#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/parameter' describe Puppet::Parameter do before do @class = Class.new(Puppet::Parameter) do @name = :foo end @class.initvars @resource = mock 'resource' @resource.stub_everything @parameter = @class.new :resource => @resource end it "should create a value collection" do @class = Class.new(Puppet::Parameter) expect(@class.value_collection).to be_nil @class.initvars expect(@class.value_collection).to be_instance_of(Puppet::Parameter::ValueCollection) end it "should return its name as a string when converted to a string" do expect(@parameter.to_s).to eq(@parameter.name.to_s) end [:line, :file, :version].each do |data| it "should return its resource's #{data} as its #{data}" do @resource.expects(data).returns "foo" expect(@parameter.send(data)).to eq("foo") end end it "should return the resource's tags plus its name as its tags" do @resource.expects(:tags).returns %w{one two} expect(@parameter.tags).to eq(%w{one two foo}) end it "should have a path" do expect(@parameter.path).to eq("//foo") end describe "when returning the value" do it "should return nil if no value is set" do expect(@parameter.value).to be_nil end it "should validate the value" do @parameter.expects(:validate).with("foo") @parameter.value = "foo" end it "should munge the value and use any result as the actual value" do @parameter.expects(:munge).with("foo").returns "bar" @parameter.value = "foo" expect(@parameter.value).to eq("bar") end it "should unmunge the value when accessing the actual value" do @parameter.class.unmunge do |value| value.to_sym end @parameter.value = "foo" expect(@parameter.value).to eq(:foo) end it "should return the actual value by default when unmunging" do expect(@parameter.unmunge("bar")).to eq("bar") end it "should return any set value" do @parameter.value = "foo" expect(@parameter.value).to eq("foo") end end describe "when validating values" do it "should do nothing if no values or regexes have been defined" do @parameter.validate("foo") end it "should catch abnormal failures thrown during validation" do @class.validate { |v| raise "This is broken" } expect { @parameter.validate("eh") }.to raise_error(Puppet::DevError) end it "should fail if the value is not a defined value or alias and does not match a regex" do @class.newvalues :foo expect { @parameter.validate("bar") }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error) end it "should succeed if the value is one of the defined values" do @class.newvalues :foo expect { @parameter.validate(:foo) }.to_not raise_error end it "should succeed if the value is one of the defined values even if the definition uses a symbol and the validation uses a string" do @class.newvalues :foo expect { @parameter.validate("foo") }.to_not raise_error end it "should succeed if the value is one of the defined values even if the definition uses a string and the validation uses a symbol" do @class.newvalues "foo" expect { @parameter.validate(:foo) }.to_not raise_error end it "should succeed if the value is one of the defined aliases" do @class.newvalues :foo @class.aliasvalue :bar, :foo expect { @parameter.validate("bar") }.to_not raise_error end it "should succeed if the value matches one of the regexes" do @class.newvalues %r{\d} expect { @parameter.validate("10") }.to_not raise_error end end describe "when munging values" do it "should do nothing if no values or regexes have been defined" do expect(@parameter.munge("foo")).to eq("foo") end it "should catch abnormal failures thrown during munging" do @class.munge { |v| raise "This is broken" } expect { @parameter.munge("eh") }.to raise_error(Puppet::DevError) end it "should return return any matching defined values" do @class.newvalues :foo, :bar expect(@parameter.munge("foo")).to eq(:foo) end it "should return any matching aliases" do @class.newvalues :foo @class.aliasvalue :bar, :foo expect(@parameter.munge("bar")).to eq(:foo) end it "should return the value if it matches a regex" do @class.newvalues %r{\w} expect(@parameter.munge("bar")).to eq("bar") end it "should return the value if no other option is matched" do @class.newvalues :foo expect(@parameter.munge("bar")).to eq("bar") end end describe "when logging" do it "should use its resource's log level and the provided message" do @resource.expects(:[]).with(:loglevel).returns :notice @parameter.expects(:send_log).with(:notice, "mymessage") @parameter.log "mymessage" end end describe ".format_value_for_display" do it 'should format strings appropriately' do expect(described_class.format_value_for_display('foo')).to eq("'foo'") end it 'should format numbers appropriately' do expect(described_class.format_value_for_display(1)).to eq("'1'") end it 'should format symbols appropriately' do expect(described_class.format_value_for_display(:bar)).to eq("'bar'") end it 'should format arrays appropriately' do expect(described_class.format_value_for_display([1, 'foo', :bar])).to eq("['1', 'foo', 'bar']") end it 'should format hashes appropriately' do expect(described_class.format_value_for_display( {1 => 'foo', :bar => 2, 'baz' => :qux} )).to eq("{'1' => 'foo', 'bar' => '2', 'baz' => 'qux'}") end it 'should format arrays with nested data appropriately' do expect(described_class.format_value_for_display( [1, 'foo', :bar, [1, 2, 3], {1 => 2, 3 => 4}] )).to eq("['1', 'foo', 'bar', ['1', '2', '3'], {'1' => '2', '3' => '4'}]") end it 'should format hashes with nested data appropriately' do expect(described_class.format_value_for_display( {1 => 'foo', :bar => [2, 3, 4], 'baz' => {:qux => 1, :quux => 'two'}} )).to eq("{'1' => 'foo', 'bar' => ['2', '3', '4'], 'baz' => {'quux' => 'two', 'qux' => '1'}}") end end describe 'formatting messages' do it "formats messages as-is when the parameter is not sensitive" do expect(@parameter.format("hello %s", "world")).to eq("hello world") end it "formats messages with redacted values when the parameter is not sensitive" do @parameter.sensitive = true expect(@parameter.format("hello %s", "world")).to eq("hello [redacted]") end end end