require 'test/unit' require 'rbconfig' dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) $:.unshift(dir) if not $:.include?(dir) $:.unshift("#{dir}/../lib") if not $:.include?("#{dir}/../lib") $:.unshift("#{dir}/../ext") if not $:.include?("#{dir}/../ext") require 'internal/node' require 'internal/method' require 'internal/module' require 'internal/noex' $stdout.sync = true $stderr.sync = true class TC_Node < Test::Unit::TestCase module Foo def foo(n=1) # A fancy way to return 42 if false then answer = 0 else answer = 0 (1..42).each do |i| answer += (i / i) end end return n * answer end end include Foo def test_node_eval node = Node.compile_string('1 + 1') assert_equal 2, node.eval(self) end def test_marshal_node m = method(:foo) n = m.body d = Marshal.dump(n) n2 = Marshal.load(d) case n2 when Node # 1.9.1 and earlier assert_equal n.nd_file, n2.nd_file assert_equal n.nd_type, n2.nd_type assert_equal n.flags, n2.flags when RubyVM::InstructionSequence # 1.9.2 and later assert_equal, assert_equal n.filename, n2.filename assert_equal n.argc, n2.argc assert_equal n.arg_simple, n2.arg_simple assert_equal n.arg_rest, n2.arg_rest assert_equal n.arg_block, n2.arg_block else fail "Unexpeced type #{n2.class}" end klass =; klass.instance_eval do add_method(:foo, n2, Noex::PUBLIC) end obj = assert_equal 42, end MAJOR = Config::CONFIG['MAJOR'].to_i MINOR = Config::CONFIG['MINOR'].to_i TEENY = Config::CONFIG['TEENY'].to_i RUBY_VERSION_CODE = MAJOR * 100 + MINOR * 10 + TEENY def test_ruby_eval_tree if RUBY_VERSION_CODE < 190 then assert Node === $ruby_eval_tree end end def test_ruby_eval_tree_begin if RUBY_VERSION_CODE < 190 then assert_equal nil, $ruby_eval_tree_begin end end end if __FILE__ == $0 then $: << '.' # TODO: hack require 'test_helpers' run_all_tests end