenly closes } // If we're still running, return respond.send(); }; FirefoxDriver.prototype.executeScript = function(respond, script) { var doc = Utils.getDocument(respond.context); var window = doc ? doc.defaultView : Utils.getBrowser(respond.context).contentWindow; var parameters = new Array(); var runScript; // Pre if (window['alert'] && !window.wrappedJSObject) { runScript = function(scriptSrc) { return window.eval(scriptSrc); }; } else { runScript = function(scriptSrc) { window = window.wrappedJSObject; var sandbox = new Components.utils.Sandbox(window); sandbox.window = window; sandbox.__webdriverParams = parameters; sandbox.document = window.document; sandbox.unsafeWindow = window; sandbox.__proto__ = window; return Components.utils.evalInSandbox(scriptSrc, sandbox); }; } try { var scriptSrc = "var __webdriverFunc = function(){" + script.shift() + "}; __webdriverFunc.apply(window, __webdriverParams);"; var convert = script.shift(); Utils.unwrapParameters(convert, parameters, respond.context); var result = runScript(scriptSrc, parameters); respond.response = Utils.wrapResult(result, respond.context); } catch (e) { respond.isError = true; respond.response = e; } respond.send(); }; FirefoxDriver.prototype.getCurrentUrl = function(respond) { var url = Utils.getDocument(respond.context).defaultView.location; if (!url) { url = Utils.getBrowser(respond.context).contentWindow.location; } respond.response = "" + url; respond.send(); }; FirefoxDriver.prototype.title = function(respond) { var browser = Utils.getBrowser(respond.context); respond.response = browser.contentTitle; respond.send(); }; FirefoxDriver.prototype.getPageSource = function(respond) { var source = Utils.getDocument(respond.context). getElementsByTagName("html")[0].innerHTML; respond.response = "" + source + ""; respond.send(); }; var normalizeXPath = function(xpath, opt_contextNode) { if (opt_contextNode && xpath) { var parentXPath = Utils.getXPathOfElement(opt_contextNode); if (parentXPath && parentXPath.length > 0) { if (xpath[0] != '/' && xpath[0] != '(') { return parentXPath + "/" + xpath; } else { return parentXPath + xpath; } } } return xpath; }; /** * Searches for the first element in {@code theDocument} matching the given * {@code xpath} expression. * @param {nsIDOMDocument} theDocument The document to search in. * @param {string} xpath The XPath expression to evaluate. * @param {nsIDOMNode} opt_contextNode The context node for the query; defaults * to {@code theDocument}. * @return {nsIDOMNode} The first matching node. * @private */ FirefoxDriver.prototype.findElementByXPath_ = function(theDocument, xpath, opt_contextNode) { var contextNode = theDocument; if (opt_contextNode) { contextNode = opt_contextNode; xpath = normalizeXPath(xpath, opt_contextNode); } return theDocument.evaluate(xpath, contextNode, null, Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null). singleNodeValue; }; /** * Searches for elements matching the given {@code xpath} expression in the * specified document. * @param {nsIDOMDocument} theDocument The document to search in. * @param {string} xpath The XPath expression to evaluate. * @param {nsIDOMNode} opt_contextNode The context node for the query; defaults * to {@code theDocument}. * @return {Array.} The matching nodes. * @private */ FirefoxDriver.prototype.findElementsByXPath_ = function(theDocument, xpath, opt_contextNode) { var contextNode = theDocument; if (opt_contextNode) { contextNode = opt_contextNode; xpath = normalizeXPath(xpath, opt_contextNode); } var result = theDocument.evaluate(xpath, contextNode, null, Components.interfaces.nsIDOMXPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); var elements = []; var element = result.iterateNext(); while (element) { elements.push(element); element = result.iterateNext(); } return elements; }; /** * Searches for the first element in {@code theDocument} using the given * {@code Javascript} expression or {@code Javascript} code. * @param {nsIDOMDocument} theDocument The document to search in. * @param {string} javascript The Javascript expression or code to evaluate. * @param {nsIDOMNode} opt_contextNode The context node for the query; defaults * to {@code theDocument}. * @param {boolean} js_expr Indicate if the javascript is a simple expression * or bunch line of code. * @return {nsIDOMNode} The first matching node. * @private */ FirefoxDriver.prototype.findElementByJavascript = function(theDocument, javascript, opt_contextNode, js_expr) { if (js_expr) { javascript = 'return this.' + javascript + ';'; } var fn = new Function('window', javascript); return fn.apply(theDocument.defaultView.wrappedJSObject, [ theDocument.defaultView.wrappedJSObject.window, ]); }; /** * An enumeration of the supported element locator methods. * @enum {string} */ FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator = { ID: 'id', NAME: 'name', CLASS_NAME: 'class name', CSS_SELECTOR: 'css selector', TAG_NAME: 'tag name', LINK_TEXT: 'link text', PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT: 'partial link text', XPATH: 'xpath', JS_EXPR: 'js expr', JAVASCRIPT: 'javascript' }; /** * Finds an element on the current page. The response value will be the UUID of * the located element, or an error message if an element could not be found. * @param {Response} respond Object