module HasNormalizedAttributes extend ActiveSupport::Concern # Prepending a dynamically defined module to add functionality to the current normalize_ methods. # This is similar to alias_method_chain, but accomplished in a cleaner way using inheritance. prepend { def self.normalizations(*args) args.each do |arg| # Convert outer parentheses into a negative (-) sign on the result of the super method. # E.g. `normalize_dollar` will first call the original `normalize_dollar` method (super) # and then use the result from that to check for parentheses. define_method "normalize_#{ arg }" do super().tap do |result| result.sub! /\A\((.*)\)\Z/, '-\1' if result.respond_to?(:sub!) end end end end normalizations :number, :dollar } #CONSTANT ZIPCODE = /[-.\s)(,]/ PHONE = /[-.\s)(,]|(^0)/ SSN = /[-.\s)(,]/ TAXID = /[-.\s)(,]/ DOLLAR = /[$,\s]/ NUMBER = /[,\s]/ PERCENT = /[%,\s]/ SPACES = /\s/ #instance methods def self.normalizations(*args) args.each do |arg| define_method "normalize_#{arg}" do if arg == :strip self ? self.strip! : self else reg_exp = HasNormalizedAttributes.const_get(arg.upcase) self && is_a?(String) && match(reg_exp) ? gsub!(reg_exp,'') : self end end end end #loading all methods dynamically normalizations :phone, :zipcode, :ssn, :taxid, :dollar, :number, :percent, :spaces, :strip module ClassMethods def has_normalized_attributes(args = {}) if args.blank? || !args.is_a?(Hash) raise ArgumentError, 'Must define the fields you want to be normalize with has_normalized_attributes :field_one => "phone", :field_two => "zipcode"' end args.each do |field, normalization_type| define_method "#{field.to_s}=" do |value| if value.present? value.send("normalize_#{normalization_type.downcase}".to_sym) end super value end end end end end #extend these classes - Numeric is a parent class for all of Ruby's numeric types. [String, Numeric, NilClass].each do |klass| klass.send(:include, HasNormalizedAttributes) end #include activerecord ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, HasNormalizedAttributes