module Caboose class CommentRoutes def CommentRoutes.parse_controllers return CommentRoutes.controller_routes end def CommentRoutes.controller_routes(controller = nil) controller = controller[1] if controller && controller.is_a?(Array) controller_paths = [] Gem.loaded_specs.each do |name, s| controller_paths << s.full_gem_path end Rails.application.config.paths['app/controllers'].each do |controller_path| controller_paths << Rails.root.join(controller_path) end classes = {'zzz_all_domains' => []} controller_paths.each do |controller_path| #files = Dir.glob(Rails.root.join(controller_path, '*.rb')) #files = controller ? Dir.glob(Rails.root.join(controller_path, "#{controller}_controller.rb")) : Dir.glob(Rails.root.join(controller_path, '**/*.rb')) #files = controller ? Dir.glob(Rails.root.join(controller_path, "#{controller}_controller.rb")) : Dir.glob(Rails.root.join(controller_path, '*.rb')) #files = controller ? Dir.glob("#{controller_path}/#{controller}_controller.rb") : Dir.glob("#{controller_path}/*.rb") files = controller ? Dir.glob("#{controller_path}/**/#{controller.gsub(/(.*?)::(.*?)/, '\2')}_controller.rb") : Dir.glob("#{controller_path}/**/*_controller.rb") #files = Dir.glob("#{controller_path}/**/*_controller.rb") for file in files f2 =, "r") domains = [] domains_constrainer = false module_name = nil class_name = nil class_priority = 20 route_priority = 20 custom_route_priority = false uris = [] actions = [] f2.each_line do |line| line = line.strip if line =~ /^module (.*?)$/ module_name = line.gsub(/^module (.*?)$/, '\1').gsub(/([A-Z])/, '_\1').downcase module_name[0] = '' if module_name[0] == '_' elsif line =~ /^(.*?)class (.*?)Controller(.*?)$/ class_name = line.gsub(/^(.*?)class (.*?)Controller(.*?)$/, '\2').gsub(/([A-Z])/, '_\1').downcase class_name[0] = '' if class_name[0] == '_' class_name = "#{module_name}::#{class_name}" if module_name elsif line =~ /# @route_domain (.*?)$/ # Ignore if we have a domain constrainer if domains.is_a?(Array) domain = line.gsub(/# @route_domain (.*?)$/, '\1') domains << domain if !domains.include?(domain) end elsif line =~ /# @route_domain_constrainer (.*?)$/ domains = line.gsub(/# @route_domain_constrainer (.*?)$/, '\1') elsif line =~ /# @route_constraints (.*?)$/ constraints = line.gsub(/# @route_constraints (.*?)$/, '\1') uris.last[1] = constraints if uris.length > 0 constraints = nil elsif line =~ /# @class_route_priority \d/ class_priority = line.gsub(/# @class_route_priority (\d*?)$/, '\1').to_i elsif line =~ /# @route_priority \d/ custom_route_priority = line.gsub(/# @route_priority (\d*?)$/, '\1').to_i elsif line.starts_with?('def ') actions << [line.gsub('def ', ''), uris, custom_route_priority ? custom_route_priority : route_priority] uris = [] route_priority = route_priority + 1 if !custom_route_priority custom_route_priority = false constraints = nil elsif line =~ /# @route GET (.*?)/ then uris << ["get \"#{line.gsub(/# @route GET (.*?)/ , '\1').strip}\"", nil] elsif line =~ /# @route POST (.*?)/ then uris << ["post \"#{line.gsub(/# @route POST (.*?)/ , '\1').strip}\"", nil] elsif line =~ /# @route PUT (.*?)/ then uris << ["put \"#{line.gsub(/# @route PUT (.*?)/ , '\1').strip}\"", nil] elsif line =~ /# @route DELETE (.*?)/ then uris << ["delete \"#{line.gsub(/# @route DELETE (.*?)/ , '\1').strip}\"", nil] end end ds = domains.is_a?(Array) ? (domains.count > 0 ? domains.sort.join(' ') : 'zzz_all_domains') : "CONSTRAIN #{domains}" classes[ds] = [] if classes[ds].nil? classes[ds] << [class_name, actions, class_priority] end end routes = [] classes.sort_by{ |domain, domain_classes| domain }.to_h.each do |domain, domain_classes| if domain != 'zzz_all_domains' if domain.starts_with?