str1 = str2 = block_size = max_distance = distance = dlm = nil ############### #DAMERAU LEVENSHTEIN MOD ############### Given /^strings "([^\"]*)" and "([^\"]*)", transposition block size "([^\"]*)", and a maximum allowed distance "([^\"]*)"$/ do |a,b,c,d| str1 = a str2 = b block_size = c.to_i max_distance = d.to_i end When /^I run "([^\"]*)" instance function "([^\"]*)"$/ do |arg1, arg2| dl = eval(arg1 + ".new") distance = dl.distance(str1, str2, block_size, max_distance) end Then /^I should receive edit distance "([^\"]*)"$/ do |arg1| distance.should == arg1.to_i end ############# #PARSER ############# sci_name = result = nil parser = Given /^a name "([^\"]*)"$/ do |arg1| sci_name = arg1 end When /^I run a Parser function parse$/ do result = parser.parse(sci_name) end Then /^I should receive "([^\"]*)" as genus epithet, "([^\"]*)" as species epithet, "([^\"]*)" and "([^\"]*)" as species authors, "([^\"]*)" as a species year$/ do |gen_val, sp_val, au_val1, au_val2, yr_val| result[:genus][:epitheton].should == gen_val result[:species][:epitheton].should == sp_val result[:species][:authors].include?(au_val1).should be_true result[:species][:authors].include?(au_val2).should be_true result[:species][:years].include?(yr_val).should be_true require 'pp' print result end ############# # NORMALIZER ############# string = normalized_string = nil Given /^a string "([^\"]*)"$/ do |arg1| string = arg1 end When /^I run a Normalizer function normalize$/ do normalized_string = Normalizer.normalize(string) end Then /^I should receive "([^\"]*)" as a normalized form of the string$/ do |arg1| normalized_string.should == arg1 end ###### # PHONETIZER ##### word = phonetized_word = nil Given /^a word "([^\"]*)"$/ do |arg1| word = arg1 end When /^I run a Phonetizer function near_match$/ do phonetized_word = Phonetizer.near_match(word) end Then /^I should receive "([^\"]*)" as a phonetic form of the word$/ do |arg1| phonetized_word.should == arg1 end When /^I run a Phonetizer function near_match with an option normalize_ending$/ do phonetized_word = Phonetizer.near_match(word,true) end Then /^I should receive "([^\"]*)" as a normalized phonetic form of the word$/ do |arg1| phonetized_word.should == arg1 end