# Mongoid::EmbeddedErrors Easily bubble up errors from embedded documents in Mongoid. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'mongoid-embedded-errors' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install mongoid-embedded-errors ## Usage Embedded documents in Mongoid can be really useful. However, when one of those embedded documents is invalid, Mongoid spits up completely useless errors. Let's look an example. Here we have an `Article` which `embeds_many :pages`. A `Page` `embeds_many :sections`. ```ruby class Article include Mongoid::Document field :name, type: String field :summary, type: String validates :name, presence: true validates :summary, presence: true embeds_many :pages end class Page include Mongoid::Document field :title, type: String validates :title, presence: true embedded_in :article, inverse_of: :pages embeds_many :sections end class Section include Mongoid::Document field :header, type: String field :body, type: String validates :header, presence: true embedded_in :page, inverse_of: :sections end ``` If we were to create an invalid `Article` with an invalid `Page` and tried to validate it the errors we see would not be very helpful: ```ruby article = Article.new(pages: [Page.new]) article.valid? # => false article.error.messages # => {:name=>["can't be blank"], :summary=>["can't be blank"], :pages=>["is invalid"]} ``` Why was the `Page` invalid? Who knows! But, if we include the `Mongoid::EmbeddedErrors` module we get much better error messaging: ```ruby class Article include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::EmbeddedErrors field :name, type: String field :summary, type: String validates :name, presence: true validates :summary, presence: true embeds_many :pages end article = Article.new(pages: [Page.new(sections: [Section.new])]) article.valid? # => false article.error.messages # => {:name=>["can't be blank"], :summary=>["can't be blank"], :pages=>[{0=>{:title=>["can't be blank"], :sections=>[{0=>{:header=>["can't be blank"]}}]}}]} ``` Now, isn't that much nicer? Yeah, I think so to. ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request ## Contributers * Mark Bates * Nick Plante