# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' require 'yaml' RSpec.describe "Money" do let (:money) { Money.new(1) } let (:amount_money) { Money.new(1.23, 'USD') } let (:non_fractional_money) { Money.new(1, 'JPY') } let (:zero_money) { Money.new(0) } context "default currency not set" do it "raises an error" do configure(default_currency: nil) do expect { money }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end end it ".zero has no currency" do expect(Money.new(0, Money::NULL_CURRENCY).currency).to be_a(Money::NullCurrency) end it ".zero is a 0$ value" do expect(Money.new(0, Money::NULL_CURRENCY)).to eq(Money.new(0)) end it "returns itself with to_money" do expect(money.to_money).to eq(money) end it "#to_money uses the provided currency when it doesn't already have one" do expect(Money.new(1).to_money('CAD')).to eq(Money.new(1, 'CAD')) end it "legacy_deprecations #to_money doesn't overwrite the money object's currency" do configure(legacy_deprecations: true) do expect(Money).to receive(:deprecate).once expect(Money.new(1, 'USD').to_money('CAD')).to eq(Money.new(1, 'USD')) end end it "#to_money raises when changing currency" do expect{ Money.new(1, 'USD').to_money('CAD') }.to raise_error(Money::IncompatibleCurrencyError) end it "defaults to 0 when constructed with no arguments" do expect(Money.new).to eq(Money.new(0)) end it "defaults to 0 when constructed with an empty string" do expect(Money.new('')).to eq(Money.new(0)) end it "legacy_deprecations defaults to 0 when constructed with an invalid string" do configure(legacy_deprecations: true) do expect(Money).to receive(:deprecate).once expect(Money.new('invalid', 'USD')).to eq(Money.new(0.00, 'USD')) end end it "raises when constructed with an invalid string" do expect{ Money.new('invalid') }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "to_s correctly displays the right number of decimal places" do expect(money.to_s).to eq("1.00") expect(non_fractional_money.to_s).to eq("1") end it "to_s with a legacy_dollars style" do expect(amount_money.to_s(:legacy_dollars)).to eq("1.23") expect(non_fractional_money.to_s(:legacy_dollars)).to eq("1.00") end it "to_s with a amount style" do expect(amount_money.to_s(:amount)).to eq("1.23") expect(non_fractional_money.to_s(:amount)).to eq("1") end it "to_s correctly displays negative numbers" do expect((-money).to_s).to eq("-1.00") expect((-amount_money).to_s).to eq("-1.23") expect((-non_fractional_money).to_s).to eq("-1") expect((-Money.new("0.05")).to_s).to eq("-0.05") end it "to_s rounds when more fractions than currency allows" do expect(Money.new("9.999", "USD").to_s).to eq("10.00") expect(Money.new("9.889", "USD").to_s).to eq("9.89") end it "to_s does not round when fractions same as currency allows" do expect(Money.new("1.25", "USD").to_s).to eq("1.25") expect(Money.new("9.99", "USD").to_s).to eq("9.99") expect(Money.new("9.999", "BHD").to_s).to eq("9.999") end it "to_s does not round if amount is larger than float allows" do expect(Money.new("99999999999999.99", "USD").to_s).to eq("99999999999999.99") expect(Money.new("999999999999999999.99", "USD").to_s).to eq("999999999999999999.99") end it "to_s raises ArgumentError on unsupported style" do expect{ money.to_s(:some_weird_style) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "legacy_json_format makes as_json return the legacy format" do configure(legacy_json_format: true) do expect(Money.new(1, 'CAD').as_json).to eq("1.00") end end it "legacy_format correctly sets the json format" do expect(Money.new(1, 'CAD').as_json(legacy_format: true)).to