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Campared with color-names from @code{x11-color-list}.Return @code{'inverted}, if found in @var{dot-settings} otherwise @code{#f}Return @code{'parenthesized}, if found in @var{dot-settings} otherwise @code{#f}Return @code{'default-paren-color}, if found in @var{dot-settings} otherwise @code{#f}Subtract @var{base-fret} from every fret in @var{dot-list}Get a sub-list from @var{master-list} whose last element is equal to @var{value} or @code{#f}. Take the first matching sub-list.Return @code{alist-list} entries for @code{key}, in one combined alist. There can be two @code{alist-list} entries for a given key. The first comes from the override-markup function, the second comes from property settings during a regular override. This is necessary because some details can be set in one place, while others are set in the other. Both details lists must be merged into a single alist. Return @code{default} (optional, else #f) if not found.Return the extent in an axis opposite to the axis of @code{extent}.Return the extent of @code{stencil} in the @code{fretboard-axis} direction.Return the stencil coordinates of the center of @var{stencil} in the @var{fretboard-axis} direction. @var{fretboard-axis} may take @code{'fret} or @code{'string}. @var{orientation} is either @code{'normal}, (the default), @code{'landscape} or @code{opposing-landscape}.Create a stencil in sans-serif font based on @var{layout} and @var{props} with magnification @var{mag} of the string @var{text}.Parse a fret-diagram-verbose marking list into component sublistsMake a fret diagram markupMake a stencil for @code{fret}, given the fret-diagram overall parameters.Return a pair @code{(x-coordinate . y-coordinate)} in stencil coordinate system.Make a stencil for @code{string}, given the fret-diagram overall parameters.Draw the string lines for a fret diagram with @var{string-count} strings and frets as indicated in @var{fret-range}. Line thickness is given by @var{th}, fret & string spacing by @var{size}. Orientation is determined by @var{orientation}.Draw the fret lines for a fret diagram with @var{string-count} strings and frets as indicated in @var{fret-range}. Line thickness is given by @var{th}, fret & string spacing by @var{size}. Orientation is given by @var{orientation}.Create barre indications for a fret diagramCreate a curved barre stencil.Make the argument list for a bezier sandwich from string coordinate @var{start} to string-coordinate @var{stop} with a baseline at fret coordinate @var{base}, a height of @var{height}, and a thickness of @var{half-thickness}.Create a straight line stencil. Used for barre and capo.Make dots for fret diagram.Draw a thick zeroth fret for a fret diagram whose base fret is 1. Respect changes of @code{size} and @code{fret-diagram-details.string-thickness-factor}.Put open and mute string indications on diagram, as contained in @var{xo-list}.Return a pair @code{(x-offset . y-offset)} for translation in stencil coordinate system.Draw a capo indicator across the full width of the fret-board at @var{fret}.Label the base fret on a fret diagramParse a fret diagram string and return a pair containing @var{props}, modified as necessary by the @var{definition-string}, and a fret indication list with the appropriate values.Parse a fret diagram string that uses terse syntax; return a pair containing @var{props}, modified to include the string-count determined by @var{definition-string}, and a fret indication list with the appropriate values.(marking-list) Make a fret diagram containing the symbols indicated in @var{marking-list}. For example, @example \markup \fret-diagram-verbose #'((mute 6) (mute 5) (open 4) (place-fret 3 2) (place-fret 2 3) (place-fret 1 2)) @end example @noindent produces a standard D@tie{}chord diagram without fingering indications. Possible elements in @var{marking-list}: @table @code @item (mute @var{string-number}) Place a small @q{x} at the top of string @var{string-number}. @item (open @var{string-number}) Place a small @q{o} at the top of string @var{string-number}. @item (barre @var{start-string} @var{end-string} @var{fret-number}) Place a barre indicator (much like a tie) from string @var{start-string} to string @var{end-string} at fret @var{fret-number}. @item (capo @var{fret-number}) Place a capo indicator (a large solid bar) across the entire fretboard at fret location @var{fret-number}. Also, set fret @var{fret-number} to