module MightyGrid module GridViewHelper def grid(grid, opts={}, &block) define_grid(grid, opts, &block) render_grid(grid) end def define_grid(grid, options={}, &block) rendering =, self) table_html_attrs = options[:html] || {} table_html_attrs = MightyGrid::MgHTML.join_html_classes(table_html_attrs, 'mighty-grid', MightyGrid.config.table_class) if grid.relation.total_count > 0 grid.output_buffer = content_tag :table, table_html_attrs do html = header_grid_html(rendering, grid, options) html += footer_grid_html(rendering, grid) html += body_grid_html(rendering, grid) html end else grid.output_buffer = blank_slate_template(rendering) end end # Used after <tt>define_grid</tt> to actually output the grid HTML code. # Usually used with detached filters: first <tt>define_grid</tt>, then <tt>grid_filter</tt>s, and then # <tt>render_grid</tt> def render_grid(grid) grid.output_buffer.html_safe end # Creates a form to filter the data in the target grid. def mighty_filter_for(grid, options={}, &block) html_options = options[:html] ||= {} html_options = MightyGrid::MgHTML.join_html_classes(html_options, 'mighty-grid-filter') html_options[:method] = options.delete(:method) if options.has_key?(:method) html_options[:method] ||= :get filter =, self) output = capture(filter, &block) form_tag(options[:url] || {}, html_options){ output } end def header_grid_html(rendering, grid, options) header_tr_html = options[:header_tr_html] || {} header_tr_html = MightyGrid::MgHTML.join_html_classes(header_tr_html, MightyGrid.config.header_tr_class) content_tag :thead do content_tag :tr, header_tr_html do { |column| content_tag :th, column.th_attrs do if column.options[:ordering] && column.attribute.present? link_to(column.title, "?#{MightyGrid::MgHash.rec_merge(grid.params, grid.order_params(column.attribute, column.model)).except('controller', 'action').to_query}").html_safe else column.title.html_safe end end }.join.html_safe end end end def body_grid_html(rendering, grid) content_tag :tbody do html_record = '' grid.relation.each do |rel| html_record += content_tag :tr do{|column| content_tag :td, column.render(rel), column.attrs}.join.html_safe end end html_record.html_safe end end def footer_grid_html(rendering, grid) content_tag :tfoot do content_tag :tr do content_tag :td, colspan: rendering.total_columns do html_pag = paginate(grid.relation, theme: MightyGrid.config.pagination_theme, param_name: "#{}[page]") html_pag += content_tag :strong do "#{grid.relation.offset_value + 1} – #{grid.relation.offset_value + grid.relation.size} of #{grid.relation.total_count}".html_safe end html_pag.html_safe end end.html_safe end end def blank_slate_template(rendering) if rendering.blank_slate_handler.present? case rendering.blank_slate_handler when Proc; when String; rendering.blank_slate_handler when Hash; render(rendering.blank_slate_handler) end else content_tag :div, 'No records found' end end end end