eq("1.00") expect(Money.new(1, 'CAD').to_json(legacy_format: true)).to eq("1.00") end it "as_json as a json containing the value and currency" do expect(money.as_json).to eq(value: "1.00", currency: "CAD") end it "is constructable with a BigDecimal" do expect(Money.new(BigDecimal("1.23"))).to eq(Money.new(1.23)) end it "is constructable with an Integer" do expect(Money.new(3)).to eq(Money.new(3.00)) end it "is construcatable with a Float" do expect(Money.new(3.00)).to eq(Money.new(BigDecimal('3.00'))) end it "is construcatable with a String" do expect(Money.new('3.00')).to eq(Money.new(3.00)) end it "is aware of the currency" do expect(Money.new(1.00, 'CAD').currency.iso_code).to eq('CAD') end it "is addable" do expect((Money.new(1.51) + Money.new(3.49))).to eq(Money.new(5.00)) end it "keeps currency across calculations" do expect(Money.new(1, 'USD') - Money.new(1, 'USD') + Money.new(1.23, Money::NULL_CURRENCY)).to eq(Money.new(1.23, 'USD')) end it "raises error if added other is not compatible" do expect{ Money.new(5.00) + nil }.to raise_error(TypeError) end it "is able to add $0 + $0" do expect((Money.new + Money.new)).to eq(Money.new) end it "legacy_deprecations adds inconsistent currencies" do configure(legacy_deprecations: true) do expect(Money).to receive(:deprecate).once expect(Money.new(5, 'USD') + Money.new(1, 'CAD')).to eq(Money.new(6, 'USD')) end end it "raises when adding inconsistent currencies" do expect{ Money.new(5, 'USD') + Money.new(1, 'CAD') }.to raise_error(Money::IncompatibleCurrencyError) end it "is subtractable" do expect((Money.new(5.00) - Money.new(3.49))).to eq(Money.new(1.51)) end it "raises error if subtracted other is not compatible" do expect{ Money.new(5.00) - nil }.to raise_error(TypeError) end it "is subtractable to $0" do expect((Money.new(5.00) - Money.new(5.00))).to eq(Money.new) end it "logs a deprecation warning when adding across currencies" do configure(legacy_deprecations: true) do expect(Money).to receive(:deprecate) expect(Money.new(10, 'USD') - Money.new(1, 'JPY')).to eq(Money.new(9, 'USD')) end end it "keeps currency when doing a computation with a null currency" do currency = Money.new(10, 'JPY') no_currency = Money.new(1, Money::NULL_CURRENCY) expect((no_currency + currency).currency).to eq(Money::Currency.find!('JPY')) expect((currency - no_currency).currency).to eq(Money::Currency.find!('JPY')) end it "does not log a deprecation warning when adding with a null currency value" do currency = Money.new(10, 'USD') no_currency = Money.new(1, Money::NULL_CURRENCY) expect(Money).not_to receive(:deprecate) expect(no_currency + currency).to eq(Money.new(11, 'USD')) expect(currency - no_currency).to eq(Money.new(9, 'USD')) end it "is substractable to a negative amount" do expect((Money.new(0.00) - Money.new(1.00))).to eq(Money.new("-1.00")) end it "is never negative zero" do expect(Money.new(-0.00).to_s).to eq("0.00") expect((Money.new(0) * -1).to_s).to eq("0.00") end it "#inspects to a presentable string" do expect(money.inspect).to eq("#") expect(Money.new(1, 'JPY').inspect).to eq("#") expect(Money.new(1, 'JOD').inspect).to eq("#") end it "is inspectable within an array" do expect([money].inspect).to eq("[#]") end it "correctly support eql? as a value object" do expect(money).to eq(Money.new(1)) expect(money).to eq(Money.new(1, 'CAD')) end it "does not eql? with a non money object" do expect(money).to_not eq(1) expect(money).to_not eq(OpenStruct.new(value: 1)) end it "does not eql? when currency missmatch" do expect(money).to_not eq(Money.new(1, 'JPY')) end it "is addable with integer" do