require_relative "../app/constraints/panda/cms/admin_constraint" Panda::CMS::Engine.routes.draw do constraints do namespace Panda::CMS.route_namespace, as: :admin, module: :admin do resources :files resources :forms, only: %i[index show] resources :menus resources :pages do resources :block_contents, only: %i[update] end resources :posts get "settings", to: "settings#index" namespace :settings, as: :settings do get "bulk_editor", to: "bulk_editor#new" post "bulk_editor", to: "bulk_editor#create" end if Rails.env.development? mount Lookbook::Engine, at: "/lookbook" end end get Panda::CMS.route_namespace, to: "admin/dashboard#show", as: :admin_dashboard end ### PUBLIC ROUTES ### # Authentication routes get Panda::CMS.route_namespace, to: "admin/sessions#new", as: :admin_login # Get and post options here are for OmniAuth coming back in, not going out match "#{Panda::CMS.route_namespace}/auth/:provider/callback", to: "admin/sessions#create", as: :admin_login_callback, via: %i[get post] match "#{Panda::CMS.route_namespace}/auth/failure", to: "admin/sessions#failure", as: :admin_login_failure, via: %i[get post] # OmniAuth additionally adds a GET route for "#{Panda::CMS.route_namespace}/auth/:provider" but doesn't name it delete Panda::CMS.route_namespace, to: "admin/sessions#destroy", as: :admin_logout ### APPENDED ROUTES ### # TODO: Allow multiple types of post in future if Panda::CMS.config.posts[:enabled] get Panda::CMS.config.posts[:prefix], to: "posts#index", as: :posts # Route for date-based URLs that won't encode slashes get "#{Panda::CMS.config.posts[:prefix]}/:year/:month/:slug", to: "posts#show", as: :post_with_date, constraints: { year: /\d{4}/, month: /\d{2}/, slug: /[^\/]+/, format: /html|json|xml/ } # Route for non-date URLs get "#{Panda::CMS.config.posts[:prefix]}/:slug", to: "posts#show", as: :post, constraints: { slug: /[^\/]+/, format: /html|json|xml/ } # Route for month archive get "#{Panda::CMS.config.posts[:prefix]}/:year/:month", to: "posts#by_month", as: :posts_by_month, constraints: { year: /\d{4}/, month: /\d{2}/, format: /html|json|xml/ } end # See lib/panda/cms/engine.rb end