Feature: Suite cleanup command In order to have a fresh suite directory base for each test run As a user of kb I want a command to clean any suite subdirectories Background: Given a test KB_ROOT directory named "kb-suite" Scenario: A nonexistent base suite path Given I delete the KB_ROOT directory When I run `kb suite cleanup` Then the output should contain "does not exist" And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: An empty base suite path When I run `kb suite cleanup` Then the stdout should not contain anything And the exit status should be 0 Scenario: A base suite path containing suite directories Given a suite directory named "bats" And a suite directory named "minitest" When I run `kb suite cleanup` Then the output should contain "bats" And the output should contain "minitest" And the suite directory named "bats" should not exist And the suite directory named "minitest" should not exist And the exit status should be 0