expect((Money.new(1.33) + 1)).to eq(Money.new(2.33)) expect((1 + Money.new(1.33))).to eq(Money.new(2.33)) end it "is addable with float" do expect((Money.new(1.33) + 1.50)).to eq(Money.new(2.83)) expect((1.50 + Money.new(1.33))).to eq(Money.new(2.83)) end it "is subtractable with integer" do expect((Money.new(1.66) - 1)).to eq(Money.new(0.66)) expect((2 - Money.new(1.66))).to eq(Money.new(0.34)) end it "is subtractable with float" do expect((Money.new(1.66) - 1.50)).to eq(Money.new(0.16)) expect((1.50 - Money.new(1.33))).to eq(Money.new(0.17)) end it "is multipliable with an integer" do expect((Money.new(1.00) * 55)).to eq(Money.new(55.00)) expect((55 * Money.new(1.00))).to eq(Money.new(55.00)) end it "is multiplable with a float" do expect((Money.new(1.00) * 1.50)).to eq(Money.new(1.50)) expect((1.50 * Money.new(1.00))).to eq(Money.new(1.50)) end it "is multipliable by a rational" do expect((Money.new(3.3) * Rational(1, 12))).to eq(Money.new(0.28)) expect((Rational(1, 12) * Money.new(3.3))).to eq(Money.new(0.28)) end it "is multipliable by a repeatable floating point number" do expect((Money.new(24.00) * (1 / 30.0))).to eq(Money.new(0.80)) expect(((1 / 30.0) * Money.new(24.00))).to eq(Money.new(0.80)) end it "is multipliable by a repeatable floating point number where the floating point error rounds down" do expect((Money.new(3.3) * (1.0 / 12))).to eq(Money.new(0.28)) expect(((1.0 / 12) * Money.new(3.3))).to eq(Money.new(0.28)) end it "legacy_deprecations is multipliable by a money object" do configure(legacy_deprecations: true) do expect(Money).to receive(:deprecate).once expect((Money.new(3.3, 'USD') * Money.new(1, 'USD'))).to eq(Money.new(3.3, 'USD')) end end it "raises when multiplied by a money object" do expect{ (Money.new(3.3) * Money.new(1)) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "rounds multiplication result with fractional penny of 5 or higher up" do expect((Money.new(0.03) * 0.5)).to eq(Money.new(0.02)) expect((0.5 * Money.new(0.03))).to eq(Money.new(0.02)) end it "rounds multiplication result with fractional penny of 4 or lower down" do expect((Money.new(0.10) * 0.33)).to eq(Money.new(0.03)) expect((0.33 * Money.new(0.10))).to eq(Money.new(0.03)) end it "is less than a bigger integer" do expect(Money.new(1)).to be < 2 expect(2).to be > Money.new(1) end it "is less than or equal to a bigger integer" do expect(Money.new(1)).to be <= 2 expect(2).to be >= Money.new(1) end it "is greater than a lesser integer" do expect(Money.new(2)).to be > 1 expect(1).to be < Money.new(2) end it "is greater than or equal to a lesser integer" do expect(Money.new(2)).to be >= 1 expect(1).to be <= Money.new(2) end it "raises if divided" do expect { Money.new(55.00) / 55 }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "returns cents in to_json" do configure(legacy_json_format: true) do expect(Money.new('1.23', 'USD').to_json).to eq('1.23') end end it "returns value and currency in to_json" do expect(Money.new(1.00).to_json).to eq('{"value":"1.00","currency":"CAD"}') end it "supports absolute value" do expect(Money.new(-1.00).abs).to eq(Money.new(1.00)) end it "supports to_i" do expect(Money.new(1.50).to_i).to eq(1) end it "supports to_d" do expect(Money.new(1.29).to_d).to eq(BigDecimal('1.29')) end it "supports to_f" do expect(Money.new(1.50).to_f.to_s).to eq("1.5") end describe '#from_subunits' do it "creates Money object from an integer value in cents and currency" do expect(Money.from_subunits(1950, 'CAD')).to eq(Money.new(19.50)) end it "creates Money object from an integer value in dollars and currency with no