module Savon # Savon::Mash converts a given Hash into an Object. class Mash # Loops through a given +hash+, stores each value in an instance variable # and creates getter and setter methods. # # === Parameters # # * +hash+ - The Hash to convert. def initialize(hash) hash.each do |key,value| value = if value.is_a? Hash if value.is_a? Array value = do |item| if item.is_a?(Hash) then else item end end end set_instance_variable key, value define_reader key define_writer key end end private # Sets and instance variable with a given +name+ and +value+. # # === Parameters # # * +name+ - Name of the instance variable. # * +value+ - Value of the instance variable. def set_instance_variable(name, value) self.instance_variable_set("@#{name}", value) end # Defines a reader method for a given instance +variable+. # # === Parameters # # * +variable+ - Name of the instance variable. def define_reader(variable) method = proc { self.instance_variable_get("@#{variable}") } self.class.send(:define_method, variable, method) end # Defines a writer method for a given instance +variable+. # # === Parameters # # * +variable+ - Name of the instance variable. def define_writer(variable) method = proc { |value| self.instance_variable_set("@#{variable}", value) } self.class.send(:define_method, "#{variable}=", method) end end end