require File.expand_path("spec_helper", File.dirname(__FILE__)) API_KEY = '4b339169026742245b754fa338b9b0aebbd0a733' API_VERSION = RPXNow.api_version describe RPXNow do before do RPXNow.api_key = API_KEY RPXNow.api_version = API_VERSION end describe :api_key= do it "stores the api key, so i do not have to supply everytime" do RPXNow.api_key='XX' RPXNow.expects(:post).with{|x,data|data[:apiKey]=='XX'}.returns mock(:code=>'200', :body=>%Q({"stat":"ok"})) RPXNow.mappings(1) end end describe :api_version= do it "can be set to a api_version globally" do RPXNow.api_version = 5 RPXNow.popup_code('x','y','z').should =~ %r(/openid/v5/signin) end end describe :embed_code do it "contains the subdomain" do RPXNow.embed_code('xxx','my_url').should =~ /xxx/ end it "contains the url" do RPXNow.embed_code('xxx','my_url').should =~ /token_url=my_url/ end end describe :popup_code do it "defaults to obtrusive output" do RPXNow.popup_code('sign on', 'subdomain', '').should =~ /script src=/ end it "can build an unobtrusive widget with specific version" do expected = %Q(sign on) RPXNow.popup_code('sign on', 'subdomain', '', { :unobtrusive => true, :api_version => 300 }).should == expected end it "allows to specify the version of the widget" do RPXNow.popup_code('x','y','z', :api_version => 300).should =~ %r(/openid/v300/signin) end it "defaults to widget version 2" do RPXNow.popup_code('x','y','z').should =~ %r(/openid/v2/signin) end it "defaults to english" do RPXNow.popup_code('x','y','z').should =~ /RPXNOW.language_preference = 'en'/ end it "has a changeable language" do RPXNow.popup_code('x','y','z',:language=>'de').should =~ /RPXNOW.language_preference = 'de'/ end end describe :user_data do before do @response_body = %Q({"profile":{"verifiedEmail":"","displayName":"Michael Grosser","preferredUsername":"grosser.michael","identifier":"https:\/\/\/accounts\/o8\/id?id=AItOawmaOlyYezg_WfbgP_qjaUyHjmqZD9qNIVM","email":""},"stat":"ok"}) @fake_user_data = {'profile'=>{}} end def fake_response mock(:code=>"200",:body=>@response_body) end it "raises ApiError when used with an invalid token" do lambda{ RPXNow.user_data('xxxx') }.should raise_error(RPXNow::ApiError) end it "is empty when used with an unknown token" do RPXNow.user_data('60d8c6374f4e9d290a7b55f39da7cc6435aef3d3').should == nil end it "parses JSON response to user data" do RPXNow.expects(:post).returns fake_response RPXNow.user_data('').should == {:name=>'Michael Grosser',:email=>'',:identifier=>"", :username => 'grosser.michael'} end it "adds a :id when primaryKey was returned" do @response_body.sub!(%Q("verifiedEmail"), %Q("primaryKey":"2","verifiedEmail")) RPXNow.expects(:post).returns fake_response RPXNow.user_data('')[:id].should == '2' end it "handles primaryKeys that are not numeric" do @response_body.sub!(%Q("verifiedEmail"), %Q("primaryKey":"dbalatero","verifiedEmail")) RPXNow.expects(:post).returns fake_response RPXNow.user_data('')[:id].should == 'dbalatero' end it "hands JSON response to supplied block" do RPXNow.expects(:post).returns mock(:code=>'200',:body=>%Q({"x":"1","stat":"ok"})) response = nil RPXNow.user_data(''){|data| response = data} response.should == {"x" => "1", "stat" => "ok"} end it "returns what the supplied block returned" do RPXNow.expects(:post).returns mock(:code=>'200',:body=>%Q({"x":"1","stat":"ok"})) RPXNow.user_data(''){|data| "x"}.should == 'x' end it "can send additional parameters" do