cents" do expect(Money.from_subunits(1950, 'JPY')).to eq(Money.new(1950, 'JPY')) end describe 'with format specified' do it 'overrides the subunit_to_unit amount' do expect(Money.from_subunits(100, 'ISK', format: :stripe)).to eq(Money.new(1, 'ISK')) end it 'fallbacks to the default subunit_to_unit amount if no override is specified' do expect(Money.from_subunits(100, 'USD', format: :stripe)).to eq(Money.new(1, 'USD')) end it 'raises if the format is not found' do expect { Money.from_subunits(100, 'ISK', format: :unknown) }.to(raise_error(ArgumentError)) end end end it "raises when constructed with a NaN value" do expect { Money.new( 0.0 / 0) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "is comparable with non-money objects" do expect(money).not_to eq(nil) end it "supports floor" do expect(Money.new(15.52).floor).to eq(Money.new(15.00)) expect(Money.new(18.99).floor).to eq(Money.new(18.00)) expect(Money.new(21).floor).to eq(Money.new(21)) end it "generates a true rational" do expect(Money.rational(Money.new(10.0, 'USD'), Money.new(15.0, 'USD'))).to eq(Rational(2,3)) configure(legacy_deprecations: true) do expect(Money).to receive(:deprecate).once expect(Money.rational(Money.new(10.0, 'USD'), Money.new(15.0, 'JPY'))).to eq(Rational(2,3)) end end describe "frozen with amount of $1" do let (:money) { Money.new(1.00) } it "is equals to $1" do expect(money).to eq(Money.new(1.00)) end it "is not equals to $2" do expect(money).not_to eq(Money.new(2.00)) end it "<=> $1 is 0" do expect((money <=> Money.new(1.00))).to eq(0) end it "<=> $2 is -1" do expect((money <=> Money.new(2.00))).to eq(-1) end it "<=> $0.50 equals 1" do expect((money <=> Money.new(0.50))).to eq(1) end it "<=> works with non-money objects" do expect((money <=> 1)).to eq(0) expect((money <=> 2)).to eq(-1) expect((money <=> 0.5)).to eq(1) expect((1 <=> money)).to eq(0) expect((2 <=> money)).to eq(1) expect((0.5 <=> money)).to eq(-1) end it "have the same hash value as $1" do expect(money.hash).to eq(Money.new(1.00).hash) end it "does not have the same hash value as $2" do expect(money.hash).to_not eq(Money.new(2.00).hash) end end describe('Comparable') do let (:cad_05) { Money.new(5.00, 'CAD') } let (:cad_10) { Money.new(10.00, 'CAD') } let (:cad_20) { Money.new(20.00, 'CAD') } let (:nil_05) { Money.new(5.00, Money::NULL_CURRENCY) } let (:nil_10) { Money.new(10.00, Money::NULL_CURRENCY) } let (:nil_20) { Money.new(20.00, Money::NULL_CURRENCY) } let (:usd_10) { Money.new(10.00, 'USD') } it "<=> can compare with and without currency" do expect(Money.new(1000, Money::NULL_CURRENCY) <=> Money.new(2000, 'JPY')).to eq(-1) expect(Money.new(2000, 'JPY') <=> Money.new(1000, Money::NULL_CURRENCY)).to eq(1) end it "<=> issues deprecation warning when comparing incompatible currency" do configure(legacy_deprecations: true) do expect(Money).to receive(:deprecate).twice expect(Money.new(1000, 'USD') <=> Money.new(2000, 'JPY')).to eq(-1) expect(Money.new(2000, 'JPY') <=> Money.new(1000, 'USD')).to eq(1) end end describe('same values') do describe('same currencies') do it { expect(cad_10 <=> cad_10).to(eq(0)) } it { expect(cad_10 > cad_10).to(eq(false)) } it { expect(cad_10 >= cad_10).to(eq(true)) } it { expect(cad_10 == cad_10).to(eq(true)) } it { expect(cad_10 <= cad_10).to(eq(true)) } it { expect(cad_10 < cad_10).to(eq(false)) } end describe('null currency') do it { expect(cad_10 <=> nil_10).to(eq(0)) } it { expect(cad_10 > nil_10).to(eq(false)) } it { expect(cad_10 >= nil_10).to(eq(true)) } it { expect(cad_10 == nil_10).to(eq(true)) } it { expect(cad_10 <= nil_10).to(eq(true)) } it { expect(cad_10 < nil_10).to(eq(false)) } end describe('legacy different currencies') do around(:each) do |test| configure(legacy_deprecations: true) { test.run } end it { expect(Money).to(receive(:deprecate).once); expect(cad_10 <=> usd_10).to(eq(0)) } it { expect(Money).to(receive(:deprecate).once); expect(cad_10 > usd_10).to(eq(false)) } it { expect(Money).to(receive(:deprecate).once); expect(cad_10 >= usd_10).to(eq(true)) } it { expect(Money).to(receive(:deprecate).once); expect(cad_10 <= usd_10).to(eq(true)) } it { expect(Money).to(receive(:deprecate).once); expect(cad_10 < usd_10).to(eq(false)) } end describe('different currencies') do it { expect(cad_10 == usd_10).to(eq(false)) } end describe('to_money types') do it { expect(cad_10 <=> 10.00).to(eq(0)) } it { expect(cad_10 > 10.00).to(eq(false)) } it { expect(cad_10 >= 10.00).to(eq(true)) } it { expect(cad_10 == 10.00).to(eq(false)) } it { expect(cad_10 <= 10.00).to(eq(true)) } it { expect(cad_10 < 10.00).to(eq(false)) } end end describe('left lower than right') do describe('same currencies') do it { expect(cad_10 <=> cad_20).to(eq(-1)) } it { expect(cad_10 > cad_20).to(eq(false)) } it { expect(cad_10 >= cad_20).to(eq(false)) } it { expect(cad_10 == cad_20).to(eq(false)) } it { expect(cad_10 <= cad_20).to(eq(true)) } it { expect(cad_10 < cad_20).to(eq(true)) } end describe('null currency') do it { expect(cad_10 <=> nil_20).to(eq(-1)) } it { expect(cad_10 > nil_20).to(eq(false)) } it { expect(cad_10 >= nil_20).to(eq(false)) } it { expect(cad_10 == nil_20).to(eq(false)) } it { expect(cad_10 <= nil_20).to(eq(true)) } it { expect(cad_10 < nil_20).to(eq(true)) } end describe('to_money types') do it { expect(cad_10 <=> 20.00).to(eq(-1)) } it { expect(cad_10 > 20.00).to(eq(false)) } it { expect(cad_10 >= 20.00).to(eq(false)) } it { expect(cad_10 == 20.00).to(eq(false)) } it { expect(cad_10 <= 20.00).to(eq(true)) } it { expect(cad_10 < 20.00).to(eq(true)) } end end describe('left greater than right') do describe('same currencies') do it { expect(cad_10 <=> cad_05).to(eq(1)) } it { expect(cad_10 > cad_05).to(eq(true)) } it { expect(cad_10 >= cad_05).to(eq(true)) } it { expect(cad_10 == cad_05).to(eq(false)) } it { expect(cad_10 <= cad_05).to(eq(false)) } it { expect(cad_10 < cad_05).to(eq(false)) } end describe('null currency') do it { expect(cad_10 <=> nil_05).to(eq(1)) } it { expect(cad_10 > nil_05).to(eq(true)) } it { expect(cad_10 >= nil_05).to(eq(true)) } it { expect(cad_10 == nil_05).to(eq(false)) } it { expect(cad_10 <= nil_05).to(eq(false)) } it { expect(cad_10 < nil_05).to(eq(false)) } end describe('to_money types') do it { expect(cad_10 <=> 5.00).to(eq(1)) } it { expect(cad_10 > 5.00).to(eq(true)) } it { expect(cad_10 >= 5.00).to(eq(true)) } it { expect(cad_10 == 5.00).to(eq(false)) } it { expect(cad_10 <= 5.00).to(eq(false)) } it { expect(cad_10 < 5.00).to(eq(false)) } end end describe('any values, non-to_money types') do it { expect(cad_10 <=> nil).to(eq(nil)) } it { expect { cad_10 > nil }.to(raise_error(ArgumentError)) } it { expect { cad_10 >= nil }.to(raise_error(ArgumentError)) } it { expect(cad_10 == nil).to(eq(false)) } it { expect { cad_10 <= nil }.to(raise_error(ArgumentError)) } it { expect { cad_10 < nil }.to(raise_error(ArgumentError)) } end end describe "#subunits" do it 'multiplies by the number of decimal places for the currency' do expect(Money.new(1, 'USD').subunits).to eq(100) expect(Money.new(1, 'JPY').subunits).to eq(1) expect(Money.new(1, 'IQD').subunits).to eq(1000) expect(Money.new(1).subunits).to eq(100) end describe 'with format