be the lowest fret on the fret diagram. @item (place-fret @var{string-number} @var{fret-number} [@var{finger-value}] [@var{color-modifier}] [@var{color}] ['parenthesized ['default-paren-color]]) Place a fret playing indication on string @var{string-number} at fret @var{fret-number} with an optional fingering label @var{finger-value}, an optional color modifier @var{color-modifier}, an optional color @var{color}, an optional parenthesis @code{'parenthesized} and an optional paranthesis color @code{'default-paren-color}. By default, the fret playing indicator is a solid dot. This can be globally changed by setting the value of the variable @var{dot-color} or for a single dot by setting the value of @var{color}. The dot can be parenthesized by adding @code{'parenthesized}. By default the color for the parenthesis is taken from the dot. Adding @code{'default-paren-color} will take the parenthesis-color from the global @var{dot-color}, as a fall-back black will be used. Setting @var{color-modifier} to @code{inverted} inverts the dot color for a specific fingering. The values for @var{string-number}, @var{fret-number}, and the optional @var{finger} should be entered first in that order. The order of the other optional arguments does not matter. If the @var{finger} part of the @code{place-fret} element is present, @var{finger-value} will be displayed according to the setting of the variable @var{finger-code}. There is no limit to the number of fret indications per string. @end table(definition-string) Make a (guitar) fret diagram. For example, say @example \markup \fret-diagram #"s:0.75;6-x;5-x;4-o;3-2;2-3;1-2;" @end example @noindent for fret spacing 3/4 of staff space, D chord diagram Syntax rules for @var{definition-string}: @itemize @minus @item Diagram items are separated by semicolons. @item Possible items: @itemize @bullet @item @code{s:}@var{number} -- Set the fret spacing of the diagram (in staff spaces). Default:@tie{}1. @item @code{t:}@var{number} -- Set the line thickness (relative to normal line thickness). Default:@tie{}0.5. @item @code{h:}@var{number} -- Set the height of the diagram in frets. Default:@tie{}4. @item @code{w:}@var{number} -- Set the width of the diagram in strings. Default:@tie{}6. @item @code{f:}@var{number} -- Set fingering label type (0@tie{}= none, 1@tie{}= in circle on string, 2@tie{}= below string). Default:@tie{}0. @item @code{d:}@var{number} -- Set radius of dot, in terms of fret spacing. Default:@tie{}0.25. @item @code{p:}@var{number} -- Set the position of the dot in the fret space. 0.5 is centered; 1@tie{}is on lower fret bar, 0@tie{}is on upper fret bar. Default:@tie{}0.6. @item @code{c:}@var{string1}@code{-}@var{string2}@code{-}@var{fret} -- Include a barre mark from @var{string1} to @var{string2} on @var{fret}. @item @var{string}@code{-}@var{fret} -- Place a dot on @var{string} at @var{fret}. If @var{fret} is @samp{o}, @var{string} is identified as open. If @var{fret} is @samp{x}, @var{string} is identified as muted. @item @var{string}@code{-}@var{fret}@code{-}@var{fingering} -- Place a dot on @var{string} at @var{fret}, and label with @var{fingering} as defined by the @code{f:} code. @end itemize @item Note: There is no limit to the number of fret indications per string. @end itemize(definition-string) Make a fret diagram markup using terse string-based syntax. Here is an example @example \markup \fret-diagram-terse #"x;x;o;2;3;2;" @end example @noindent for a D@tie{}chord diagram. Syntax rules for @var{definition-string}: @itemize @bullet @item Strings are terminated by semicolons; the number of semicolons is the number of strings in the diagram. @item Mute strings are indicated by @samp{x}. @item Open strings are indicated by @samp{o}. @item A number indicates a fret indication at that fret. @item If there are multiple fret indicators desired on a string, they should be separated by spaces. @item Fingerings are given by following the fret number with a @w{@code{-},} followed by the finger indicator, e.g. @samp{3-2} for playing the third fret with the second finger. @item Where a barre indicator is desired, follow the fret (or fingering) symbol with @w{@code{-(}} to start a barre and @w{@code{-)}} to end the barre. @end itemize.guile.procprops.rodata.data.rtl-text.guile.frame-maps.dynamic.strtab.symtab.guile.arities.strtab.guile.arities.guile.docstrs.strtab.guile.docstrs.debug_info.debug_abbrev.debug_str.debug_loc.debug_line.shstrtab