to send the command response with. * @param {FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator} method The locator method to use. * @param {string} selector What to search for; see {@code ElementLocator} for * details on what the selector should be for each element. * @param {string} opt_parentElementId If defined, the search will be restricted * to the corresponding element's subtree. * @private */ FirefoxDriver.prototype.findElementInternal_ = function(respond, method, selector, opt_parentElementId) { var theDocument = Utils.getDocument(respond.context); var rootNode = typeof opt_parentElementId == 'string' ? Utils.getElementAt(opt_parentElementId, respond.context) : theDocument; var element; switch (method) { case FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator.ID: element = rootNode === theDocument ? theDocument.getElementById(selector) : this.findElementByXPath_( theDocument, './/*[@id="' + selector + '"]', rootNode); break; case FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator.NAME: element = rootNode.getElementsByName ? rootNode.getElementsByName(selector)[0] : this.findElementByXPath_( theDocument, './/*[@name ="' + selector + '"]', rootNode); break; case FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator.CLASS_NAME: element = rootNode.getElementsByClassName ? rootNode.getElementsByClassName(selector)[0] : // FF 3+ this.findElementByXPath_(theDocument, // FF 2 '//*[contains(concat(" ",normalize-space(@class)," ")," ' + selector + ' ")]', rootNode); break; case FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator.CSS_SELECTOR: if (rootNode['querySelector']) { element = rootNode.querySelector(selector); } else { respond.isError = true; respond.response = "CSS Selectors not supported natively"; respond.send(); } break; case FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator.TAG_NAME: element = rootNode.getElementsByTagName(selector)[0]; break; case FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator.XPATH: element = this.findElementByXPath_(theDocument, selector, rootNode); break; case FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator.LINK_TEXT: case FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT: var allLinks = rootNode.getElementsByTagName('A'); for (var i = 0; i < allLinks.length && !element; i++) { var text = Utils.getText(allLinks[i], true); if (FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT == method) { if (text.indexOf(selector) != -1) { element = allLinks[i]; } } else if (text == selector) { element = allLinks[i]; } } break; case FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator.JS_EXPR: element = this.findElementByJavascript(theDocument, selector, rootNode, true); break; case FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator.JAVASCRIPT: element = this.findElementByJavascript(theDocument, selector, rootNode, false); break; default: respond.response = 'Unsupported element locator method: ' + method; respond.isError = true; respond.send(); return; } if (element) { respond.response = Utils.addToKnownElements(element, respond.context); } else { respond.response = 'Unable to locate element: ' + JSON.stringify({ method: method, selector: selector }); respond.isError = true; } respond.send(); }; /** * Finds an element on the current page. The response value will be the UUID of * the located element, or an error message if an element could not be found. * @param {Response} respond Object to send the command response with. * @param {Array.} parameters A two-element array: the first element * should be a method listen in the {@code Firefox.ElementLocator} enum, and * the second should be what to search for. */ FirefoxDriver.prototype.findElement = function(respond, parameters) { this.findElementInternal_(respond, parameters[0], parameters[1]); }; /** * Finds an element on the current page that is the child of a corresponding * search parameter. The response value will be the UUID of the located element, * or an error message if an element could not be found. * @param {Response} respond Object to send the command response with. * @param {Array.<{id:string, using:string, value:string}>} parameters A single * element array. The array element should define what to search for with * the following fields: * - id: UUID of the element to base the search from. * - using: A method to search with, as defined in the * {@code Firefox.ElementLocator} enum. * - value: What to search for. */ FirefoxDriver.prototype.findChildElement = function(respond, parameters) { var map = parameters[0]; this.findElementInternal_(respond, map.using, map.value, map.id); }; /** * Finds elements on the current page. The response value will an array of UUIDs * for the located elements. * @param {Response} respond Object to send the command response with. * @param {FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator} method The locator method to use. * @param {string} selector What to search for; see {@code ElementLocator} for * details on what the selector should be for each element. * @param {string} opt_parentElementId If defined, the search will be restricted * to the corresponding element's subtree. * @private */ FirefoxDriver.prototype.findElementsInternal_ = function(respond, method, selector, opt_parentElementId) { var theDocument = Utils.getDocument(respond.context); var rootNode = typeof opt_parentElementId == 'string' ? Utils.getElementAt(opt_parentElementId, respond.context) : theDocument; var elements; switch (method) { case FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator.ID: selector = './/*[@id="' + selector + '"]'; // Fall-through case FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator.XPATH: elements = this.findElementsByXPath_( theDocument, selector, rootNode); break; case FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator.NAME: elements = rootNode.getElementsByName ? rootNode.getElementsByName(selector) : this.findElementsByXPath_( theDocument, './/*[@name="' + selector + '"]', rootNode); break; case FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator.CSS_SELECTOR: if (rootNode['querySelector']) { elements = rootNode.querySelectorAll(selector); } else { respond.isError = true; respond.response = "CSS Selectors not supported natively"; respond.send(); } break; case FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator.TAG_NAME: elements = rootNode.getElementsByTagName(selector); break; case FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator.CLASS_NAME: elements = rootNode.getElementsByClassName ? rootNode.getElementsByClassName(selector) : // FF 3+ this.findElementsByXPath_(theDocument, // FF 2 './/*[contains(concat(" ",normalize-space(@class)," ")," ' + selector + ' ")]', rootNode); break; case FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator.LINK_TEXT: case FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT: elements = rootNode.getElementsByTagName('A'); elements = Array.filter(elements, function(element) { var text = Utils.getText(element, true); if (FirefoxDriver.ElementLocator.PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT == method) { return text.indexOf(selector) != -1; } else { return text == selector; } }); break; default: respond.response = 'Unsupported element locator method: ' + method; respond.isError = true; respond.send(); return; } var elementIds = []; for (var j = 0; j < elements.length; j++) { var element = elements[j]; elementIds.push(Utils.addToKnownElements(element, respond.context)); } respond.response = elementIds; respond.send(); }; /** * Searches for multiple elements on the page. The response value will be an * array of UUIDs for the located elements. * @param {Response} respond Object to send the command response with. * @param {Array.} parameters A two-element array: the first element * should be the type of locator strategy to use, the second is the target * of the search. */ FirefoxDriver.prototype.findElements = function(respond, parameters) { this.findElementsInternal_(respond, parameters[0], parameters[1]); }; /** * Searches for multiple elements on the page that are children of the * corresponding search parameter. The response value will be an array of UUIDs * for the located elements. * @param {Array.<{id:string, using:string, value:string}>} parameters A single * element array. The array element should define what to search for with * the following fields: * - id: UUID of the element to base the search from. * - using: A method to search with, as defined in the * {@code Firefox.ElementLocator} enum. * - value: What to search for. */ FirefoxDriver.prototype.findChildElements = function(respond, parameters) { var map = parameters[0]; this.findElementsInternal_(respond, map.using, map.value, map.id); }; FirefoxDriver.prototype.switchToFrame = function(respond, frameId) { var browser = Utils.getBrowser(respond.context); var frameDoc = Utils.findDocumentInFrame(browser, frameId[0]); if (frameDoc) { respond.context = new Context(respond.context.windowId, frameId[0]); respond.send(); } else { respond.isError = true; respond.response = "Cannot find frame with id: " + frameId.toString(); respond.send(); } }; FirefoxDriver.prototype.switchToDefaultContent = function(respond) { respond.context.frameId = "?"; respond.send(); }; FirefoxDriver.prototype.switchToActiveElement = function(respond) { var element = Utils.getActiveElement(respond.context); respond.response = Utils.addToKnownElements(element, respond.context); respond.send(); }; FirefoxDriver.prototype.goBack = function(respond) { var browser = Utils.getBrowser(respond.context); if (browser.canGoBack) { browser.goBack(); } respond.send(); }; FirefoxDriver.prototype.goForward = function(respond) { var browser = Utils.getBrowser(respond.context); if (browser.canGoForward) { browser.goForward(); } respond.send(); }; FirefoxDriver.prototype.refresh = function(respond) { var browser = Utils.getBrowser(respond.context); browser.contentWindow.location.reload(true); // Wait for the reload to finish before sending the response. new WebLoadingListener(browser, function() { // Reset to the top frame. respond.context.frameId = "?"; respond.send(); }); }; FirefoxDriver.prototype.addCookie = function(respond, cookieString) { var cookie; cookie = eval('(' + cookieString[0] + ')'); if (cookie.expiry) { cookie.expiry = new Date(cookie.expiry); } else { var date = new Date(); date.setYear(2030); cookie.expiry = date; } cookie.expiry = cookie.expiry.getTime() / 1000; // Stored in seconds if (!cookie.domain) { var location = Utils.getBrowser(respond.context).contentWindow.location; cookie.domain = location.hostname; } else { var currLocation = Utils.getBrowser(respond.context).contentWindow.location; var currDomain = currLocation.host; if (currDomain.indexOf(cookie.domain) == -1) { // Not quite right, but close enough respond.isError = true; respond.response = "You may only set cookies for the current domain"; respond.send(); return; } } // The cookie's domain may include a port. Which is bad. Remove it // We'll catch ip6 addresses by mistake. Since no-one uses those // this will be okay for now. if (cookie.domain.match(/:\d+$/)) { cookie.domain = cookie.domain.replace(/:\d+$/, ""); } var document = Utils.getDocument(respond.context); if (!document || !document.contentType.match(/html/i)) { respond.isError = true; respond.response = "You may only set cookies on html documents"; respond.send(); return; } var cookieManager = Utils.getService("@mozilla.org/cookiemanager;1", "nsICookieManager2"); // The signature for "add" is different in firefox 3 and 2. We should sniff // the browser version and call the right version of the method, but for now // we'll use brute-force. try { cookieManager.add(cookie.domain, cookie.path, cookie.name, cookie.value, cookie.secure, false, cookie.expiry); } catch(e) { cookieManager.add(cookie.domain, cookie.path, cookie.name, cookie.value, cookie.secure, false, false, cookie.expiry); } respond.send(); }; function getVisibleCookies(location) { var results = []; var currentPath = location.pathname; if (!currentPath) currentPath = "/"; var isForCurrentPath = function(aPath) { return currentPath.indexOf(aPath) != -1; }; var cm = Utils.getService("@mozilla.org/cookiemanager;1", "nsICookieManager"); var e = cm.enumerator; while (e.hasMoreElements()) { var cookie = e.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces["nsICookie"]); // Take the hostname and progressively shorten it var hostname = location.hostname; do { if ((cookie.host == "." + hostname || cookie.host == hostname) && isForCurrentPath(cookie.path)) { results.push(cookie); break; } hostname = hostname.replace(/^.*?\./, ""); } while (hostname.indexOf(".") != -1); } return results; }; FirefoxDriver.prototype.getCookie = function(respond) { var cookieToString = function(c) { return c.name + "=" + c.value + ";" + "domain=" + c.host + ";" + "path=" + c.path + ";" + "expires=" + c.expires + ";" + (c.isSecure ? "secure ;" : ""); }; var toReturn = []; var cookies = getVisibleCookies(Utils.getBrowser(respond.context). contentWindow.location); for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { toReturn.push(cookieToString(cookies[i])); } respond.response = toReturn; respond.send(); }; // This is damn ugly, but it turns out that just deleting a cookie from the document // doesn't always do The Right Thing FirefoxDriver.prototype.deleteCookie = function(respond, cookieString) { var cm = Utils.getService("@mozilla.org/cookiemanager;1", "nsICookieManager"); // TODO(simon): Well, this is dumb. Sorry var toDelete = eval('(' + cookieString + ')'); var cookies = getVisibleCookies(Utils.getBrowser(respond.context). contentWindow.location); for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { var cookie = cookies[i]; if (cookie.name == toDelete.name) { cm.remove(cookie.host, cookie.name, cookie.path, false); } } respond.send(); }; FirefoxDriver.prototype.deleteAllCookies = function(respond) { var cm = Utils.getService("@mozilla.org/cookiemanager;1", "nsICookieManager"); var cookies = getVisibleCookies(Utils.getBrowser(respond.context). contentWindow.location); for (var i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { var cookie = cookies[i]; cm.remove(cookie.host, cookie.name, cookie.path, false); } respond.send(); }; FirefoxDriver.prototype.setMouseSpeed = function(respond, speed) { this.mouseSpeed = speed.shift(); respond.send(); }; FirefoxDriver.prototype.getMouseSpeed = function(respond) { respond.response = this.mouseSpeed; respond.send(); }; FirefoxDriver.prototype.saveScreenshot = function(respond, pngFile) { var window = Utils.getBrowser(respond.context).contentWindow; try { var canvas = Screenshooter.grab(window); try { Screenshooter.save(canvas, pngFile); } catch(e) { respond.isError = true; respond.response = 'Could not save screenshot to ' + pngFile + ' - ' + e; } } catch(e) { respond.isError = true; respond.response = 'Could not take screenshot of current page - ' + e; } respond.send(); }; FirefoxDriver.prototype.getScreenshotAsBase64 = function(respond) { var window = Utils.getBrowser(respond.context).contentWindow; try { var canvas = Screenshooter.grab(window); respond.isError = false; respond.response = Screenshooter.toBase64(canvas); } catch (e) { respond.isError = true; respond.response = 'Could not take screenshot of current page - ' + e; } respond.send(); }; FirefoxDriver.prototype.dismissAlert = function(respond, alertText) { // TODO(simon): Is there a type for alerts? var wm = Utils.getService("@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1", "nsIWindowMediator"); var allWindows = wm.getEnumerator(""); while (allWindows.hasMoreElements()) { var alert = allWindows.getNext(); var doc = alert.document; if (doc && doc.documentURI == "chrome://global/content/commonDialog.xul") { var dialog = doc.getElementsByTagName("dialog")[0]; dialog.getButton("accept").click(); break; } } respond.send(); };