specified' do it 'overrides the subunit_to_unit amount' do expect(Money.new(1, 'ISK').subunits(format: :stripe)).to eq(100) end it 'fallbacks to the default subunit_to_unit amount if no override is specified' do expect(Money.new(1, 'USD').subunits(format: :stripe)).to eq(100) end it 'raises if the format is not found' do expect { Money.new(1, 'ISK').subunits(format: :unknown) }.to(raise_error(ArgumentError)) end end end describe "value" do it "rounds to the number of minor units provided by the currency" do expect(Money.new(1.1111, 'USD').value).to eq(1.11) expect(Money.new(1.1111, 'JPY').value).to eq(1) expect(Money.new(1.1111, 'IQD').value).to eq(1.111) end end describe "with amount of $0" do let (:money) { Money.new(0) } it "is zero" do expect(money).to be_zero end it "is greater than -$1" do expect(money).to be > Money.new("-1.00") end it "is greater than or equal to $0" do expect(money).to be >= Money.new end it "is less than or equal to $0" do expect(money).to be <= Money.new end it "is less than $1" do expect(money).to be < Money.new(1.00) end end describe "with amount of $1" do let (:money) { Money.new(1.00) } it "is not zero" do expect(money).not_to be_zero end it "returns cents as a decimal value = 1.00" do expect(money.value).to eq(BigDecimal("1.00")) end it "returns cents as 100 cents" do expect(money.subunits).to eq(100) end it "is greater than $0" do expect(money).to be > Money.new(0.00) end it "is less than $2" do expect(money).to be < Money.new(2.00) end it "is equal to $1" do expect(money).to eq(Money.new(1.00)) end end describe "allocation"do specify "#allocate is calculated by Money::Allocator#allocate" do expected = [Money.new(1), [Money.new(1)]] expect_any_instance_of(Money::Allocator).to receive(:allocate).with([0.5, 0.5], :roundrobin).and_return(expected) expect(Money.new(2).allocate([0.5, 0.5])).to eq(expected) end specify "#allocate does not lose pennies (integration test)" do moneys = Money.new(0.05).allocate([0.3,0.7]) expect(moneys[0]).to eq(Money.new(0.02)) expect(moneys[1]).to eq(Money.new(0.03)) end specify "#allocate_max_amounts is calculated by Money::Allocator#allocate_max_amounts" do expected = [Money.new(1), [Money.new(1)]] expect_any_instance_of(Money::Allocator).to receive(:allocate_max_amounts).and_return(expected) expect(Money.new(2).allocate_max_amounts([0.5, 0.5])).to eq(expected) end specify "#allocate_max_amounts returns the weighted allocation without exceeding the maxima when there is room for the remainder (integration test)" do expect( Money.new(30.75).allocate_max_amounts([Money.new(26), Money.new(4.75)]), ).to eq([Money.new(26), Money.new(4.75)]) end end describe "split" do specify "#split needs at least one party" do expect {Money.new(1).split(0)}.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect {Money.new(1).split(-1)}.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end specify "#gives 1 cent to both people if we start with 2" do expect(Money.new(0.02).split(2)).to eq([Money.new(0.01), Money.new(0.01)]) end specify "#split may distribute no money to some parties if there isnt enough to go around" do expect(Money.new(0.02).split(3)).to eq([Money.new(0.01), Money.new(0.01), Money.new(0)]) end specify "#split does not lose pennies" do expect(Money.new(0.05).split(2)).to eq([Money.new(0.03), Money.new(0.02)]) end specify "#split does not lose dollars with non-decimal currencies" do expect(Money.new(5, 'JPY').split(2)).to eq([Money.new(3, 'JPY'), Money.new(2, 'JPY')]) end specify "#split a dollar" do moneys = Money.new(1).split(3) expect(moneys[0].subunits).to