require 'ey-core/cli/helpers/server_sieve' require 'ey-core/cli/subcommand' module Ey module Core module Cli class Ssh < Subcommand title "ssh" summary "Open an SSH session to the environment's application master" option :account, short: "c", long: "account", description: "Name or id of account", argument: "account" option :environment, short: "e", long: "environment", description: "Name or id of environment", argument: "environment" option :server, short: 's', long: "server", description: "Specific server to ssh into. Id or amazon id (i-12345)", argument: "server" option :utilities, long: "utilities", description: "Run command on the utility servers with the given names. Specify all to run the command on all utility servers.", argument: "'all,resque,redis,etc'" option :command, long: "command", description: "Command to run", argument: "'command with args'" option :shell, long: "shell", description: "Run command in a shell other than bash", argument: "shell" option :bind_address, long: "bind_address", description: "When no command is specified, pass -L to ssh", argument: "bind address" switch :all, long: "all", description: "Run command on all servers" switch :app_servers, long: "app_servers", description: "Run command on all application servers" switch :db_servers, long: "db_servers", description: "Run command on all database servers" switch :db_master, long: "db_master", description: "Run command on database master" switch :db_slaves, long: "db_slaves", description: "Run command on database slaves" switch :tty, short: 't', long: "tty", description: "Allocated a tty for the command" def handle operator, environment = core_operator_and_environment_for(options) abort "Unable to find matching environment".red unless environment cmd = option(:command) ssh_opts = [] ssh_cmd = ["ssh"] exits = [] user = environment.username servers = [] if option(:command) if shell = option(:shell) cmd = Escape.shell_command([shell,'-lc',cmd]) end if switch_active?(:tty) ssh_opts << "-t" elsif cmd.match(/sudo/) puts "sudo commands often need a tty to run correctly. Use -t option to spawn a tty.".yellow end servers += Ey::Core::Cli::Helpers::ServerSieve.filter( environment.servers, all: switch_active?(:all), app_servers: switch_active?(:app_servers), db_servers: switch_active?(:db_servers), db_master: switch_active?(:db_master), utilities: option(:utilities) ) else if option(:bind_address) ssh_opts += ["-L", option(:bind_address)] end if option(:server) servers += [core_server_for(server: option(:server), operator: environment)] else servers += Ey::Core::Cli::Helpers::ServerSieve.filter( environment.servers, all: switch_active?(:all), app_servers: switch_active?(:app_servers), db_servers: switch_active?(:db_servers), db_master: switch_active?(:db_master), utilities: option(:utilities) ) # Reinstate default behavior: If no command is passed and no # roles are passed, open a connection to the app master if servers.empty? servers += (environment.servers.all(role: "app_master") + environment.servers.all(role: "solo")).to_a end end end if servers.empty? abort "Unable to find any matching servers. Aborting.".red end servers.uniq! servers.each do |server| host = server.public_hostname name = ? "#{server.role} (#{})" : server.role puts "\nConnecting to #{name} #{host}".green sshcmd = Escape.shell_command((ssh_cmd + ["#{user}@#{host}"] + [cmd]).compact) puts "Running command: #{sshcmd}".green system sshcmd exits << $?.exitstatus end exit exits.detect {|status| status != 0 } || 0 end end end end end