require 'duby' require 'duby/ast' require 'duby/jvm/types' require 'duby/jvm/compiler' require 'duby/jvm/source_generator/builder' require 'duby/jvm/source_generator/precompile' require 'duby/jvm/source_generator/loops' class String def compile(compiler, expression) compiler.method.print self if expression end end module Duby module Compiler class JavaSource JVMTypes = Duby::JVM::Types include Duby::Compiler::JVM::JVMLogger attr_accessor :filename, :method, :static, :class, :lvalue Operators = [ '+', '-', '+@', '-@', '/', '%', '*', '<', '<=', '==', '!=', '>=', '>', '<<', '>>', '>>>', '|', '&', '^', '~' ] ArrayOps = [ '[]', '[]=', 'length' ] ImplicitReturn = def initialize(filename) @filename = File.basename(filename) @static = true parts = filename.split '/' classname = parts.pop.sub /[.].+/, '' package = parts.join('.') unless parts.empty? @file =, self) #@file.package = package @type = AST::type(classname) end def toplevel_class @class = @type.define(@file) end def generate(&block) log "Generating source files..." @file.generate do |filename, builder| log " #{builder.class_name}" if block_given? yield filename, builder else, 'w') {|f| f.write(builder.generate)} end end log "...done!" end def define_main(body) if body.class != AST::ClassDefinition @class = @type.define(@file) with :method => @class.main do log "Starting main method" @method.start body.compile(self, false) @method.stop end @class.stop else body.compile(self, false) end log "Main method complete!" end def define_method(node) name, signature, args =, node.signature, node.arguments.args args ||= [] return_type = signature[:return] exceptions = signature[:throws] || [] with :static => @static || node.static? do if @static method = @class.public_static_method(name.to_s, return_type, exceptions, *args) else method = @class.public_method(name.to_s, return_type, exceptions, *args) end with :method => method do log "Starting new method #{name}" @method.annotate(node.annotations) @method.start unless @method.type.nil? || @method.type.void? self.return( else node.body.compile(self, false) if node.body end log "Method #{name} complete!" @method.stop end end end def constructor(node) args = node.arguments.args || [] exceptions = node.signature[:throws] || [] method = @class.public_constructor(exceptions, *args) with :method => method do @method.annotate(node.annotations) @method.start if node.delegate_args delegate = if node.calls_super "super" else "this" end method.print "#{delegate}(" node.delegate_args.each_with_index do |arg, index| method.print ', ' unless index == 0 raise "Invalid constructor argument #{arg}" unless arg.expr?(self) arg.compile(self, true) end method.puts ");" end node.body.compile(self, false) if node.body method.stop end end def return(node) if @method.type.nil? || @method.type.void? @method.puts 'return;' return end if node.value.expr?(self) @method.print 'return ' node.value.compile(self, true) @method.puts ';' else store_value('return ', node.value) end end def _raise(node) if node.expr?(self) @method.print 'throw ' node.compile(self, true) @method.puts ';' else store_value('throw ', node) end end def rescue(node, expression) @method.block 'try' do maybe_store(node.body, expression) end node.clauses.each do |clause| clause.types.each do |type| name = || 'tmp$ex' @method.block "catch (#{type.to_source} #{name})" do maybe_store(clause.body, expression) end end end end def ensure(node, expression) @method.block 'try' do maybe_store(node.body, expression) end @method.block 'finally' do node.clause.compile(self, false) end end def line(num) end def declare_local(name, type) @method.declare_local(type, name) end def declare_field(name, type, annotations) @class.declare_field(name, type, @static, annotations) end def local(name, type) @method.print name end def field(name, type, annotations) name = name[1..-1] declare_field(name, type, annotations) @method.print "#{this}.#{name}" end def this @static ? @class.class_name : 'this' end def local_assign(name, type, expression, value) value = value.precompile(self) if method.local?(name) @method.print @lvalue if expression @method.print "#{name} = " value.compile(self, true) @method.puts ';' else @method.declare_local(type, name) do value.compile(self, true) end if expression @method.puts "#{@lvalue}#{name};" end end end def field_declare(name, type, annotations) name = name[1..-1] declare_field(name, type, annotations) end def local_declare(name, type) declare_local(name, type) end def field_assign(name, type, expression, value, annotations) name = name[1..-1] declare_field(name, type, annotations) lvalue = "#{@lvalue if expression}#{this}.#{name} = " store_value(lvalue, value) end def store_value(lvalue, value) if value.is_a? String @method.puts "#{lvalue}#{value};" elsif value.expr?(self) @method.print lvalue value.compile(self, true) @method.puts ';' else with :lvalue => lvalue do value.compile(self, true) end end end def assign(name, value) store_value("#{name} = ", value) name end def maybe_store(value, expression) if expression store_value(@lvalue, value) else value.compile(self, false) end end def body(body, expression) # all except the last element in a body of code is treated as a statement i, last = 0, body.children.size - 1 while i < last body.children[i].compile(self, false) i += 1 end # last element is an expression only if the body is an expression maybe_store(body.children[last], expression) end def branch_expression(node) node.condition.compile(self, true) @method.print ' ? (' if node.body node.body.compile(self, true) else @method.print @method.init_value(node.inferred_type) end @method.print ') : (' if node.else node.else.compile(self, true) else @method.print @method.init_value(node.inferred_type) end @method.print ')' end def branch(node, expression) if expression && node.expr?