eq(34) expect(moneys[1].subunits).to eq(33) expect(moneys[2].subunits).to eq(33) end specify "#split a 100 yen" do moneys = Money.new(100, 'JPY').split(3) expect(moneys[0].value).to eq(34) expect(moneys[1].value).to eq(33) expect(moneys[2].value).to eq(33) end end describe "calculate_splits" do specify "#calculate_splits gives 1 cent to both people if we start with 2" do actual = Money.new(0.02, 'CAD').calculate_splits(2) expect(actual).to eq({ Money.new(0.01, 'CAD') => 2, }) end specify "#calculate_splits gives an extra penny to one" do actual = Money.new(0.04, 'CAD').calculate_splits(3) expect(actual).to eq({ Money.new(0.02, 'CAD') => 1, Money.new(0.01, 'CAD') => 2, }) end end describe "fraction" do specify "#fraction needs a positive rate" do expect {Money.new(1).fraction(-0.5)}.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end specify "#fraction returns the amount minus a fraction" do expect(Money.new(1.15).fraction(0.15)).to eq(Money.new(1.00)) expect(Money.new(2.50).fraction(0.15)).to eq(Money.new(2.17)) expect(Money.new(35.50).fraction(0)).to eq(Money.new(35.50)) end end describe "with amount of $1 with created with 3 decimal places" do let (:money) { Money.new(1.125) } it "rounds 3rd decimal place" do expect(money.value).to eq(BigDecimal("1.13")) end end describe "parser dependency injection" do around(:each) { |test| configure(parser: AccountingMoneyParser, default_currency: 'CAD') { test.run }} it "keeps AccountingMoneyParser class on new money objects" do expect(Money.new.class.parser).to eq(AccountingMoneyParser) end it "supports parenthesis from AccountingMoneyParser" do expect(Money.parse("($5.00)")).to eq(Money.new(-5)) end it "supports parenthesis from AccountingMoneyParser for .to_money" do expect("($5.00)".to_money).to eq(Money.new(-5)) end end describe "round" do it "rounds to 0 decimal places by default" do expect(Money.new(54.1).round).to eq(Money.new(54)) expect(Money.new(54.5).round).to eq(Money.new(55)) end # Overview of standard vs. banker's rounding for next 4 specs: # http://www.xbeat.net/vbspeed/i_BankersRounding.htm it "implements standard rounding for 2 digits" do expect(Money.new(54.1754).round(2)).to eq(Money.new(54.18)) expect(Money.new(343.2050).round(2)).to eq(Money.new(343.21)) expect(Money.new(106.2038).round(2)).to eq(Money.new(106.20)) end it "implements standard rounding for 1 digit" do expect(Money.new(27.25).round(1)).to eq(Money.new(27.3)) expect(Money.new(27.45).round(1)).to eq(Money.new(27.5)) expect(Money.new(27.55).round(1)).to eq(Money.new(27.6)) end end describe "from_amount quacks like RubyMoney" do it "accepts an optional currency parameter" do expect { Money.from_amount(1, "CAD") }.to_not raise_error end it "accepts Rational number" do expect(Money.from_amount(Rational("999999999999999999.999")).value).to eql(BigDecimal("1000000000000000000", Money::Helpers::MAX_DECIMAL)) expect(Money.from_amount(Rational("999999999999999999.99")).value).to eql(BigDecimal("999999999999999999.99", Money::Helpers::MAX_DECIMAL)) end it "raises ArgumentError with unsupported argument" do expect { Money.from_amount(Object.new) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "YAML serialization" do it "accepts values with currencies" do money = YAML.dump(Money.new(750, 'usd')) expect(money).to eq("--- !ruby/object:Money\nvalue: '750.0'\ncurrency: USD\n") end it "does not change BigDecimal value to Integer while rounding for currencies without subunits" do money = Money.new(100, 'JPY').to_yaml expect(money).to eq("--- !ruby/object:Money\nvalue: '100.0'\ncurrency: JPY\n") end end describe "YAML