require "plugin" ######################################################## # Author: Almudena Bocinos Rioboo # # Defines the main methods that are necessary to execute PluginKey # Inherit: Plugin ######################################################## class PluginKey < Plugin #Begins the pluginKey's execution to warn where is a key in the sequence "seq" def exec_seq(seq,blast_query) $LOG.debug "[#{self.class.to_s}, seq: #{seq.seq_name}]: marking key into the sequence" # blast_table_results.inspect actions=[] key_size=0 # mid_size=0 key_beg,key_end=[0,3] key_size=4 key=seq.seq_fasta[0..3].upcase a = seq.new_action(key_beg,key_end,'ActionKey') # adds the actionKey to the sequence actions.push a #Add actions seq.add_actions(actions) if @group_by_key seq.add_file_tag(0,'key_' + key, :dir) add_stats('key_tag',key) end add_stats('key_size',key_size) # add_stats('mid_size',mid_size) end #Returns an array with the errors due to parameters are missing def self.check_params(params) errors=[] # self.check_param(errors,params,'blast_evalue_mids','Float') # self.check_param(errors,params,'blast_percent_mids','Integer') comment='sequences containing with diferent keys (barcodes) are saved to separate folders' default_value='false' params.check_param(errors,'use_independent_folder_for_each_key','String',default_value,comment) return errors end end