/*jsl:import coherent*/ /** class <%=name%>.AppDelegate For simple applications, the AppDelegate may be all you need to configure and manage your application. As the last item in the responder chain, any un-handled action messages can be handled in this class. In addition, your AppDelegate may handle messages from the shared Application object including `applicationDidFinishLaunching` and `hash */ <%=name%>.AppDelegate= Class.create(coherent.Controller, { /** <%=name%>.AppDelegate#applicationDidFinishLaunching(app) - app (coherent.Application): The shared application that has finished launching When the application has finished launching and all resources are available, the shared Application will call this method. If you need to perform one-time initialisation of your application, this is probably the best place to do it. */ applicationDidFinishLaunching: function(app) { }, /** <%=name%>.AppDelegate#hashDidChange(hashValue) - hashValue (String): The new value of the hash on the URL Your application can present bookmarkable content by using the hash portion of the URL. When the visitor uses the back button on his browser, this method will be notified of the change. */ hashDidChange: function(hashValue) { } });