deserialization" do it "accepts values with currencies" do money = YAML.load("--- !ruby/object:Money\nvalue: '750.0'\ncurrency: USD\n") expect(money).to eq(Money.new(750, 'usd')) end it "accepts values with null currencies" do money = YAML.load("--- !ruby/object:Money\nvalue: '750.0'\ncurrency: XXX\n") expect(money).to eq(Money.new(750)) end it "accepts serialized NullCurrency objects" do money = YAML.load(<<~EOS) --- !ruby/object:Money currency: !ruby/object:Money::NullCurrency symbol: >- $ disambiguate_symbol: iso_code: >- XXX iso_numeric: >- 999 name: >- No Currency smallest_denomination: 1 subunit_to_unit: 100 minor_units: 2 value: !ruby/object:BigDecimal 27:0.6935E2 cents: 6935 EOS expect(money).to eq(Money.new(69.35, Money::NULL_CURRENCY)) end it "accepts BigDecimal values" do money = YAML.load(<<~EOS) --- !ruby/object:Money value: !ruby/object:BigDecimal 18:0.75E3 cents: 75000 EOS expect(money).to be == Money.new(750) expect(money.value).to be_a BigDecimal end it "accepts old float values..." do money = YAML.load(<<~EOS) --- !ruby/object:Money value: 750.00 cents: 75000 EOS expect(money).to be == Money.new(750) expect(money.value).to be_a BigDecimal end end describe('.deprecate') do it "uses ruby warn if active support is not defined" do stub_const("ACTIVE_SUPPORT_DEFINED", false) expect(Kernel).to receive(:warn).once Money.deprecate('ok') end it "uses active support warn if active support is defined" do expect(Kernel).to receive(:warn).never expect_any_instance_of(ActiveSupport::Deprecation).to receive(:warn).once Money.deprecate('ok') end it "only sends a callstack of events outside of the money gem" do expect_any_instance_of(ActiveSupport::Deprecation).to receive(:warn).with( -> (message) { message == "[Shopify/Money] message\n" }, -> (callstack) { !callstack.first.to_s.include?('gems/money') && callstack.size > 0 } ) Money.deprecate('message') end end describe '#use_currency' do it "allows setting the implicit default currency for a block scope" do money = nil Money.with_currency('CAD') do money = Money.new(1.00) end expect(money.currency.iso_code).to eq('CAD') end it "does not use the currency for a block scope when explicitly set" do money = nil Money.with_currency('CAD') do money = Money.new(1.00, 'USD') end expect(money.currency.iso_code).to eq('USD') end context "with .default_currency set" do around(:each) { |test| configure(default_currency: Money::Currency.new('EUR')) { test.run }} it "can be nested and falls back to default_currency outside of the blocks" do money2, money3 = nil money1 = Money.new(1.00) Money.with_currency('CAD') do Money.with_currency('USD') do money2 = Money.new(1.00) end money3 = Money.new(1.00) end money4 = Money.new(1.00) expect(money1.currency.iso_code).to eq('EUR') expect(money2.currency.iso_code).to eq('USD') expect(money3.currency.iso_code).to eq('CAD') expect(money4.currency.iso_code).to eq('EUR') end end end describe '.clamp' do let(:max) { 9000 } let(:min) { -max } it 'returns the same value if the value is within the min..max range' do money = Money.new(5000, 'EUR').clamp(min, max) expect(money.value).to eq(5000) expect(money.currency.iso_code).to eq('EUR') end it 'returns the max value if the original value is larger' do money = Money.new(9001, 'EUR').clamp(min, max) expect(money.clamp(min, max).value).to eq(9000) expect(money.clamp(min, max).currency.iso_code).to eq('EUR') end it 'returns the min value if the original value is smaller' do money = Money.new(-9001, 'EUR').clamp(min, max) expect(money.value).to eq(-9000) expect(money.currency.iso_code).to eq('EUR') end end end