= RELEASE HISTORY == 1.2 / 2010-01-27 Changes: * 1 Major Enhancement * Expect method is now loaded by default when requiring 'ae'. * 1 Bug Fix * Fixed bug where #=~ did not work correctly against Assertor. == 1.1 / 2009-09-06 This release provided two major imporvements. The first is the #expect method which is similar to #assert, but uses case equality (#===) for comparison. And second, an optional library ae/legacy.rb, is has been added that provides backward compatibility with Test::Unit assertions, should it be needed. Changes: * 2 Major Enhancements * New #expect method. * Proved legacy assertion in optional ae/legacy.rb library. * 1 Minor Enhancement * Added backtrace parameter to flunk calls. == 1.0.0 / 2009-09-03 This is the initial release of AE. Changes: * 1 Major Enhancment * Happy Birthday!