100: name: InvalidAuthToken http_code: 401 message: "Invalid Auth Token" 1000: name: QuotaDeclined http_code: 400 message: "Quota declined: %s" 1001: name: MessageParseError http_code: 400 message: "Request invalid due to parse error: %s" 1002: name: InvalidRelation http_code: 400 message: "Invalid relation: %s" 10000: name: NotFound http_code: 404 message: "Unknown request" 10001: name: ServerError http_code: 500 message: "Server error" 10002: name: NotAuthenticated http_code: 401 message: "Authentication error" 10003: name: NotAuthorized http_code: 403 message: "You are not authorized to perform the requested action" 10004: name: InvalidRequest http_code: 400 message: "The request is invalid" 10005: name: BadQueryParameter http_code: 400 message: "The query parameter is invalid: %s" 20001: name: UserInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The user info is invalid: %s" 20002: name: UaaIdTaken http_code: 400 message: "The UAA ID is taken: %s" 20003: name: UserNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The user could not be found: %s" 30001: name: OrganizationInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The organization info is invalid: %s" 30002: name: OrganizationNameTaken http_code: 400 message: "The organization name is taken: %s" 30003: name: OrganizationNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The organization could not be found: %s" 40001: name: SpaceInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The app space info is invalid: %s" 40002: name: SpaceNameTaken http_code: 400 message: "The app space name is taken: %s" 40003: name: SpaceUserNotInOrg http_code: 400 message: "The app space and the user are not in the same org: %s" 40004: name: SpaceNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The app space could not be found: %s" 50001: name: ServiceAuthTokenInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The service auth token is invalid: %s" 50002: name: ServiceAuthTokenLabelTaken http_code: 400 message: "The service auth token label is taken: %s" 50003: name: ServiceAuthTokenNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The service auth token could not be found: %s" 60001: name: ServiceInstanceNameInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The service instance name is taken: %s" 60002: name: ServiceInstanceNameTaken http_code: 400 message: "The service instance name is taken: %s" 60003: name: ServiceInstanceServiceBindingWrongSpace http_code: 400 message: "The service instance and the service binding are in different app spaces: %s" 60003: name: ServiceInstanceInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The service instance is invalid: %s" 60004: name: ServiceInstanceNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The service instance could not be found: %s" 60005: name: ServiceInstanceFreeQuotaExceeded http_code: 400 message: "You have exceeded your organization's services limit. Please login to your account and upgrade." 60006: name: ServiceInstancePaidQuotaExceeded http_code: 400 message: "You have exceeded your organization's services limit. Please file a support ticket to request additional resources." 60007: name: ServiceInstanceServicePlanNotAllowed http_code: 400 message: "The service instance cannot be created because paid service plans are not allowed." 70001: name: RuntimeInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The runtime is invalid: %s" 70002: name: RuntimeNameTaken http_code: 400 message: "The runtime name is taken: %s" 70003: name: RuntimeNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The runtime could not be found: %s" 80001: name: FrameworkInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The framework is invalid: %s" 80002: name: FrameworkNameTaken http_code: 400 message: "The framework name is taken: %s" 80003: name: FrameworkNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The framework could not be found: %s" 90001: name: ServiceBindingInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The service binding is invalid: %s" 90002: name: ServiceBindingDifferentSpaces http_code: 400 message: "The app and the service are not in the same app space: %s" 90003: name: ServiceBindingAppServiceTaken http_code: 400 message: "The app space binding to service is taken: %s" 90004: name: ServiceBindingNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The service binding could not be found: %s" 100001: name: AppInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The app is invalid: %s" 100002: name: AppNameTaken http_code: 400 message: "The app name is taken: %s" 100004: name: AppNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The app name could not be found: %s" 100005: name: AppMemoryQuotaExceeded http_code: 400 message: "You have exceeded your organization's memory limit. Please login to your account and upgrade." 110001: name: ServicePlanInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The service plan is invalid: %s" 110002: name: ServicePlanNameTaken http_code: 400 message: "The service plan name is taken: %s" 110003: name: ServicePlanNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The service plan could not be found: %s" 120001: name: ServiceInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The service is invalid: %s" 120002: name: ServiceLabelTaken http_code: 400 message: "The service lable is taken: %s" 120003: name: ServiceNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The service could not be found: %s" 130001: name: DomainInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The domain is invalid: %s" 130002: name: DomainNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The domain could not be found: %s" 130003: name: DomainNameTaken http_code: 400 message: "The domain name is taken: %s" 140001: name: LegacyApiWithoutDefaultSpace http_code: 400 message: "A legacy api call requring a default app space was called, but no default app space is set for the user." 150001: name: AppPackageInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The app package is invalid: %s" 150002: name: AppPackageNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The app package could not be found: %s" 160001: name: AppBitsUploadInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The app upload is invalid: %s" 170001: name: StagingError http_code: 400 message: "Staging error: %s" 180001: name: SnapshotNotFound http_code: 404 message: "Snapshot could not be found: %s" 180002: name: ServiceGatewayError http_code: 503 message: "Service gateway internal error: %s" 180003: name: ServiceNotImplemented http_code: 501 message: "Operation not supported for service" 180004: name: SDSNotAvailable http_code: 501 message: "No serialization service backends available" 190001: name: FileError http_code: 400 message: "File error: %s" 200001: name: StatsError http_code: 400 message: "Stats error: %s" 210001: name: RouteInvalid http_code: 400 message: "The route is invalid: %s" 210002: name: RouteNotFound http_code: 404 message: "The route could not be found: %s" 210003: name: RouteHostTaken http_code: 400 message: "The host is taken: %s" 220001: name: InstancesError http_code: 400 message: "Instances error: %s" 230001: name: BillingEventQueryInvalid http_code: 400 message: "Billing event query start_date and/or end_date are missing or invalid" 240001: name: QuotaDefinitionNotFound http_code: 404 message: "Quota Definition could not be found: %s" 240002: name: QuotaDefinitionNameTaken http_code: 400 message: "Quota Definition is taken: %s" 240003: name: QuotaDefinitionInvalid http_code: 400 message: "Quota Definition is invalid: %s"