% application = @application || @application %> <% context ||= application %> <% collection ||= :access_tokens %> <% hide_actions ||= false %> <% hide_back ||= false %> <% access_tokens = access_tokens.order(:id) unless has_order?(access_tokens) %> <% pagy, access_tokens = pagy(access_tokens, page_param: :access_tokens_page) %> <%= action_model_select_controller do %> <%= updates_for context, collection do %> <%= render 'account/shared/box', pagy: pagy do |p| %> <% p.content_for :title, t(".contexts.#{context.class.name.underscore}.header") %> <% p.content_for :description do %> <%= t(".contexts.#{context.class.name.underscore}.description") %> <% end %> <% p.content_for :table do %> <% if access_tokens.any? %>
<%= t('.fields.token.heading') %> | <%= t('.fields.description.heading') %> | <%= t('.fields.last_used_at.heading') %> | <%# 🚅 super scaffolding will insert new field headers above this line. %><%= t('.fields.created_at.heading') %> | |
<%= render 'shared/attributes/code', attribute: :token, secret: true %> | <%= render 'shared/attributes/text', attribute: :description %> | <% if access_token.last_used_at %> <%= render 'shared/attributes/date_and_time', attribute: :last_used_at %> <% else %> <% # TODO Make it so we can just define a `default` key for `last_used_at` in the locale file and it will us that when present. %> Never <% end %> | <%# 🚅 super scaffolding will insert new fields above this line. %><%= render 'shared/attributes/date_and_time', attribute: :created_at %> | <% unless hide_actions %> <% if can? :edit, access_token %> <%= link_to t('.buttons.shorthand.edit'), [:edit, :account, access_token], class: 'button-secondary button-smaller' %> <% end %> <% if can? :destroy, access_token %> <%= button_to t('.buttons.shorthand.destroy'), [:account, access_token], method: :delete, data: { confirm: t('.buttons.confirmations.destroy', model_locales(access_token)) }, class: 'button-secondary button-smaller' %> <% end %> <%# 🚅 super scaffolding will insert new action model buttons above this line. %> <% end %> |