# Methods used internally by the backports. module Backports # Adapted from Pragmatic's "Programming Ruby" (since their version was buggy...) def self.require_relative(relative_feature) file = caller.first.split(/:\d/,2).first if /\A\((.*)\)/ =~ file # eval, etc. raise LoadError, "require_relative is called in #{$1}" end require File.expand_path(relative_feature, File.dirname(file)) end def self.require_relative_dir(relative_dir) dir = File.expand_path(relative_dir, File.dirname(caller.first.split(/:\d/,2).first)) Dir.entries(dir). map{|f| Regexp.last_match(1) if /^(.*)\.rb$/ =~ f}. compact. sort. each do |f| require File.expand_path(f, dir) end end # Metaprogramming utility to make block optional. # Tests first if block is already optional when given options def self.make_block_optional mod,*methods options = methods.last.is_a?(Hash) ? methods.pop : {} methods.each do |selector| unless mod.method_defined? selector warn "#{mod}##{selector} is not defined, so block can't be made optional" next end unless options.empty? test_on = options[:test_on] || self.new next if (test_on.send(selector, *options.fetch(:arg, [])) rescue false) end arity = mod.instance_method(selector).arity last_arg = [] if arity < 0 last_arg = ["*rest"] arity = -1-arity end arg_sequence = ((0...arity).map{|i| "arg_#{i}"} + last_arg + ["&block"]).join(", ") alias_method_chain(mod, selector, :optional_block) do |aliased_target, punctuation| mod.module_eval <<-end_eval def #{aliased_target}_with_optional_block#{punctuation}(#{arg_sequence}) return to_enum(:#{aliased_target}_without_optional_block#{punctuation}, #{arg_sequence}) unless block_given? #{aliased_target}_without_optional_block#{punctuation}(#{arg_sequence}) end end_eval end end end # Metaprogramming utility to convert the first file argument to path def self.convert_first_argument_to_path mod,*methods methods.each do |selector| unless mod.method_defined? selector warn "#{mod}##{selector} is not defined, so argument can't converted to path" next end arity = mod.instance_method(selector).arity last_arg = [] if arity < 0 last_arg = ["*rest"] arity = -1-arity end arg_sequence = (["file"] + (1...arity).map{|i| "arg_#{i}"} + last_arg + ["&block"]).join(", ") alias_method_chain(mod, selector, :potential_path_argument) do |aliased_target, punctuation| mod.module_eval <<-end_eval def #{aliased_target}_with_potential_path_argument#{punctuation}(#{arg_sequence}) file = Backports.convert_to_path(file) #{aliased_target}_without_potential_path_argument#{punctuation}(#{arg_sequence}) end end_eval end end end # Metaprogramming utility to convert all file arguments to paths def self.convert_all_arguments_to_path mod, skip, *methods methods.each do |selector| unless mod.method_defined? selector warn "#{mod}##{selector} is not defined, so arguments can't converted to path" next end first_args = (1..skip).map{|i| "arg_#{i}"}.join(",") + (skip > 0 ? "," : "") alias_method_chain(mod, selector, :potential_path_arguments) do |aliased_target, punctuation| mod.module_eval <<-end_eval def #{aliased_target}_with_potential_path_arguments#{punctuation}(#{first_args}*files, &block) files = files.map{|f| Backports.convert_to_path f} #{aliased_target}_without_potential_path_arguments#{punctuation}(#{first_args}*files, &block) end end_eval end end end def self.convert_to_path(file_or_path) coerce_to(file_or_path, String, :to_str) rescue coerce_to(file_or_path, String, :to_path) rescue file_or_path end # Modified to avoid polluting Module if so desired # (from Rails) def self.alias_method_chain(mod, target, feature) mod.class_eval do # Strip out punctuation on predicates or bang methods since # e.g. target?_without_feature is not a valid method name. aliased_target, punctuation = target.to_s.sub(/([?!=])$/, ''), $1 yield(aliased_target, punctuation) if block_given? with_method, without_method = "#{aliased_target}_with_#{feature}#{punctuation}", "#{aliased_target}_without_#{feature}#{punctuation}" alias_method without_method, target alias_method target, with_method case when public_method_defined?(without_method) public target when protected_method_defined?(without_method) protected target when private_method_defined?(without_method) private target end end end # Helper method to coerce a value into a specific class. # Raises a TypeError if the coercion fails or the returned value # is not of the right class. # (from Rubinius) def self.coerce_to(obj, cls, meth) return obj if obj.kind_of?(cls) begin ret = obj.__send__(meth) rescue Exception => e raise TypeError, "Coercion error: #{obj.inspect}.#{meth} => #{cls} failed:\n" \ "(#{e.message})" end raise TypeError, "Coercion error: obj.#{meth} did NOT return a #{cls} (was #{ret.class})" unless ret.kind_of? cls ret end # Checks for a failed comparison (in which case it throws an ArgumentError) # Additionally, it maps any negative value to -1 and any positive value to +1 # (from Rubinius) def self.coerce_to_comparison(a, b, cmp = (a <=> b)) raise ArgumentError, "comparison of #{a} with #{b} failed" if cmp.nil? return 1 if cmp > 0 return -1 if cmp < 0 0 end # Used internally to make it easy to deal with optional arguments # (from Rubinius) Undefined = Object.new # A simple class which allows the construction of Enumerator from a block class Yielder def initialize(&block) @main_block = block end def each(&block) @final_block = block @main_block.call(self) end def yield(*arg) @final_block.yield(*arg) end end end