require 'logger' module Honeybadger module CLI module Helpers def rails?(opts = {}) @rails ||= load_rails(opts) end def load_rails(opts = {}) begin require 'honeybadger/init/rails' if ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 3 say("Detected Rails #{::Rails::VERSION::STRING}") if opts[:verbose] else say("Error: Rails #{::Rails::VERSION::STRING} is unsupported.", :red) exit(1) end rescue LoadError say("Rails was not detected, loading standalone.") if opts[:verbose] return @rails = false rescue StandardError => e say("Error while detecting Rails: #{e.class} -- #{e.message}", :red) exit(1) end begin require File.expand_path('config/application') rescue LoadError say('Error: could not load Rails application. Please ensure you run this command from your project root.', :red) exit(1) end @rails = true end def load_rails_env(opts = {}) return false unless rails?(opts) puts('Loading Rails environment') if opts[:verbose] ::Rails.application.require_environment! true end def rails_framework_opts return {} unless defined?(::Rails) { :root => ::Rails.root, :env => ::Rails.env, :'config.path' => ::Rails.root.join('config', 'honeybadger.yml'), :framework_name => "Rails #{::Rails::VERSION::STRING}", :api_key => rails_secrets_api_key } end def rails_secrets_api_key if defined?(::Rails.application.secrets) ::Rails.application.secrets.honeybadger_api_key end end def test_exception_class exception_name = ENV['EXCEPTION'] || 'HoneybadgerTestingException' Object.const_get(exception_name) rescue Object.const_set(exception_name, end def send_test(verbose = true) if defined?(::Rails) rails_test(verbose) else standalone_test end end def standalone_test Honeybadger.notify('Testing honeybadger via "honeybadger test". If you can see this, it works.')) end def rails_test(verbose = true) if verbose ::Rails.logger = if defined?(::ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging) else end ::Rails.logger.level = Logger::INFO end # Suppress error logging in Rails' exception handling middleware. Rails 3.0 # uses ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions to rescue/show exceptions, but does # not log anything but application trace. Rails 3.2 now falls back to # logging the framework trace (moved to ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions), # which caused cluttered output while running the test task. defined?(::ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions) and ::ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions.class_eval { def logger(*args) ; @logger ||='/dev/null') ; end } defined?(::ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions) and ::ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions.class_eval { def logger(*args) ; @logger ||='/dev/null') ; end } # Detect and disable the better_errors gem if defined?(::BetterErrors::Middleware) say('Better Errors detected: temporarily disabling middleware.', :yellow) ::BetterErrors::Middleware.class_eval { def call(env); end } end begin require './app/controllers/application_controller' rescue LoadError nil end unless defined?(::ApplicationController) say('Error: No ApplicationController found.', :red) return false end say('Setting up the Controller.') eval(<<-CONTROLLER) class Honeybadger::TestController < ApplicationController # This is to bypass any filters that may prevent access to the action. prepend_before_filter :test_honeybadger def test_honeybadger puts "Raising '#{}' to simulate application failure." raise #{test_exception_class}.new, 'Testing honeybadger via "honeybadger test", it works.' end # Ensure we actually have an action to go to. def verify; end end CONTROLLER ::Rails.application.routes.tap do |r| # RouteSet#disable_clear_and_finalize prevents existing routes from # being cleared. We'll set it back to the original value when we're # done so not to mess with Rails state. d = r.disable_clear_and_finalize begin r.disable_clear_and_finalize = true r.clear! r.draw do match 'verify' => 'honeybadger/test#verify', :as => 'verify', :via => :get end ::Rails.application.routes_reloader.paths.each{ |path| load(path) } ::ActiveSupport.on_load(:action_controller) { r.finalize! } ensure r.disable_clear_and_finalize = d end end say('Processing request.') ssl = defined?(::Rails.configuration.force_ssl) && ::Rails.configuration.force_ssl env = ::Rack::MockRequest.env_for("http#{ ssl ? 's' : nil }://", 'REMOTE_ADDR' => '') end end end end