#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w require 'rubygems' require 'minitest/unit' $: << 'lib' << 'test' require 'cheeba' MiniTest::Unit.autorun class TestCheeba < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase def setup @files = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/files" @test = "#{@files}/test.cash" @opt = Cheeba::Defaults.options.merge(Cheeba::Indicators.options) @hom = ENV['HOME'] @dot = "#{@hom}/.cheeba" @hsh = { "grocery_list" => { "meatsez" => { 1 => {"count"=>5, "model"=>"Spam"}, 2 => {"count"=>1, "model"=>"Log of ground beef"}}, "beer"=>{1=>{"count"=>1, "model"=>"24 pack - Coors Lite"}}, "cigarettes" => { 1 => {"count"=>2, "model"=>"Carton - Basic Ultra Menthol Box 100"}}, "other" => { 1 => {"count"=>2, "model"=>"Economy-Size Pork & Beans"}, 2 => {"count"=>1, "model"=>"Jumbo Miracle Whip"}, 3 => {"count"=>2, "model"=>"White Wonder Bread"}}}} @exp = ["grocery_list:", " meatsez:", " 1:", " count: 5", " model: Spam", " 2:", " count: 1", " model: Log of ground beef", " cigarettes:", " 1:", " count: 2", " model: Carton - Basic Ultra Menthol Box 100", " beer:", " 1:", " count: 1", " model: 24 pack - Coors Lite", " other:", " 1:", " count: 2", " model: Economy-Size Pork & Beans", " 2:", " count: 1", " model: Jumbo Miracle Whip", " 3:", " count: 2", " model: White Wonder Bread"] @nested =< "dude"} act = Cheeba.read(hsh, {:symbolize_keys => true}) assert_equal exp, act end def test_read_nested_hash_options_symbolize exp = { :domain => :test, :manifest => { :manifest_id => { :format => :String}, :master_id => { :format => :String}, :owner_id=>{ :format => :String}, :log_id => { :desc => :"log of all transactions withing the entire tree", :format => :String}}} act = Cheeba.read(@nested, {:symbolize => true}) assert_equal exp, act end def test_read_nested_hash_options_symbolize_keys exp = { :domain=>"test", :manifest=>{ :manifest_id=>{ :format => "String"}, :master_id=>{ :format => "String"}, :owner_id=>{ :format => "String"}, :log_id=>{ :desc=>"log of all transactions withing the entire tree", :format => "String"}}} act = Cheeba.read(@nested, {:symbolize_keys => true}) assert_equal exp, act end def test_read_string str = IO.read("#{@files}/hashes.cash") act = Cheeba.read(str) assert_equal @hsh, act end def test_parse_hash act = Cheeba.parse(@hsh) assert_equal @exp, act end def test_write File.delete(@test) if File.exists?(@test) refute(File.exists?(@test), "dude!") Cheeba.write(@hsh, @test) act = (IO.readlines(@test).map {|x| x.chomp}) assert(File.exists?(@test)) assert_equal @exp, act File.delete(@test) end def test_dotfile File.delete(@dot) if File.exists?(@dot) refute(File.exists?(@dot), "dude!") Cheeba.dotfile assert(File.exists?(@dot)) exp_keys = Cheeba::Defaults.options act_keys = Cheeba::Reader.read(@dot, @opt.merge({:symbolize_keys => true})) assert_equal exp_keys, act_keys File.delete(@dot) end def test_dotfile_exists len = Dir.entries(@hom).length mv_by_test = (File.exists?(@dot) ? "#{@dot}.mv_by_test" : "") File.rename(@dot, mv_by_test) unless mv_by_test.empty? refute(File.exists?(@dot), "dude!") dot = Cheeba.dotfile assert File.exists?(@dot) assert File.exists?(dot) assert_equal len, (Dir.entries(@hom).length - 1) File.delete(@dot) if File.exists?(@dot) File.delete(dot) if File.exists?(dot) refute(File.exists?(@dot), "dude!") refute(File.exists?(dot), "dude!") File.rename(mv_by_test, @dot) if File.exists?(mv_by_test) end def test_read_raise_on_empty_string assert_raises(Cheeba::Reader::EmptyInputError) {Cheeba.read("")} end def test_format_sym_str_nested_2009cash file = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/files/2009.cash" raise file.inspect unless File.exist?(file) act = Cheeba.read(file, {:sym_str => true}) exp = {:content=>{1=>:"200901.cash", 2=>:"200902.cash"}} assert_equal exp, act end # this is what was happening! because the "01".to_i # => 1 # {:content=>{"01"=>:"200901.cash", "02"=>:"200902.cash"}} def test_format_sym_str_nested file = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/files/nested.cash" raise file.inspect unless File.exist?(file) act = Cheeba.read(file) exp = {1 => "awesome", 2 => "dude", 3 => {1 => "niceone", 2 => "bro", "fekja" => "bacon", 3 => {1 => "beer", 2 => "camaro"}}} assert_equal exp, act end end