('CONSTRAIN ') constrainer = domain.gsub('CONSTRAIN ', '') routes << "constraints #{constrainer}.new do" else domains = domain.split(' ').collect{ |d| "'#{d}'" }.join(', ') routes << "constraints[#{domains}]) do" end end domain_classes.sort_by{ |arr| arr[2] }.each do |carr| class_name = carr[0] actions = carr[1] # Get the longest URI so we can make routes that line up vertically longest = '' actions.each{ |action, uris| uris.each{ |uri_arr| longest = uri_arr[0] if uri_arr[0].length > longest.length }} length = longest.length + 1 # Make the route line actions.sort_by{ |arr| arr[2] }.each do |arr| action = arr[0] uris = arr[1] uris.each do |uri_arr| uri = uri_arr[0] constraints = uri_arr[1] # puts "#{uri.ljust(length, ' ')} => \"#{class_name}\##{action}\"" route = "#{uri.ljust(length, ' ')} => \"#{class_name}\##{action}\"" route = "#{route}, :constraints => #{constraints}" if constraints routes << route end end #puts "" routes << "" end routes << "end" if domain != 'zzz_all_domains' end #puts routes return routes.join("\n") end def CommentRoutes.split_route(line) return nil if line.nil? line = line.strip #return ['get' , line.gsub(/^get (.*?)=>(.*?)$/ , '\1').strip.gsub('"', '').gsub("'", ''), line.gsub(/^get (.*?)=>(.*?)$/ , '\2').strip.gsub('"', '').gsub("'", '')] if line =~ /^get (.*?)=>(.*?)$/ #return ['post' , line.gsub(/^post (.*?)=>(.*?)$/ , '\1').strip.gsub('"', '').gsub("'", ''), line.gsub(/^post (.*?)=>(.*?)$/ , '\2').strip.gsub('"', '').gsub("'", '')] if line =~ /^post (.*?)=>(.*?)$/ #return ['put' , line.gsub(/^put (.*?)=>(.*?)$/ , '\1').strip.gsub('"', '').gsub("'", ''), line.gsub(/^put (.*?)=>(.*?)$/ , '\2').strip.gsub('"', '').gsub("'", '')] if line =~ /^put (.*?)=>(.*?)$/ #return ['delete' , line.gsub(/^delete (.*?)=>(.*?)$/ , '\1').strip.gsub('"', '').gsub("'", ''), line.gsub(/^delete (.*?)=>(.*?)$/ , '\2').strip.gsub('"', '').gsub("'", '')] if line =~ /^delete (.*?)=>(.*?)$/ if line =~ /^get (.*?)=>(.*?)$/ || line =~ /^post (.*?)=>(.*?)$/ || line =~ /^put (.*?)=>(.*?)$/ || line =~ /^delete (.*?)=>(.*?)$/ arr = [ line.gsub(/^(\w*?) (.*?)=>(.*?)$/ , '\1').strip.gsub('"', '').gsub("'", ''), line.gsub(/^(\w*?) (.*?)=>(.*?)$/ , '\2').strip.gsub('"', '').gsub("'", ''), line.gsub(/^(\w*?) (.*?)=>(.*?)$/ , '\3').strip.gsub('"', '').gsub("'", '') ] arr[1] = "/#{arr[1]}" if !arr[1].starts_with?('/') return arr end return nil end def CommentRoutes.in_routes_array(route, routes_array) return false if route.nil? || route.count < 3 routes_array.each do |route2| next if route2.nil? || route2.count < 3 return true if route[0] == route2[0] && route[1] == route2[1] && route[2] == route2[2] end return false end def CommentRoutes.compare_routes(controller, route_file) controller = controller[1] if controller && controller.is_a?(Array) routes_in_routes_file = [] file = ? route_file : Rails.root.join('config', 'routes.rb'), "r") file.each_line do |line| line = line.strip arr = self.split_route(line) routes_in_routes_file << arr if arr && arr[2].starts_with?("#{controller}#") end routes_in_controllers = [] self.controller_routes(controller).split("\n").each do |route| route = route.strip next if route.length == 0 routes_in_controllers << self.split_route(route) end all_routes = [] # See what routes are in the controller routes but not in routes file routes_not_in_routes_file = [] routes_in_controllers.each do |route| next if route.nil? || route.count != 3 all_routes << [route[0], route[1], route[2], 'Yes', self.in_routes_array(route, routes_in_routes_file) ? 'Yes' : 'No'] end # See what routes are in the routes file but not in the controllers routes_not_in_controllers = [] routes_in_routes_file.each do |route| next if route.nil? || route.count != 3 if !self.in_routes_array(route, all_routes) all_routes << [route[0], route[1], route[2], 'No', 'Yes'] end end lengths = [0, 0, 0] all_routes.each do |route| lengths[0] = route[0].length if route[0].length > lengths[0] lengths[1] = route[1].length if route[1].length > lengths[1] lengths[2] = route[2].length if route[2].length > lengths[2] end puts "#{"Verb".ljust(lengths[0], ' ')} #{"URI".ljust(lengths[1], ' ')} #{"Action".ljust(lengths[2], ' ')} #{"In Controller".ljust(14, ' ')} #{"In Routes File".ljust(14, ' ')}" puts "#{"".ljust(lengths[0], '-')} #{"".ljust(lengths[1], '-')} #{"".ljust(lengths[2], '-')} #{"".ljust(14, '-')} #{"".ljust(14, '-')}" all_routes.each do |route| #next if route[3] == 'Y' && route[4] == 'Y' puts "#{route[0].ljust(lengths[0], ' ')} #{route[1].ljust(lengths[1], ' ')} #{route[2].ljust(lengths[2], ' ')} #{route[3].ljust(14, ' ')} #{route[4].ljust(14, ' ')}" end puts "\n" end end end