(self) return branch_expression(node) end predicate = node.condition.predicate.precompile(self) @method.print 'if (' predicate.compile(self, true) @method.block ")" do if node.body maybe_store(node.body, expression) elsif expression store_value(@lvalue, @method.init_value(node.inferred_type)) end end if node.else || expression @method.block 'else' do if node.else maybe_store(node.else, expression) else store_value(@lvalue, @method.init_value(node.inferred_type)) end end end end def loop(loop, expression) if loop.redo? || || !loop.condition.predicate.expr?(self) loop =, self) else loop =, self) end with(:loop => loop) do loop.compile(expression) end end def expr?(target, params) !([target] + params).any? {|x| x.kind_of? Duby::AST::TempValue} end def operator(target, op, params, expression) simple = expr?(target, params) if expression && !simple @method.print @lvalue end if params.size == 0 # unary operator op = op[0,1] @method.print op target.compile(self, true) else @method.print '(' other = params[0] target.compile(self, true) @method.print " #{op} " other.compile(self, true) @method.print ')' end unless expression && simple @method.puts ';' end end def compile_args(call) do |param| param.precompile(self) end end def self_type type = AST::type('/', '.')) type = type.meta if @static type end def super_call(call, expression) super_method_call(this, call, compile_args(call), expression) end def self_call(call, expression) if call.cast? args = compile_args(call) simple = call.expr?(self) @method.print @lvalue if expression && !simple @method.print "(#{})(" args.each{|arg| arg.compile(self, true)} @method.print ")" @method.puts ';' unless simple && expression else method_call(this, call, compile_args(call), expression) end end def call(call, expression) if Duby::AST::Constant === target = else target = end params = compile_args(call) if Operators.include? operator(target,, params, expression) elsif && ArrayOps.include?( array_op(target,, params, expression) elsif == 'nil?' operator(target, '==', ['null'], expression) else method_call(target, call, params, expression) end end def array_op(target, name, args, expression) simple = expr?(target, args) index, value = args if expression && !simple @method.print @lvalue end target.compile(self, true) if name == 'length' @method.print '.length' else @method.print '[' index.compile(self, true) @method.print ']' if name == '[]=' @method.print " = " value.compile(self, true) end end unless simple && expression @method.puts ';' end end def break(node) @loop.break end def next(node) end def redo(node) @loop.redo end # TODO: merge cleanly with method_call logic def super_method_call(target, call, params, expression) simple = call.expr?(self) method = call.method(self) unless simple || method.actual_return_type.void? @method.print @lvalue if expression end if method.constructor? @method.print "super(" else @method.print "super.#{}(" end params.each_with_index do |param, index| @method.print ', ' unless index == 0 param.compile(self, true) end if simple && expression @method.print ')' else @method.puts ');' end if method.actual_return_type.void? && expression @method.print @lvalue if method.static? @method.puts 'null;' else target.compile(self, true) @method.puts ';' end end end def method_call(target, call, params, expression) simple = call.expr?(self) method = call.method(self) unless simple || method.actual_return_type.void? @method.print @lvalue if expression end if method.constructor? @method.print "new " target.compile(self, true) @method.print '(' else target.compile(self, true) @method.print ".#{}(" end params.each_with_index do |param, index| @method.print ', ' unless index == 0 param.compile(self, true) end if simple && expression @method.print ')' else @method.puts ');' end if method.actual_return_type.void? && expression @method.print @lvalue if method.static? @method.puts 'null;' else target.compile(self, true) @method.puts ';' end end end def temp(expression, value=nil) assign(@method.tmp(expression.inferred_type), value || expression) end def empty_array(type, size) sizevar = size.precompile(self) @method.print "#{@lvalue unless size.expr?(self)}new #{}[" sizevar.compile(self, true) @method.print ']' end def import(short, long) end def string(value) @method.print value.inspect end def boolean(value) @method.print value ? 'true' : 'false' end def array(node, expression) if expression # create unmodifiable list from array (simplest way to do this in Java source) @method.print "java.util.Collections.unmodifiableList(java.util.Arrays.asList(" # elements, as expressions boolean comma = false node.children.each do |node| @method.print ", "# if comma node.compile(self, true) comma = true end @method.print("))") else # elements, as non-expressions # TODO: ensure they're all reference types! node.children.each do |node| node.compile(self, false) end end end def null @method.print 'null' end def compile_self @method.print 'this' end def print(node) value = node.parameters[0] value = value && value.precompile(self) if node.println @method.print "System.out.println(" else @method.print "System.out.print(" end value.compile(self, true) if value @method.puts ');' end def define_class(class_def, expression) with(:class => class_def.inferred_type.define(@file), :static => false) do @class.annotate(class_def.annotations) class_def.body.compile(self, false) if class_def.body @class.stop end end def with(vars) orig_values = {} begin vars.each do |name, new_value| name = "@#{name}" orig_values[name] = instance_variable_get name instance_variable_set name, new_value end yield ensure orig_values.each do |name, value| instance_variable_set name, value end end end end end end