01 ONIX audience codes Using List 28 02 Proprietary 03 MPAA rating Motion Picture Association of America rating applied to movies 04 BBFC rating British Board of Film Classification rating applied to movies 05 FSK rating German FSK (Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle der Filmwirtschaft) rating applied to movies 06 BTLF audience code French Canadian audience code list, used by BTLF for Memento 07 Electre audience code Audience code used by Electre (France) 08 ANELE Tipo Spain: educational audience and material type code of the Asociación Nacional de Editores de Libros y Material de Enseñanza 09 AVI Code list used to specify reading levels for children's books, used in Flanders and the Netherlands 10 USK rating German USK (Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle) rating applied to video or computer games 11 AWS Audience code used in Flanders 12 Schulform Type of school: codelist maintained by VdS Bildungsmedien eV, the German association of educational media publishers 13 Bundesland School region: codelist maintained by VdS Bildungsmedien eV, the German association of educational media publishers, indicating where products are licensed to be used in schools 14 Ausbildungsberuf Occupation: codelist for vocational training materials, maintained by VdS Bildungsmedien eV, the German association of educational media publishers 15 Suomalainen kouluasteluokitus Finnish school or college level 16 CBG age guidance UK Publishers Association, Children’s Book Group, coded indication of intended reader age, carried on book covers