import React, { ReactSVGElement } from 'react' import classnames from 'classnames' import { buildAriaProps, buildDataProps, buildHtmlProps } from '../utilities/props' import { GlobalProps, globalProps } from '../utilities/globalProps' import { isValidEmoji } from '../utilities/validEmojiChecker' export type IconSizes = "lg" | "xs" | "sm" | "1x" | "2x" | "3x" | "4x" | "5x" | "6x" | "7x" | "8x" | "9x" | "10x" | "" type IconProps = { aria?: {[key: string]: string}, border?: string, className?: string, customIcon?: {[key: string] :SVGElement}, data?: {[key: string]: string}, fixedWidth?: boolean, flip?: "horizontal" | "vertical" | "both" | "none", icon: string | ReactSVGElement, htmlOptions?: {[key: string]: string | number | boolean | (() => void)}, id?: string, inverse?: boolean, listItem?: boolean, pull?: "left" | "right" | "none", pulse?: boolean, rotation?: 90 | 180 | 270, size?: IconSizes, fontStyle?: 'far' | 'fas' | 'fab' | 'fak', spin?: boolean, } & GlobalProps const flipMap = { fa: { horizontal: 'fa-flip-horizontal', vertical: 'fa-flip-vertical', both: 'fa-flip-horizontal fa-flip-vertical', none: '' }, svg: { horizontal: 'flip_horizontal', vertical: 'flip_vertical', both: 'flip_horizontal flip_vertical', none: '' } } const pulseMap = { fa: 'fa-pulse', svg: 'pulse' } const spinMap = { fa: 'fa-spin', svg: 'spin' } const rotateMap = { fa: { 90: 'fa-rotate-90', 180: 'fa-rotate-180', 270: 'fa-rotate-270' }, svg: { 90: 'rotate_90', 180: 'rotate_180', 270: 'rotate_270' } } const sizeMap = { fa: { "lg": "fa-lg", "xs": "fa-xs", "sm": "fa-sm", "1x": "fa-1x", "2x": "fa-2x", "3x": "fa-3x", "4x": "fa-4x", "5x": "fa-5x", "6x": "fa-6x", "7x": "fa-7x", "8x": "fa-8x", "9x": "fa-9x", "10x": "fa-10x", "": "" }, svg: { "lg": "svg_lg", "xs": "svg_xs", "sm": "svg_sm", "1x": "svg_1x", "2x": "svg_2x", "3x": "svg_3x", "4x": "svg_4x", "5x": "svg_5x", "6x": "svg_6x", "7x": "svg_7x", "8x": "svg_8x", "9x": "svg_9x", "10x": "svg_10x", "": "" } } declare global { // eslint-disable-next-line no-var var PB_ICONS: {[key: string]: React.FunctionComponent} } const Icon = (props: IconProps) => { const { aria = {}, border = false, className, customIcon, data = {}, fixedWidth = true, flip = "none", htmlOptions = {}, icon = "", id, inverse = false, listItem = false, pull, pulse = false, rotation, size, fontStyle = 'far', spin = false, } = props let iconElement: ReactSVGElement | null = typeof(icon) === "object" ? icon : null const faClasses = { 'fa-border': border, 'fa-fw': fixedWidth, 'fa-inverse': inverse, 'fa-li': listItem, 'fa-pulse': pulse, 'fa-spin': spin, [`fa-${size}`]: size, [`fa-pull-${pull}`]: pull, [`fa-rotate-${rotation}`]: rotation, } if (!customIcon && !iconElement) { const PowerIcon: React.FunctionComponent | undefined = window.PB_ICONS ? window.PB_ICONS[icon as string] : null if (PowerIcon) { iconElement = as ReactSVGElement } else { faClasses[`fa-${icon}`] = icon as string } } const isFA = !iconElement && !customIcon let classes = classnames( (!iconElement && !customIcon) ? 'pb_icon_kit' : '', (iconElement || customIcon) ? 'pb_custom_icon' : fontStyle, iconElement ? 'svg-inline--fa' : '', globalProps(props), className ) const transformClasses = classnames( flip ? flipMap[isFA ? 'fa' : 'svg'][flip] : null, pulse ? pulseMap[isFA ? 'fa' : 'svg'] : null, rotation ? rotateMap[isFA ? 'fa' : 'svg'][rotation] : null, spin ? spinMap[isFA ? 'fa' : 'svg'] : null, size ? sizeMap[isFA ? 'fa' : 'svg'][size] : null, border ? isFA ? 'fa-border' : 'svg_border' : null, fixedWidth ? isFA ? 'fa-fw' : 'svg_fw' : null, inverse ? isFA ? 'fa-inverse' : 'svg_inverse' : null, listItem ? isFA ? 'fa-li' : 'svg_li' : null, pull ? isFA ? `fa-pull-${pull}` : `pull_${pull}` : null, ) classes += ` ${transformClasses}` if (isFA) { const faClassList = { 'fa-border': border, 'fa-inverse': inverse, 'fa-li': listItem, [`fa-${size}`]: size, [`fa-pull-${pull}`]: pull, } faClassList[`fa-${icon}`] = icon as string classes += ` ${classnames(faClassList)}` } const classesEmoji = classnames( 'pb_icon_kit_emoji', globalProps(props), className ) aria.label ? null : aria.label = `${icon} icon` const ariaProps: {[key: string]: any} = buildAriaProps(aria) const dataProps: {[key: string]: any} = buildDataProps(data) const htmlProps = buildHtmlProps(htmlOptions) // Add a conditional here to show only the SVG if custom const displaySVG = (customIcon: any) => { if (iconElement || customIcon) return ( <> { React.cloneElement(iconElement || customIcon, { ...dataProps, ...htmlProps, className: classes, id, width: 'auto', height: 'auto', }) } ) else if (isValidEmoji(icon as string)) return ( <> {icon} ) else return ( <>