{ "swagger": "2.0", "info": { "title": "Github", "version": "3" }, "host": "api.github.com", "basePath": "/", "schemes": ["https"], "produces": ["application/json"], "securityDefinitions": { "oauth2": { "type": "oauth2", "flow": "accessCode", "authorizationUrl": "https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize", "tokenUrl": "https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token", "scopes": { "user": "Grants read/write access to profile info only.", "user:email": "Grants read access to a user’s email addresses.", "user:follow": "Grants access to follow or unfollow other users.", "public_repo": "Grants read/write access to code, commit statuses, collaborators, and deployment statuses for public repositories and organizations.", "repo": "Grants read/write access to code, commit statuses, collaborators, and deployment statuses for public and private repositories and organizations.", "repo_deployment": "Grants access to deployment statuses for public and private repositories.", "repo:status": "Grants read/write access to public and private repository commit statuses.", "delete_repo": "Grants access to delete adminable repositories.", "notifications": "Grants read access to a user’s notifications.", "gist": "Grants write access to gists.", "read:repo_hook": "Grants read and ping access to hooks in public or private repositories.", "write:repo_hook": "Grants read, write, and ping access to hooks in public or private repositories.", "admin:repo_hook": "Grants read, write, ping, and delete access to hooks in public or private repositories.", "admin:org_hook": "Grants read, write, ping, and delete access to organization hooks.", "read:org": "Read-only access to organization, teams, and membership.", "write:org": "Publicize and unpublicize organization membership.", "admin:org": "Fully manage organization, teams, and memberships.", "read:public_key": "List and view details for public keys.", "write:public_key": "Create, list, and view details for public keys.", "admin:public_key": "Fully manage public keys." } }, "basic": { "type": "basic" } }, "security": [ { "oauth2": [] } ], "paths": { "/user": { "get": { "summary": "Get the authenticated user", "operationId": "getUser" } }, "/user/emails": { "get": { "summary": "List email addresses for a user", "operationId": "getUserEmails", "security": [ { "basic": ["user:email"] } ] } }, "/user/repos": { "get": { "summary": "List repositories that are accessible to the authenticated user.", "operationId": "getUserRepos", "parameters": [{ "name": "visibility", "in": "query", "enum": [ "all", "public", "private" ] }, { "name": "affiliation", "in": "query" }, { "name": "type", "in": "query", "enum": [ "all", "owner", "public", "private", "member" ] }, { "name": "sort", "in": "query", "enum": [ "created", "updated", "pushed", "full_name" ] }, { "name": "direction", "in": "query", "enum": [ "asc", "desc" ] }] } }, "/user/orgs": { "get": { "summary": "List organizations for the authenticated user", "operationId": "getUserOrgs", "security": [ { "oauth2": [ "user", "read:org" ] } ] } }, "/orgs/{org}/repos": { "get": { "summary": "List repositories for the specified org", "operationId": "getOrgRepos", "parameters": [{ "name": "org", "in": "path", "required": true }, { "name": "type", "in": "query", "enum": [ "all", "public", "private", "forks", "sources", "member" ] }] } }, "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{number}": { "get": { "summary": "Get a single issue", "operationId": "getIssue", "parameters": [{ "name": "owner", "in": "path", "required": true },{ "name": "repo", "in": "path", "required": true },{ "name": "number", "in": "path", "required": true }] } }, "/applications/{clientId}/tokens/{accessToken}": { "get": { "operationId": "checkAuthorization", "parameters": [{ "name": "clientId", "in": "path", "required": true },{ "name": "accessToken", "in": "path", "required": true }], "security": [ { "basic": [] } ] } } } }