import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { set } from '@ember/-internals/metal'; import NoneLocation from '../../lib/location/none_location'; import { moduleFor, AbstractTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; let NoneTestLocation, location; function createLocation(options) { if (!options) { options = {}; } location = NoneTestLocation.create(options); } moduleFor( 'NoneLocation', class extends AbstractTestCase { constructor() { super(); NoneTestLocation = NoneLocation.extend({}); } teardown() { run(() => { if (location) { location.destroy(); } }); } ['@test NoneLocation.formatURL() returns the current url always appending rootURL'](assert) { NoneTestLocation.reopen({ init() { this._super(...arguments); set(this, 'rootURL', '/en/'); }, }); createLocation(); assert.equal(location.formatURL('/foo/bar'), '/en/foo/bar'); } ['@test NoneLocation.getURL() returns the current path minus rootURL'](assert) { NoneTestLocation.reopen({ init() { this._super(...arguments); set(this, 'rootURL', '/foo/'); set(this, 'path', '/foo/bar'); }, }); createLocation(); assert.equal(location.getURL(), '/bar'); } ['@test NoneLocation.getURL() will remove the rootURL only from the beginning of a url']( assert ) { NoneTestLocation.reopen({ init() { this._super(...arguments); set(this, 'rootURL', '/bar/'); set(this, 'path', '/foo/bar/baz'); }, }); createLocation(); assert.equal(location.getURL(), '/foo/bar/baz'); } ['@test NoneLocation.getURL() will not remove the rootURL when only a partial match'](assert) { NoneTestLocation.reopen({ init() { this._super(...arguments); set(this, 'rootURL', '/bar/'); set(this, 'path', '/bars/baz'); }, }); createLocation(); assert.equal(location.getURL(), '/bars/baz'); } } );