RPXNow.expects(:post).with{|url,data| data[:extended].should == 'true' }.returns fake_response RPXNow.user_data('',:extended=>'true') end it "works with api key as 2nd parameter (backwards compatibility)" do RPXNow.expects(:secure_json_post).with('/api/v2/auth_info', :apiKey=>'THE KEY', :token=>'id').returns @fake_user_data RPXNow.user_data('id', 'THE KEY') RPXNow.api_key.should == API_KEY end it "works with api key as 2nd parameter and options (backwards compatibility)" do RPXNow.expects(:secure_json_post).with('/api/v2/auth_info', :apiKey=>'THE KEY', :extended=>'abc', :token=>'id' ).returns @fake_user_data RPXNow.user_data('id', 'THE KEY', :extended=>'abc') RPXNow.api_key.should == API_KEY end it "works with api version as option (backwards compatibility)" do RPXNow.expects(:secure_json_post).with('/api/v123/auth_info', :apiKey=>API_KEY, :token=>'id', :extended=>'abc').returns @fake_user_data RPXNow.user_data('id', :extended=>'abc', :api_version=>123) RPXNow.api_version.should == API_VERSION end end describe :read_user_data_from_response do it "reads secondary names" do RPXNow.send(:read_user_data_from_response,{'profile'=>{'preferredUsername'=>'1'}})[:name].should == '1' end it "parses email when no name is found" do RPXNow.send(:read_user_data_from_response,{'profile'=>{'email'=>''}})[:name].should == '1' end end describe :parse_response do it "parses json when status is ok" do response = mock(:code=>'200', :body=>%Q({"stat":"ok","data":"xx"})) RPXNow.send(:parse_response, response)['data'].should == "xx" end it "raises when there is a communication error" do response = stub(:code=>'200', :body=>%Q({"err":"wtf","stat":"ok"})) lambda{ RPXNow.send(:parse_response,response) }.should raise_error(RPXNow::ApiError) end it "raises when service has downtime" do response = stub(:code=>'200', :body=>%Q({"err":{"code":-1},"stat":"ok"})) lambda{ RPXNow.send(:parse_response,response) }.should raise_error(RPXNow::ServiceUnavailableError) end it "raises when service is down" do response = stub(:code=>'400',:body=>%Q({"stat":"err"})) lambda{ RPXNow.send(:parse_response,response) }.should raise_error(RPXNow::ServiceUnavailableError) end end describe :mappings do it "parses JSON response to unmap data" do RPXNow.expects(:post).returns mock(:code=>'200',:body=>%Q({"stat":"ok", "identifiers": [""]})) RPXNow.mappings(1, "x").should == [""] end end describe :map do it "adds a mapping" do RPXNow.expects(:post).returns mock(:code=>'200',:body=>%Q({"stat":"ok"}))'',1, API_KEY) end end describe :unmap do it "unmaps a indentifier" do RPXNow.expects(:post).returns mock(:code=>'200',:body=>%Q({"stat":"ok"})) RPXNow.unmap('', 1, "x") end it "can be called with a specific version" do RPXNow.expects(:secure_json_post).with{|a,b|a == "/api/v300/unmap"} RPXNow.unmap('', 1, :api_key=>'xxx', :api_version=>300) end end describe :mapping_integration do before do @k1 = '' RPXNow.unmap(@k1, 1) @k2 = '' RPXNow.unmap(@k2, 1) end it "has no mappings when nothing was mapped" do RPXNow.mappings(1).should == [] end it "unmaps mapped keys" do, 1) RPXNow.unmap(@k2, 1) RPXNow.mappings(1).should == [] end it "maps keys to a primary key and then retrieves them" do, 1), 1) RPXNow.mappings(1).sort.should == [@k2,@k1] end it "does not add duplicate mappings" do, 1), 1) RPXNow.mappings(1).should == [@k1] end it "finds all mappings" do, 1), 2) RPXNow.all_mappings.sort.should == [["1", [""]], ["2", [""]]] end end end